- 1. No she-devil sucked his life force out yet.
- 客户理念客户的生命力就是英联的生命力。
- 2. Soon he came to an island inhabited by a powerful she-devil.
- 不一会儿,他来到一座小岛,岛上住着一个强大的恶女魔。
- 3. They are Aunt Carey, Mildred and Sally, who respectively represent the authors three woman images—tragic angel, she-devil and ideal woman.
- 她们分别代表了毛姆心目中女性的三种形象——可悲的“天使”、“女恶魔”和理想女性。
- 4. She even claimed the couple's daughter was possessed by the devil.
- 她甚至声称这对夫妇的女儿被魔鬼附体了。
- 5. She wanted to live onshore and find love so bad that she made a "deal" with a "devil" and "sells" her beautiful voice, or "soul" so to speak.
- 她想到岸上生活,并渴望寻找真爱,于是她和一个“魔鬼”做了一笔“交易”,“出卖”了自己美妙的声音,或者干脆说就是“灵魂”。
- 6. She has convinced herself that she is possessed by the devil.
- 她确信自己被魔鬼附了身。
- 7. She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers. 'The devil makes work for idle hands,' she would say.
- 她认为那些违法行为是当地的无业青少年所为,总是说:“人一闲,惹麻烦”。
- 8. She is afraid of the devil horse.
- 她害怕螳螂。
- 9. The old witch lived there. She was the grandmother of the devil.
- 石头房子里面住着一个年纪很大的老太婆,她是魔鬼的祖母。
- 10. "Andy doesn't see it as the Devil," she said.
- “安迪并不认为它是个魔鬼,”她说。
- 11. The old devil called the next day. "I've always been attracted to older guys," she says.
- 那老家伙的电话第二天就到了,“我一直都喜欢和比我年长的人打交道。”
- 12. The devil tries to take the daughter but can’t – because she is pure, so he threatens to take the father unless the daughter allows her father to chop off her hands.
- 女儿太纯洁了,魔鬼无法带走她,于是又要挟女儿,除非女儿允许自己父亲剁碎自己双手,否则将带走父亲。
- 13. Then Anne started to make the turning point of her career, she played in the Brokeback Mountain and The Devil Wears Prada, which made her a superstar.
- 然后安妮开始她的职业生涯的转折点,她在《断背山》和《穿普拉达的恶魔》有参演,使她成为超级巨星。
- 14. She met the Devil who was actually a really nice guy (kinda cute) and she had agreat time telling jokes and dancing.
- 在那里她还见到了魔鬼撒旦,发现他其实也挺可爱。
- 15. Othello. O devil, devil! If that the earth could teem with woman's tears, Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile. Out of my sight!
- 奥瑟罗啊,魔鬼!魔鬼!要是妇人的眼泪有孳生化育的力量,她的每一滴泪,掉在地上,都会变成一条鳄鱼。走开,不要让我看见你!
- 16. "No," she replied. "I am the devil, but that's all the same to me."
- “不,”她回答说,“我是鬼,做鬼,我并不在乎。”
- 17. She was the idol with the looks of an angel yet in fact she was the scandal with powers of a devil—What on earth dared she not do?
- 她是众人崇拜的偶像,具有天使般的容颜,而骨子里却是一个无恶不作的魔鬼:试问天下有何事她不敢为?
- 18. She found out her husband was a devil soon after her marriage.
- 结婚后不久她就发现她丈夫是一个邪恶的人。
- 19. When she got back inside she told her mama. Great-Great grandma just knew it was some kind of devil. The gathering ended shortly after.
- 进屋以后把她这件事告诉了太太姥姥,太太姥姥知道那是个妖怪。不久以后前来参加葬礼的人们就离开了。
- 20. Emilia. O, the more angel she, And you the blacker devil!
- 爱米利娅啊,那么她尤其是一个天使,你尤其是一个黑心的魔鬼了!
- 21. "I'm the Devil!" she responded.
- “我是魔鬼!”她回答到。
- 22. Miller villa face, as if she can feel the air devil vocalization, and all gave her an ominous sense of foreboding.
- 面对米勒山庄,她仿佛能感觉到空气中魔鬼的嘶叫,一切都给她不祥的的预感。
- 23. She seemed to be possessed by the devil.
- 她好像被魔鬼附身了。
- 24. When a bachelor marries, his wife has three qualities. she is an economist in the kitchen, an aristocrat in the living room and a devil in bed.
- 一位单身汉新婚时妻子有三个优点:在厨房她是经济学者、在客厅她是贵族、在床上她是恶魔。
- 25. After a few years, sure enough the three qualities remain, but not in the same order she is an aristocrat in the kitchen, a devil in the living room and an economist in bed.
- 若干年后,这三项优点依然存在,可是秩序有点变动:在厨房她是贵族、在客厅她是恶魔、在床上她是经济学者。
- 26. He ran down the stairs. He screamed that he would give himself to the Devil if he caught the girl before she reached home.
- 他冲下楼,大叫大嚷着说,只要他能在那个女孩赶回家之前追上她,他就愿把自己献给魔王任其摆布。
- 27. He ran down the stairs. He screamed that he would give himself to the Devil if he caught the girl before she reached home.
- 他冲下楼,大叫大嚷着说,只要他能在那个女孩赶回家之前追上她,他就愿把自己献给魔王任其摆布。