- 1. Research has shown that Tanco could reprocess the by-product of potassium chloride use to yield a crop fertilizer, leaving a relatively small volume of waste for disposal.
- 研究表明,Tanco可以对氯化钾的副产品进行再加工,从而生产出一种农作物肥料,只留下相对较少的垃圾。
- 2. The chamber dimensions are adapted to reprocess standard-size mattresses.
- 蒸汽消毒器内空间适合再加工处理标准大小床垫。
- 3. With decreasing of Al resource, the emphasis on reprocess of Al scrap is increasing.
- 随着铝资源的减少,废铝再生技术越来越受重视。
- 4. If you change the graph, any applied analyzers will automatically reprocess the updated graph.
- 如果您变更图形,所套用的任何分析器都会自动重新处理更新的图形。
- 5. It has such characteristics as easy control, little flow path, simple reprocess and high yield etc.
- 合成过程为动态连续反应,具有反应易控、流程短、后处理简便、收率高等特点。
- 6. This article introduced the reprocess of polyamide hot melt adhesive for bonding lining cloth of clothing.
- 具体介绍了服装粘合衬布用聚酰胺热熔胶的后加工。
- 7. India is also insisting that it be given the explicit right to reprocess nuclear fuel - again, in contradiction of the US law.
- 印度还坚称,自己应获得再加工核燃料的明确权利——再次与美国通过的这份协议相矛盾。
- 8. Both of these limitations stem from the same problem: a Transformer must reprocess the XSL every time it executes a transformation.
- 这两个限制源自同一问题:Transformer每次执行转换时,都必须重新处理XSL。
- 9. India, which has never signed the NPT, does not yet have any American-built reactors, let alone the spent fuel from them to reprocess.
- 但印度并未签署NPT,也没有美国造的反应堆,遑论从美国购买再加工的核燃料。
- 10. The stated policy of the Department of Energy (DOE) is "not to reprocess" a perfectly reusable byproduct — and all for absolutely no good reason.
- 能源部的政策是“不许重复使用”完全可以再利用的副产品——却没有绝对让人信服的理由。
- 11. Foreign companies take advantage of low Chinese wages to reprocess imports of semi-manufactured goods that are then shipped to Europe and the u.
- 外国公司利用低廉的中国工资水平来加工进口半成品,然后源源不断地运到欧洲和美国。
- 12. A Filter node is used to select only those exception conditions that we want to reprocess after a delay (the others are just sent to a Trace node).
- Filter节点用于仅选择希望在延迟后重新进行处理的异常条件(其他条件将直接送到Trace节点)。
- 13. The pact would guarantee unhindered supply of uranium for Indian reactors and the right to reprocess spent fuel, PTI quoted unnamed officials as saying.
- PTI引述不愿透露姓名的官员的话称,该协议将保证印度反应堆的铀供应不受阻碍,以及保证再加工用过核燃料的权利。
- 14. Forgetting a past hurt refers to relearning the circumstances surround the situation, reprocess it through a fresh perspective, and move toward forgiveness.
- 忘记过去的创伤指的是重新认识当时的情况,用新的看法去看待它,然后宽恕。
- 15. The technique of reprocess shaping of solid fuel is applied in production widely. The design of special type bolt on pressing shaping machine is the key technique.
- 固型燃料的再生成形技术已广泛应用干生产,压制成形机的特种螺杆设计是技术关键。
- 16. The compressed air dryer which use residual heat to reprocess adsorbent was introduced and compared to other kinds of compressed air dryers which reprocess with adsorbent in saving energy.
- 介绍了余热吸附再生式压缩空气干燥装置,与其它类型的吸附干燥技术进行了节能方面的比较,并提出了余热吸附再生式压缩空气干燥装置的一种新流程。
- 17. The yongbyon facilities include a5mw graphite-moderated reactor and a plant used to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from this reactor including the extraction from it of weapons-grade plutonium.
- 宁边的核设施包括5兆瓦的石墨慢化反应堆以及后处理厂在内的一些已用乏燃料(过的核燃料后处理)处理设施,还有为了研发核武器而进行钚提取的设备。
- 18. The Yongbyon facilities include a 5mw graphite-moderated reactor and a plant used to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from this reactor, including the extraction from it of weapons-grade plutonium.
- 宁边的核设施包括5兆瓦的石墨慢化反应堆以及后处理厂在内的一些已用乏燃料(烧过的核燃料后处理)再处理设施,还有为了研发核武器而进行钚提取的设备。
- 19. We have our own graphite mine, acidate graphite process factory, graphite yarn plant, braided graphite packing plant, the Cixi reprocess center and the international foreign-trade department .
- 现拥有自己的石墨矿山、酸化石墨加工厂、石墨线厂、盘根编织厂、慈溪高档盘根深加工中心和国际市场产品联络部。
- 20. We have our own graphite mine, acidate graphite process factory, graphite yarn plant, braided graphite packing plant, the Cixi reprocess center and the international foreign-trade department .
- 现拥有自己的石墨矿山、酸化石墨加工厂、石墨线厂、盘根编织厂、慈溪高档盘根深加工中心和国际市场产品联络部。