- 1. Laura glanced at Grace, expecting a clever riposte.
- 劳拉瞥了格雷丝一眼,期望她给个机敏的回答。
- 2. The US delivered an early riposte to the air attack.
- 美国对空袭很快作出了反应。
- 3. The operation is being seen as a swift riposte to the killing of a senior army commander.
- 这次行动被看作是对一名高级军官被杀所作出的快速还击。
- 4. But there is a legitimate riposte.
- 但是这都是正当合法的建议。
- 5. Could it be Microsoft's long-awaited riposte to Apple's iPad?
- 这会是微软被期待已久的对苹果iPad的反击吗?
- 6. Riposte - Targets immune to disarm effects will now take damage from Riposte.
- 反击,目标如果对击落武器免疫,那么,反击将不会对他产生任何伤害。
- 7. The parry is the main defensive skills, often followed by the counter-riposte.
- 挡、避是主要的防守技术,通常防守中紧跟反还击。
- 8. Yet Oshima's film can also be interpreted as a reinterpretation of and a riposte to Ozu.
- 然而大岛渚的影片也可以被解读为是对小津的重新诠释和回击。
- 9. It also looks like a Mexican riposte to the Brazilian-inspired South American Union.
- 它看起来还像是墨西哥对巴西发起的南美联盟的巧妙应对。
- 10. English speakers will have a ready riposte: these are not variations they are mistakes.
- 很多英语母语人士的典型回应是:这些不是变异,而是错误。
- 11. The riposte came from his feet, not his mouth, and Liverpool's campaign lifted in the process.
- 最有力的反驳是来自于他的脚,而不是他的嘴,利物浦赛季又有了起色。
- 12. Riposte: duration of this effect no longer reduced by other effects that reduce disarm duration.
- 还击:该效果生效时不再会被其他减少缴械持续时间的效果影响而减少。
- 13. And the most important defensive skill is the parry, which is often followed by counter - riposte.
- 最重要的防守技术是挡避,通常紧跟着是还击。
- 14. Fixed a data error that caused "Ghostly Strike" and "Riposte" to generate more threat than intended.
- 修正一个令“鬼魅攻击”和“还击”产生比预期要多的仇恨的数据错误。
- 15. Many native English speakers will have a ready riposte: these are not variations, they are mistakes.
- 很多英语母语人士的典型回应是:这些个不是异常变化,而是错误。
- 16. This world cheated me, I must give riposte, I will not put off any a tiny bit belongs to my happiness.
- 这个世界欺骗了我,我必须给与还击,我不会放掉任何一丁点儿属于我的幸福。
- 17. Two rivals stand opposite each other and feint, lunge, parry and riposte until one scores the required number of hits to win.
- 两名对手相对而立,运用做假动作,冲刺,防守和反击等战术,谁率先获得规定点数,谁就获胜。
- 18. Mr Miliband seemed happiest of all discussing his vision of the "good society": ie, his riposte to David Cameron's "Big Society".
- 爱德先生似乎非常乐于讨论他的“好社会”版本:这恰好是对卡梅隆“伟大社会”的巧妙反驳。
- 19. In recent years English castle specialists have argued that Dover castle was Henry's riposte to the burgeoning cult of Saint Thomas.
- 近年来,英国城堡专家们认为,多佛城堡是亨利国王对迅速兴起的圣·托马斯信徒的还击。
- 20. That would be a riposte to Google and Amazon, which have unveiled cloud music services that reviewers have so far been underwhelmed by.
- 这将会是对Google和Amazon的有力反击,二者已经退出了各自云音乐服务,但是评论者对此兴趣索然。
- 21. Another Tory riposte is that weirdos and eccentrics can also be found in other European blocks, all of which are necessarily broad and eclectic coalitions.
- 保守党另一个巧妙的回应是变态和怪人在欧洲的其它地区也可以找得到,所有这一些都是广泛存在和折衷联合的。
- 22. The opposition spokesman must deliver a spontaneous riposte based on a quick reading of a newly published (and highly technical) document produced by his opponent.
- 在野党发言人必须快速的阅悉他的对手新近发布的(且高技术性的)文件并做出自然而机智的回答。
- 23. On the other hand, she offers a powerful riposte to those who insist on the opposite: that the brewing clash of civilisations is all the fault of Western misdeeds, for which no apology will suffice.
- 但从另一方面看,她给了那些站在对立面的人以有力的还击:他们认为文化冲突完全是西方人的不当行为造成的,而且道歉是无济于事的。
- 24. On the other hand, she offers a powerful riposte to those who insist on the opposite: that the brewing clash of civilisations is all the fault of Western misdeeds, for which no apology will suffice.
- 但从另一方面看,她给了那些站在对立面的人以有力的还击:他们认为文化冲突完全是西方人的不当行为造成的,而且道歉是无济于事的。