- 1. Its curvaceous body is topped by a coupe-like roofline.
- 其婀娜多姿的身体首位的是一轿跑车般的车顶。
- 2. In other words, a four-door styled with a more sharply curving roofline — like a two-door coupe.
- 换句话说,所谓四门轿跑车型首先是一款四门轿车,只是它的车顶弧度更大,就像一款双门跑车一样。
- 3. The high arched roofline, sloping headlights, and approachable personality thrilled old Beetle fans.
- 那高高拱起的车顶、倾斜的大灯以及亲民的个性,都让老甲壳虫的车迷们兴奋不已。
- 4. It will have shorter overhangs and a lower roofline which implicitly gives the car a more muscular look.
- 这将有较短的前悬和更低的车顶这含蓄地给出了一个更加肌肉车外观。
- 5. An entrance to the community center is notched into the roofline, connecting the buildings on the same plane.
- 社区中心的入口由部分屋顶轮廓线内凹形成,在同一平面上与建筑相连。
- 6. Protruding barrel-vaulted zinc roofs provide a dynamic roofline, evoking silhouettes of the Abbey and hinting at the drama within.
- 突出的锌板拱顶形成动态的屋顶轮廓线,让人想起修道院的轮廓,也暗示了戏剧性的内部空间。
- 7. That wider stance also allowed designers to give the vehicle a more muscular stance with a lower roofline without compromising headroom.
- 更宽的车身也使得设计者在增加车身肌肉感的同时而不减小车内空间。
- 8. The center of this exposed concrete roof is lifted up 1.5 meters in its vertical axis, creating a sloped roofline that defines the main entrance.
- 露石混凝土屋顶的中心被竖直升高1.5米,产生了倾斜的屋顶轮廓线,界定了主要入口。
- 9. While traditional platforms mount the sensor at the roofline, the Lockheed Martin CMS can elevate the sensor suite up to 5 meters above ground level.
- 虽然传统传感器平台安装在车顶,洛克希德·马丁公司的通用桅杆系统能够提升传感器组件到离地面5米的位置。
- 10. Its hatch is bigger than most and its rear roofline is fairly high, so it accommodated my sons' two small bicycles with space to spare — a big surprise.
- 它的后舱门比一般小车都要大而且它的后车顶也相当高,让我惊讶的是它在容纳了我儿子的两辆儿童自行车之后还有多余的空间。
- 11. Moreover, the roofline - besides its enunciated role in the harvesting of solar energy and water - integrates a previous attached 1950 pitch roof structure.
- 此外,屋顶形式不仅在太阳能和水回收中起到重要作用,同时也结合了先前1950年的沥青屋顶结构。
- 12. They are shielded behind aluminium screens featuring a repeat pattern that references traditional mashrabiya latticework. This pattern echoes the angles of the building's roofline.
- 它们被遮蔽在铝制的屏障后面,屏障以一种重复的图案为特色,这也参考了传统的窗花格子。这种图案与建筑屋檐线的角度产生回应。
- 13. A curving roofline dips down soasnot to obstruct views to and from the manor, but sweeps upwards to form a more prominent facade at one end, where the landscape descendstowards the lake.
- 建筑弧线形的屋檐线在靠近庄园的那一端缓缓下降,不至于阻碍庄园的景观视线,然而在靠近湖的一边徐徐上升用以打造一个突出的立面效果。
- 14. The dune's irregular shape is echoed by the varying height of the building's roofline, which responds to the requirements of the internal programme and the arrangement of the various split levels.
- 沙丘的不规则形状通过不同高度的建筑的屋顶呼应,它响应内部安排的要求以及各种水平面的安排。
- 15. The dune's irregular shape is echoed by the varying height of the building's roofline, which responds to the requirements of the internal programme and the arrangement of the various split levels.
- 沙丘的不规则形状通过不同高度的建筑的屋顶呼应,它响应内部安排的要求以及各种水平面的安排。