- 1. Riparian zone is an important component of forested watershed.
- 河岸带是森林小流域单元的重要组成部分之一。
- 2. Riparian zone is an important component of small forested watershed.
- 河岸带是森林小流域单元的重要组成部分之一。
- 3. These areas may be drier than riparian areas but life still abounds.
- 或许这些地方较之河岸地区略显得有些干燥,但是这里的生命依然丰富多彩。
- 4. Gully region is the riparian areas with basic function-filter and barrier.
- 沟谷地是一种河岸带,它具有河岸带的基本功能:过滤和屏障。
- 5. Thee fortunes of New Orleans have always depended on its riparian location.
- 新奥尔良的财富一直与其河岸的位置息息相关。
- 6. Thousands of streams are the basis of the riparian ecosystem of the mountain.
- 数千条的溪流构成了秦岭脚下的河岸生态系统。
- 7. Located in the Aba county Jinchuan Jinchuan riparian big, small mountain left.
- 座落在阿坝州金川县城大金川河岸,小照壁山后左侧。
- 8. Nonetheless, it can provide a basis for Nile riparian to negotiate and settle their dispute.
- 然而无论如何,国际法可以为尼罗河流域各国通过磋商解决争议提供有力的依据。
- 9. That is fraught with difficulties as there is no seabed agreement between the riparian states.
- 在沿岸的国家之间还没有海床协议的情况下,这是困难重重的。
- 10. Research progress on riparian function was reviewed, and existing problems was also pointed out.
- 回顾了国内外在河岸带功能研究领域的研究进展,指出现有研究中存在的问题。
- 11. A strong contrast exists between the native grasses and designed art work installed on the riparian plane.
- 一个强烈的差别在本国的草之间存在而且设计艺术工作在河岸的飞机上实施。
- 12. This plant grows at the sunlit margins of moist, humid riparian woodlands, where it climbs trees and other plants.
- 这种植物喜欢生长在潮湿和阳光充足处,潮湿的河岸林地,在那里攀爬树木和其他植物。
- 13. Riparian forest belt, as a buffer zone between farmland and water body, should be planted along the rivers that enter Taihu Lake.
- 入湖河道沿岸两侧建设河岸林带,成为农田与河流间的缓冲带。
- 14. With the increase of tree age, the waterlogging time and exist rate had an increasing tendency for the arbor in the riparian plant.
- 滨水植物中乔木有随树龄的增加其耐水淹时间和成活率均增加的趋势。
- 15. This weed is native to southeastern Europe and is extremely competitive in many habitats, especially in wetlands and riparian areas.
- 这种原产于欧洲东南部的杂草在许多栖息地具有极强的竞争力,特别是在河岸湿地地区。
- 16. Habitat: riparian. This plant grows at the sunlit margins of moist, humid riparian woodlands, where it climbs trees and other plants.
- 栖息地:河岸。这种植物喜欢生长在潮湿和阳光充足处,潮湿的河岸林地,在那里攀爬树木和其他植物。
- 17. The results showed that the minimum sampling areas of riparian plant community were smaller than those of the non-riparian community.
- 结果表明,河岸带植物群落的最小面积均小于远离河岸带的森林群落的最小面积。
- 18. The riparian ecosystems are facing the dangers of degrading or even collapsing due to the unreasoned water utilization by human being.
- 由于人类对水资源的不合理利用,造成荒漠河岸生态系统的退化甚至崩溃,保护受危胡杨种群已成为当务之急。
- 19. Geographical condition in urban riparian zone is often changed by land use activities, which exert influence on urban river functions.
- 城市河岸土地利用往往改变河岸的自然地理条件,对城市河流功能产生影响。
- 20. Water laws of California, USA as a mixed system comprise of riparian right, priority appropriation right and other kinds of water rights.
- 美国加州水权法是一种独特的混合体系,由多种截然不同的权利组成,包括沿岸权、先占权以及其他类型的水权。
- 21. Most of the sediment directly enters the headwaters of the Mekong River or is deposited in riparian areas where it is entrained during later floods.
- 大部分泥沙直接进入了湄公河上游或是沉降在河岸地区,被日后的洪水中带走。
- 22. Discovering that certain conditions slow this process reveals the importance of proper tree disposal as well as the benefits of riparian forests.
- 找到某些减缓碳释放过程的条件可使我们清楚正确处理树的重要性以及滨水森林带来的好处。
- 23. City landscape architects have modified the landscape to rediscover and rehabilitate streams and made many major improvements to riparian margins.
- 城市风景园林师改善了景观,重新发现和恢复河流,并且对河边区域做了很大的改进。
- 24. The watershed management strategies of Guanting Reservoir should focus on the agriculture supervision and the management of riparian buffer strips.
- 为了有效地防止官厅水库流域的非点源污染,必须加强水库流域的农业管理和库岸库滨带的科学建设与管理。
- 25. Grass floats in a river in the United States. River habitats, called riparian systems, often contain lush vegetation and a wealth of animal species.
- 淡水植物和动物图片。草飘浮物在美国的一条河流。河流栖息地,称为河岸系统,通常包含茂密的植被和大量的动物的种类。
- 26. For years most of the territories that now form the riparian countries were under the direct or indirect control of Britain, which was fixated on Egypt.
- 多年来,大部分现在已形成沿岸国家的领土受到英国直接或间接的控制,其集中目标是埃及。
- 27. The other riparian states have been unhappy ever since, Kenya and Ethiopia particularly so, and all efforts to draw up a new treaty, fairer to all, have failed.
- 其他沿岸国家一直以来不满,肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚尤其如此,而制定一项对所有人都更公平的新条约的所有努力都失败了。
- 28. The other riparian states have been unhappy ever since, Kenya and Ethiopia particularly so, and all efforts to draw up a new treaty, fairer to all, have failed.
- 其他沿岸国家一直以来不满,肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚尤其如此,而制定一项对所有人都更公平的新条约的所有努力都失败了。