- 1. Crime figures are rising rapidly.
- 犯罪数字正在迅速上升。
- 2. Ocean levels are rising.
- 海平面正在上升。
- 3. Rising prices are scaring customers off.
- 不断上涨的价格把顾客纷纷吓跑了。
- 4. We became trapped by the rising floodwater.
- 我们被上涨的洪水困住了。
- 5. Unemployment will go on rising for some time yet.
- 失业人数还会继续增长一段时间。
- 6. Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.
- 失业人数今年很可能继续上升。
- 7. The economic outlook is one of rising unemployment.
- 经济前景恶化,失业率不断增长。
- 8. Inflation is rising rapidly; the yuan is depreciating.
- 通货膨胀正在迅速上升;人民币正在贬值。
- 9. It is indisputable that the crime rate has been rising.
- 毫无疑问,犯罪率一直在上升。
- 10. He says his expenses are rising faster than his paycheque.
- 他说他的花销比工薪增长快。
- 11. Unemployment is rising again and retail buying has fallen off.
- 失业率又在上升,而零售购买量已经减少。
- 12. The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs.
- 联邦政府努力控制不断上涨的卫生保健费用。
- 13. The obverse of rising unemployment is continued gains in productivity.
- 跟失业率上升相对的是生产率的持续提高。
- 14. There have been record bankruptcies and remorselessly rising unemployment.
- 破产案数量已达新高,失业率持续上升。
- 15. Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe.
- 提前发出的洪水水位上涨警报防止了又一次的重大灾害。
- 16. Unemployment seems to be rising, despite repeated assurances to the contrary.
- 尽管反复担保减少失业,失业率看来却在上升。
- 17. Unemployment is rising steeply.
- 失业率正在急剧上升。
- 18. He felt anger rising inside him.
- 他心里直冒火。
- 19. The water was rising fast.
- 水迅猛上涨。
- 20. Smoke was rising from the chimney.
- 烟从烟囱里升起。
- 21. The crime rate is rising.
- 犯罪率正在上升。
- 22. The price of land is rising rapidly.
- 地价正在迅速上涨。
- 23. Costs are always rising.
- 费用总是不断地增加。
- 24. The moon was rising in the inky sky.
- 月亮升起在墨似的夜空中。
- 25. Larks were rising in spirals from the ridge.
- 云雀在从山脊上盘旋飞升。
- 26. There is anxiety about the rising tide of crime.
- 犯罪率日益增长令人忧虑。
- 27. Anna is a rising star in the world of modelling.
- 安娜是模特行业的后起之秀。
- 28. In English, some questions have a rising intonation.
- 英语中有些疑问句使用升调。
- 29. Rising into the hills behind are 800 acres of parkland.
- 往上延伸至后面小山的是800英亩的草木区。
- 30. We have had to raise our prices because of rising costs.
- 因为成本日益上涨,我们不得不提高价格。