- 1. How much does it read on the scale?
- 刻度显示的是多少?
- 2. Both plans are drawn to the same scale.
- 两张平面图是按同一比例绘制的。
- 3. New Yorkers built their city on a grand scale.
- 纽约人大规模地建造自己的城市。
- 4. The research was carried out on a modest scale.
- 这个研究项目开展的规模不算太大。
- 5. Large-scale inflation is a recipe for disaster.
- 大规模的通货膨胀有可能导致灾难。
- 6. Many practitioners have a sliding scale of fees.
- 许多从业者都有收费的一种比例标准。
- 7. The scale of the fighting is almost unimaginable.
- 战斗的规模几乎难以想像。
- 8. There is no precedent for a disaster of this scale.
- 这种规模的灾难是空前的。
- 9. What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot.
- 开始的小冲突演变成了大规模的暴乱。
- 10. They rebuilt the house on an even more lavish scale than before.
- 他们重造了房子,规模甚至比以前更大。
- 11. She was accused of corruption, of vote rigging on a massive scale.
- 她被控腐败以及对投票的大规模幕后操纵。
- 12. The map, on a scale of 1:10,000, shows over 5,000 inpidual paths.
- 这张比例尺为1:10000的地图显示了5000条以上的独立小径。
- 13. The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.
- 建筑师为提议建设的购物中心做了一个比例模型。
- 14. Franklin made his mother an intricately detailed scale model of the house.
- 富兰克林为他的母亲制作了一个按这座房子比例缩小的精巧逼真的模型。
- 15. The break-down of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale.
- 法律和秩序的崩溃可能会导致大规模的杀戮。
- 16. Some companies are simply trying to get bigger to achieve economies of scale.
- 一些公司只是试图靠扩张获得规模经济。
- 17. This was disaster on a cosmic scale.
- 这是塌天大祸。
- 18. Here was corruption on a grand scale.
- 这里的腐败现象曾十分严重。
- 19. We need to act on a Europe-wide scale.
- 我们得在全欧洲范围内采取行动。
- 20. This was foolishness on a heroic scale.
- 这简直是天大的蠢事。
- 21. The storm measured 10 on the Beaufort scale.
- 这次风暴按蒲福风级测量为10级。
- 22. The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.
- 这场交战逐步扩大为全面战争。
- 23. The Richter Scale is a measure of ground motion.
- 里氏震级是测量地动的单位。
- 24. The earthquake registered 3 on the Richter scale.
- 地震震级为里氏3级。
- 25. The full scale of the disaster has yet to sink in.
- 人们还没有完全意识到这场灾难的严重程度。
- 26. The earthquake registered 5.7 on the Richter scale.
- 这次地震显示为里氏5.7级。
- 27. However, he underestimates the scale of the problem.
- 然而,他却低估了问题的严重性。
- 28. At the other end of the social scale was the grocer.
- 处于社会阶层另一端的是杂货商。
- 29. The team was ill-prepared for a disaster on that scale.
- 这样的惨败全队根本就没有料到。
- 30. The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war.
- 这次冲突可能要演变成全面战争。