- 1. I knew a girl in Marysville who could walk the 11 ridgepole of a roof.
- 在梅利·斯维尔有一个女生可以在屋脊上走呢。
- 2. During the fourth week, you can erect the walls, install doors and Windows, and put up the ridgepole.
- 第四个礼拜就可以造墙、装门、安窗户、盖上屋脊。
- 3. "Then I dare you to do it," said Josie defiantly. "I dare you to climb up there and walk the ridgepole of Mrs. Barry's kitchen roof."
- “那就请你走走试试吧,”乔茜也不服气地顶嘴说,接着她又挑战道,“我看你不敢爬到巴里家厨房屋脊的梁上走走看。”
- 4. Secondly, the team of us engaged in education often talk about:"Cultivate the ridgepole for the state" or" cultivate qualified persons".
- 我们搞教育工作的人常有挂在口头的话:“为国家培养栋梁之才”或说:“为国家培养合格人才” 。
- 5. After eight he stopped for a while to look at the sky through the window, and he saw two pensive buzzards who were drying themselves in the sun on the ridgepole of the house next door.
- 过了8点,他停了停,透过窗户望望天空,见到隔壁屋脊上有两只闷闷不乐的秃鹰,正在太阳底下晒干身上的毛。
- 6. After eight he stopped for a while to look at the sky through the window, and he saw two pensive buzzards who were drying themselves in the sun on the ridgepole of the house next door.
- 过了8点,他停了停,透过窗户望望天空,见到隔壁屋脊上有两只闷闷不乐的秃鹰,正在太阳底下晒干身上的毛。