- 1. From it we see the deep influence of Shamanism on Mongolians.
- 由此可见萨满教对蒙古族影响之深。
- 2. The article discusses the basic information of the Daur Shamanism.
- 本文论述了达斡尔族萨满教的基本情况。
- 3. For the most part, shamanism is passed from generation to generation.
- 最重要的是,通过从萨满教存到万代。
- 4. Shamanism is one of the main subjects of the Ewenki traditional culture.
- 萨满教信仰是鄂温克族传统文化中的主要内容之一。
- 5. You can clearly hear her inspiration from shamanism and Norwegian nature….
- 你可以清晰地听到她那来自萨满教和挪威大自然的灵感。
- 6. Shamanism - this is a new 5 point talent in the old Storm, Earth and Fire position.
- 萨满教-这是一个新的5点天赋在旧风暴,地球和消防立场。
- 7. They practiced the old Turkish religion Shamanism and spoke a language close to Turkish.
- 他们信仰土耳其起源的萨满教,并说着和土耳其语类似的语言。
- 8. Shamanism originated in Northeast China and had a great influence on ancient Japanese culture.
- 巫俗发源于中国的东北,给日本的古代文化以深刻影响。
- 9. And now, traces If shamanistic culture decrease little by little, shamanism became a surviving belief.
- 如今,萨满教文化遗迹已越来越少,萨满教也已是一。
- 10. The cultural accumulation and thinking crystallization of shamanism condense in shaman's all culture in kind.
- 萨满教的文化积淀和思维结晶,都荟萃在萨满的全部实物文化中。
- 11. So knowing about them will contribute to understanding the whole history and full station of Manchu Shamanism.
- 因此,了解石姓穆昆的信仰体系有助于理解满族萨满教的完整历史和全面的形貌。
- 12. Shaman dance shows the sacrificial features of the northern minorities and the polytheist worship ideas of shamanism.
- 萨满舞蹈展现了北方民族萨满教祭祀的面貌,体现了萨满教的多神崇拜观念。
- 13. Since the demise of the Soviet Union, nomadic lifestyles have returned and Shamanism and Buddhism are once again flourishing.
- 苏联解体后,游牧民恢复了原来的生活方式,萨满教与佛教再次兴盛起来。
- 14. The sacredest duty of shamanism is follow with interest the clan society traverse abundant activity of offer sacrifices to gods.
- 萨满教以关注氏族生存为最高神职,通过丰富的神事活动凝聚整个氏族。
- 15. In Shamanism, art is used as a personal method to exercise the shadow content of the psyche and introduce it to the conscious mind.
- 在萨满教中,艺术用作一种个人方式来演示灵魂深处的内涵并传递为有意识的思想。
- 16. The cultural genetic factor of the shamanism has become a kind of the ritual formalism of Chinese traditional opera face-painting.
- “巫”的文化遗传基因形成了中国传统戏曲脸谱的“非人化”、“反自然”的仪式性形式主义。
- 17. Meanwhile people of Shamanism thought it difficult to tame and control the fire. If one offended the god of fire, he would beget punishment.
- 同时,火又具有难以驯服和不可控制的魔力,冒犯火神则会招致惩罚。
- 18. In chapter 1 the writer gives brief account of the history of Korqin Mongolia and Korqin Shamanism, and sums up the nature of Shaman Song of God.
- 第一章,简要介绍科尔沁蒙古族、科尔沁萨满教历史,综述科尔沁萨满神歌性质。
- 19. The belief System of Shi family is a typical representation of Manchu Shamanism, which covers the sacrificing objects of different families in Manchu.
- 满语“穆昆”,意为“家族、氏”。石姓穆昆的信仰体系是满族萨满教信仰观念的典型代表,它基本上涵盖了满族不同姓氏的祭祀对象。
- 20. Shamanism was common to all groups, and magic was used in attempts to control events or transform. reality (e. g., heal illness or increase the harvest).
- 所有的部族普遍信奉萨满教,并使用巫术来掌控事物或改变事实(如治病或提高农业生产)。
- 21. Based on critical use of references on different interpretations, this paper made an analytical study to the origin of the word Shamanism and its meaning.
- 本文在批判地借鉴各种说法的基础上,对“萨满”词源和词义进行了具体分析。
- 22. Traditional Mongolian Shamanism believes that all creatures are spiritual, worships mysterious power beyond nature and is full of imagination of magical changing.
- 蒙古族传统萨满教认为万物有灵,崇信超自然的神秘力量,且极富魔法变化观念。
- 23. Shamanism: Your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells gain an additional 3/6/9/12/15% and your Lava Burst gains an additional 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus damage effects.
- 萨满教义:使你的闪电箭和闪电链从法术伤害加成中额外获得3/6/9/12/15%效果,使你的熔岩爆发从法术伤害加成中额外获得4/8/12/16/20%效果。
- 24. Shamanism (Elemental passive) now causes Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst spells to gain an additional 32% benefit from the shaman's spell power, up from 20%.
- 萨满之道(元素专精)现在使闪电箭,闪电链和熔岩暴发法术额外获得32%萨满法术强度的加成,从20%上调。
- 25. Shamanism is an earliest culture circle in the world which distributed in the northern Asia - Europe continent including the northeast of China and the northern part of north Europe.
- 萨满教文化圈是世界上出现最早的一个文化圈,它分布在包括中国东北地区和北欧北部地区在内的广大亚欧大陆北部。
- 26. In order to protect and explore the special phenomenon of Shamanism culture, a suggestion is put forward to strengthen the protection measures, collect and sort out Shamanism culture.
- 为了保护和研究萨满文化这一特殊的文化现象,提出了强化保护措施和汇集与整理的建议。
- 27. Shaman dance shows the sacrificial features of the northern minorities and the polytheist worship ideas of shamanism. The article discusses the features and functions of the shaman dance.
- 萨满舞蹈展现了北方民族萨满教祭祀的面貌,体现了萨满教的多神崇拜观念。
- 28. Shamanism' s theory of"the three world"embodies"the pine culture"in Jianger while the controlling act( witchcraft) reflects the transition of Jiangerfrom"the pine culture"to"human culture".
- 萨满教“三界说”在《江格尔》里体现了“神本文化”;而萨满教的控驭行为(巫术)则反映了《江格尔》从“神本文化”向“人本文化”过渡的状态。
- 29. Shamanism' s theory of"the three world"embodies"the pine culture"in Jianger while the controlling act( witchcraft) reflects the transition of Jiangerfrom"the pine culture"to"human culture".
- 萨满教“三界说”在《江格尔》里体现了“神本文化”;而萨满教的控驭行为(巫术)则反映了《江格尔》从“神本文化”向“人本文化”过渡的状态。