- 1. Community leaders say a complete departmental shake-up is needed.
- 社区领导人说需要进行一次彻底的部门大改组。
- 2. He went on to intimate that he was indeed contemplating a shake-up of the company.
- 他接着暗示他确实在考虑对公司进行一次改组。
- 3. The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation of flexible and competing subsidiaries.
- 此次改组旨在将IBM重组为一个灵活且相互竞争的子公司联盟。
- 4. Am I going to announce a big shake-up today?
- 我今天将宣布大调整吗?
- 5. The list of areas which need a shake-up is as long as it is familiar.
- 名单上的地区只要相似都需要进行经济结构性调整。
- 6. That might in turn be part of a wider shake-up at the White House. See article.
- 这将成为白宫更大规模的人事改组的一部分。
- 7. That would require a huge and unlikely shake-up in school education in the rich world.
- 这就要求发达国家的学校教育领域来一场希望不大的巨变与重组。
- 8. A management shake-up this week has brought a new crop of pretenders into sharper focus.
- 这周董事会的改组使一批新的觊觎王位者变成更加引人瞩目的焦点。
- 9. The British Council, a cultural body, says there is concern in China, in particular, over the coming shake-up.
- 英国文化委员会指出,一些国家对这留学上的剧变存在担心,尤其是中国。
- 10. This time the rules need to be enforced, and that may require a big shake-up of the regulators themselves.
- 这一次规则需要强制施行,或许同时也需要监管者自身的革旧布新。
- 11. Stuart Gulliver, HSBC’s boss, is expected soon to unveil a shake-up of its operations in other emerging markets.
- 预计汇丰银行的老板斯图亚特·格列佛(Stuart Gulliver)不久将向公众透露其在其它新兴市场上的业务改组(重新分配)计划。
- 12. The world of hedge funds might be very close to a big shake-up and, perversely, New York could be one of the winners.
- 世界对冲基金可能面临一次大规模的重组,然而,事与愿违,纽约可能会是其中的一个优胜者。
- 13. America's economy has survived the shake-up of its steel, electronics and car industries, as have other rich countries.
- 美国经济和其他富裕国家一样,经受了钢铁、电子以及汽车工业的巨变。
- 14. With the transaction's collapse on June 2nd, it is Prudential's top brass, rather than the industry, that can expect a shake-up.
- 随着6月2号这项交易的瓦解,保诚公司的高层而非此行业更期望一场重大重组。
- 15. Shake-up of sorts at user review giant TripAdvisor as the company outlines where it sees long term potential to expand the business.
- 用户评论网站巨头TripAdvisor在对业务扩张的长期增长潜力进行了评估之后,将对其业务架构作出一些调整。
- 16. Yannis Stournaras, director-general of IOBE, an economic think-tank in Athens, calls the shake-up of the monopolies a qualified success.
- 希腊经济和产业研究基金会(IOBE)的总干事亚尼斯•斯托纳拉斯是治理希腊经济的一员猛将,他称此次对垄断业的震慑取得的成功无可厚非。
- 17. With a sense of panic setting in across Hollywood, the industry has, in the past three months, seen the biggest shake-up of studio chiefs in 25 years.
- 随着恐慌感在好莱坞逐渐弥漫,在过去三个月内,制片业界经历了25年来最大的总裁人事震荡。
- 18. Social Networks and mobile Shake-Up Verticals - Retail, financial services and healthcare will all be shaken up by social networking and mobile devices.
- 社交网络和移动颠覆垂直市场。社交网络和移动设备将颠覆零售、金融服务、健康等垂直市场。
- 19. When RandPaul pulled off a surprise win in Kentucky's Republican Senate primary, hebragged that he was carrying "a message from the Tea Party" thatWashington was in for a shake-up.
- 兰德·保罗在出人意料地赢得了肯塔基州共和党参议员预选的胜利后,吹嘘他带来了“一条来自茶党的消息”,那就是华盛顿该整顿整顿了。
- 20. Shake up the quintessential powder in the bag, tear down the smaller paster of the ventilate adhesive plaster, and then attach the bag to the volar.
- 摇晃袋子中的精华粉,撕下透气胶布的较小贴纸,然后将袋子贴到到足底。
- 21. Just as internet shopping forced Wal-mart and Tesco to adapt, so online sharing will shake up transport, tourism, equipment-hire and more.
- 正如网络购物迫使沃尔玛和特斯科做出调整一样,网络共享也将改变交通、旅游、设备租赁等更多的行业。
- 22. New migrant wealth also threatens to shake up the ancestral balance of power.
- 新的民工财产也威胁着要动摇祖传的权力平衡。
- 23. Teach First's most important contribution, though, may be to shake up education research and policy.
- “教育优先”最重要的贡献可能是动摇了教育研究及其政策。
- 24. No deal is imminent - and one may never come - but the betting inside Yahoo is that Ms. Bartz has no more than a year before she will have to shake up the company or lose her job.
- 没有迫在眉睫的交易,以及一个可能不会再出现的机会。雅虎巴茨女士能做的是在不到一年时间里,重新使雅虎焕发生机或者失去她的工作。
- 25. But its efforts to shake up education have been disappointingly timid.
- 但是,整顿教育的努力却令人失望地失败。
- 26. Welcome to the world of real-time bidding, a cleverer and nosier way of selling advertising that is beginning to shake up the online media business.
- 欢迎来到实时竞价的世界!这是一个有点烦人但更智能的广告销售方式,最近才开始震撼了在线媒体企业。
- 27. Welcome to the world of real-time bidding, a cleverer and nosier way of selling advertising that is beginning to shake up the online media business.
- 欢迎来到实时竞价的世界!这是一个有点烦人但更智能的广告销售方式,最近才开始震撼了在线媒体企业。