- 1. For example, Russians use a special kettle called a samovar.
- 例如,俄罗斯人使用一种叫做茶炊的特殊水壶。
- 2. He bought the samovar as is from an antique dealer.
- 他原封不动地从古董商那里买到这套俄国式茶具。
- 3. Then old Peter took his big coat off and lifted down the samovar from the shelf.
- 老彼得脱下大衣,从架子上拿起茶炊。
- 4. Or sitting next to the main feast samovar tea, chatting, or rotate around a flood pipe smoking, to celebrate a really good time.
- 宴主或坐在茶炊旁饮茶,谈天说地,或围着一个大水烟袋轮流吸烟,欢度良辰。
- 5. The corridor - and in particular the all-important samovar dispensing boiling water at the end of it - was also the place to socialise.
- 车厢里,特别是尾部放开水炉的地方也是社交场所。
- 6. Now the men had finished their beers and were stirring. They stood when Georgi rose from his chair behind the bar to fill his teacup at the steaming samovar.
- 现在,4个男人喝完了啤酒站起身来,与此同时格奥尔基也从吧台后的椅子上站起来,拿着茶杯走向冒着热气的俄式茶壶再倒一杯茶。
- 7. Old Peter threw in the lighted sticks and charcoal, and made a draught to draw the heat, and then set the samovar on the table with the little fire crackling in its inside.
- 老彼得扔了些燃着的枝条和木炭进去,扇了几下风引火,然后把茶炊放在茶几上,让那团小小的火苗在里面劈啪作响。
- 8. As I looked around her tiny studio, I was astonished not so much by what she'd lost, but by what she'd managed to hold on to: her brass samovar, her marble-topped buffet, her canopied bed.
- 我四处看着她很小的工作间,感到惊奇地倒不是她丢掉的,而是多年来她一直保留的:铜茶壶,大理石作顶的餐饮台,遮有天蓬的床。
- 9. As I looked around her tiny studio, I was astonished not so much by what she'd lost, but by what she'd managed to hold on to: her brass samovar, her marble-topped buffet, her canopied bed.
- 我四处看着她很小的工作间,感到惊奇地倒不是她丢掉的,而是多年来她一直保留的:铜茶壶,大理石作顶的餐饮台,遮有天蓬的床。