- 1. All right, I'll reword my question.
- 好吧,我换个说法来问这个问题。
- 2. Reword that slightly, and you have the battle cry of half the men I dated.
- 稍稍重组一下词汇,我约会过的男人中起码有一半会为他“助阵呐喊“。
- 3. This way you get an idea of what they are reading and you can reword it if needed.
- 这样你得到一个他们所读的想法,你可以改写,如果需要的。
- 4. Think of the response to what you are about to say, and decide if you need to reword your statement to be more effective.
- 想一想你正打算说的话所引起的反应,然后确定你是否需要改口说以达到更好的效果。
- 5. Wouldn't you be wondering how your child, perfect in every other way, could suddenly become a cripple at such an early age? Now let's reword the above statement.
- 你愿意惊奇,你的孩子在其他方面非常优秀却在如此幼年时,突然成为残疾人吗?
- 6. The Employee Invention System is pided into two parts Ownership System and Award-reword System, among which Ownership System of Employee Invention plays a major role.
- 职务发明制度分为职务发明归属制度和职务发明奖酬制度两部分,两者之间,权利归属制度占主要地位,奖酬制度是对归属制度的补充。
- 7. They are regarded not only as the important task in the fields of database system and machine learning by researchers, but also as the important field which can bring large reword by businessmen.
- 它不仅被许多研究人员看作是数据库系统和机器学习方面一个重要的研究课题,而且被许多工商界人士看作一个能带来巨大回报的重要领域。
- 8. They are regarded not only as the important task in the fields of database system and machine learning by researchers, but also as the important field which can bring large reword by businessmen.
- 它不仅被许多研究人员看作是数据库系统和机器学习方面一个重要的研究课题,而且被许多工商界人士看作一个能带来巨大回报的重要领域。