- 1. She nodded sagely.
- 她点点头,一副洞悉一切的样子。
- 2. I love the Sagely City; this is my home.
- 我爱圣城,这里是我的家。
- 3. Even the ones who understand may nod sagely.
- 即使对方知道这一点,也会一本正经地点头同意。
- 4. 'Well,' I say sagely, 'I did warn you - but you insisted.'
- “很好,”我赞同道:“我确实警告你,但是你坚持要吃。”
- 5. My studying at the Sagely City has influenced not only me, but also my parents back in Malaysia.
- 在圣城求学不只影响了我个人,也影响了我远在马来西亚的父母们。
- 6. Now that the congratulations have been made, I'm obliged by tradition to give you some sagely advice.
- 讲完毕业贺词,我再依照传统给你们一些充满睿智的忠告。
- 7. Fair enough, but what about when you walk up to an NPC in the field of battle and you need to hear the sagely words they utter?
- 很公平了,但当你在战场中走进一个NPC(非玩家控制角色)时,你需要听到他们低吟的话语吗?
- 8. 'Ah, that's the secret, ' said Joan Durbeyfield sagely. 'However, tis well to be kin to a coach, even if you don't ride in 'en.
- “哦,这可是秘密,”德北菲尔德太太貌似聪明地说,“不过,即使没有大马车坐,能和坐大马车的人是近亲也不错呀。”
- 9. Having an idol, inspires us with energy to keep abreast sagely; facing a goal, encourages us with power to march forward bravely.
- 心中有偶像,能启发见贤思齐的能量;眼前有目标,能激发勇往直前的力量。
- 10. Prospective police bike-riders are sagely advised to wear padded shorts "for in-saddle comfort" and reminded to eat and drink enough.
- 这份条例还不忘明智地建议未来的的自行车骑警选择带衬垫的短裤“以确保骑行舒适”,并提醒他们在骑车前要吃饱喝足。
- 11. Although I said that aspiring to sagehood and making the resolves of a sage is the first step, you may also take the next step by reading the books of sages and doing sagely deeds.
- 虽然说发圣贤心,立圣贤志,已跨出了第一步,也读圣贤书,做圣贤事,走着下一步;
- 12. Although I said that aspiring to sagehood and making the resolves of a sage is the first step, you may also take the next step by reading the books of sages and doing sagely deeds.
- 虽然说发圣贤心,立圣贤志,已跨出了第一步,也读圣贤书,做圣贤事,走着下一步;