- 1. What is semiology?
- 符号学是什么?
- 2. Semiology, A Railway Station for Two, Analysis.
- 符号学;《两个人的车站》;分析。
- 3. Body language is one of the subjects studied in semiology.
- 身势语是符号学研究的对象。
- 4. Analyze three respects especially. (1) Semiology is a branch of linguistics.
- 重点分析三个方面:1、符号学是语言学的一个分支。
- 5. Symbol is the code of human culture; semiology behaves as the metalanguage of human culture.
- 符号在深层意义上是人类文化的源代码,符号学便作为人类文化的元语言而发挥作用。
- 6. This dissertation tries to provide a new perspective for artistic language study on the view of semiology.
- 论文力图从符号学角度为艺术语言研究提供一个新的视角。
- 7. Discourse analysis of mass media has two theoretical dimensions: language semiology and culture semiology.
- 大众传媒话语分析具有语言符号学和文化符号学两个理论向度。
- 8. Culture, Symbol, Semantics and Reception -review of Nattiez 's Music and Discourse, Toward a Semiology of Music.
- 文化。符号。语义。认知——纳蒂埃《音乐与话语,关于音乐符号学》述评。
- 9. Semiology is theory and method of studying symbol, it will indicate the symbol will be formed by anything, controlled by anything.
- 符号学是研究符号的理论和方法,它将表明符号由什么构成,受什么支配。
- 10. Third, with the theory of communication, cognitive psychology and semiology analyses the communication process of female cosmetic packaging;
- 再次,结合传播学、符号学、认知心理学等相关理论对女性化妆品包装的视觉传播过程进行分析;
- 11. The main research approach has history method, phenomenon method, Semiology method, and the sociology method, generally acknowledged truth etc.
- 主要研究方法有历史学方法、现象学方法、符号学方法,并可辅以社会学方法、公理学方法等。
- 12. This is the point that de Man is making in Semiology and Rhetoric that there is a perpetual tension in any utterance between grammar and rhetoric.
- 德曼在其《符号学与修辞学》中提到,在任何说出的话中语法和修辞间,存在着永恒的对立。
- 13. This paper, using Supergirl as analysis text and based on theories of Semiology and Carnival, tries to expound the programmes from a cultural view.
- 本文从符号学理论与狂欢节理论角度切入,以《超级女声》为文本,对这类型节目进行文化解释。
- 14. His deconstruction to Western traditional culture, he thinks, which has some tendency of logocentrism is very wonderful by his literature semiology.
- 他运用文学符号学对西方传统的“文”——他认为这种文具有逻格斯中心主义倾向的解构非常精彩,也引起过巨大的争议。
- 15. This article combines the inpiduality of performers with the generality of works by using art semiology, in order to make the best effect of performance.
- 运用艺术符号学的审美意识,将表演主体个性与原作品共性有机结合,使表演得到最佳的效果。
- 16. Clearly, this does not simply entail narratology, or a semiology of narrative in which merely the internal mechanisms of narratives are identified and analysed.
- 显而易见地是,这并不是意味着叙述,或识别和分析叙述内部机制的叙述符号学条件的成熟。
- 17. This text proceeds with semiology and Angle of symbol consumption, regard mobile phone as intermediaries, have made overall and deep analysis to its' consumption characteristic.
- 本文从符号学和符号消费的角度入手,以手机为媒介物,对其消费特性做了全面深入的分析。
- 18. In this thesis, theoretical study of decoration arts are carried out from semiology, which shows the functions of images, characters, colors, symbols and visual communications in decoration arts.
- 本文作为装饰艺术阐释性的理论研究,主要是基于符号学的方法来研究装饰艺术的图形、文字、色彩、构图符号及视觉传达规律。
- 19. Parametric semiology aims at transcending this traditional spontaneous semiosis and establishing a more complex and precise system of signification to order and frame a more available interaction.
- 参数化符号学的意义在于超越传统建成环境自发形成的指意过程,建立起更加复杂和精确的指意系统,组织和架构更加丰富的交流互动。
- 20. Parametric semiology aims at transcending this traditional spontaneous semiosis and establishing a more complex and precise system of signification to order and frame a more available interaction.
- 参数化符号学的意义在于超越传统建成环境自发形成的指意过程,建立起更加复杂和精确的指意系统,组织和架构更加丰富的交流互动。