- 1. There have been demands from some politicians to reintroduce capital punishment.
- 已经有一些政治家要求重新启用死刑。
- 2. I'm one of a team of people who have been in a project to help reintroduce wolves to the park.
- 我是一个团队中的一员,这个团队参与了一个将狼重新引入公园的项目。
- 3. Mee questions whether it is fair to reintroduce a jaguar because of the dwindling rainforest and the impact on the people who live and farm there.
- 梅伊队质疑重新引进美洲虎是否公平,因为热带雨林正在减少,而且会影响到那些生活和耕作在那里的人们。
- 4. The Yellowstone wolf project has been a valuable experiment to help biologists decide whether to reintroduce wolves to other parts of the country as well.
- 黄石国家公园狼计划是一项有价值的实验,有助于生物学家决定是否将狼重新引入美国其他地区。
- 5. Dr Gammans said it was important to reintroduce the bees to England.
- 加曼斯博士说,把这些蜜蜂重新引入英国很重要。
- 6. It is only recently that I have been able to reintroduce vases of flowers.
- 直到最近我才把花瓶里重新放上了鲜花。
- 7. Therefore, it became necessary to reintroduce a proper system of meditation.
- 因此,重新引入一套冥想的正确体系变得尤为重要。
- 8. Banning browsing before breakfast can reintroduce a modicum of civilisation.
- 早餐前不翻看手机信息可以使人们重新享受一点点文明。
- 9. The upgrade should not reintroduce any previously fixed bugs (first, do no harm).
- 升级不应该再次引入以前修复的任何bug(也就是说,首先不能导致损害)。
- 10. Several emerging economies will reintroduce or strengthen controls on capital inflows.
- 一些新型经济体将重新引入或加强对资本流入的管控。
- 11. During that time there have been repeated attempts to reintroduce capital punishment.
- 在那段时期不断有人试图恢复死刑。
- 12. Reintroduce yourself once you're on the phone by saying something like, "Hey, it's Shirley."
- 当你在电话里说完类似“你好,我是雪莉。”
- 13. The only thing they could do was to try and reintroduce him to Africa, which they managed to do.
- 他们唯一可以设法做的就是努力让他回到非洲。
- 14. This would reintroduce the indigenous view that we belong to the land rather than the other way around.
- 这会重新引入土著人的观念:即我们属于土地而非其他。
- 15. Some member states expressed concern at the recent EU and U.S. decision to reintroduce dairy export subsidies.
- 有些成员国对欧盟和美国最近恢复乳制品出口补贴表示担忧。
- 16. Some member states expressed concern at the recent EU and U. s. decision to reintroduce dairy export subsidies.
- 有些成员国对欧盟和美国最近恢复乳制品出口补贴表示担忧。
- 17. After two weeks, we reintroduce whole kernel grains, potatoes - except for white potatoes - and a little bit of added sugars.
- 两周后,你可以在膳食中添加全粒谷物、薯类(土豆除外)和一点点的添加糖。
- 18. They evolved from more formal and ceremonial routes of movement into corridors that tried to reintroduce nature into the city.
- 绿道从更加正式的交通线路逐渐演化为尝试将自然引进城市的廊道。
- 19. To this moment, generally speaking, editorial anger vanished completely, absolutely won't reintroduce what is other requirement.
- 到这个时候,一般来说,编辑的愤怒就烟消云散了,绝不会再提出什么别的要求。
- 20. It's a good idea to reintroduce knee range of motion as early as you can by gently flexing and extending the knee to the extent possible.
- 尽早通过轻柔的弯曲和伸展,来恢复膝盖的活动范围。
- 21. One way around this would be for Afghanistan to reintroduce conscription, as Hamid Karzai suggested this month at a conference in Munich.
- 解决办法之一是像Hamid Karzai本月在慕尼黑会议上建议的那样,阿富汗再度征兵。
- 22. Over 90% of South Korean congressmen support moves to reintroduce Chinese characters in primary schools across the country, a survey showed.
- 一项问卷调查显示,逾九成的韩国国会议员赞成实行小学汉字教育。
- 23. If certain species should become extinct, Kraemer saysthere would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the speciesin the future.
- Kraemer说,如果将来某一物种可能灭绝,基础的生命控制中心将再导入足够的物种。
- 24. But it is also possible to argue that German bonds could gain value in case of a breakup, which would force Germany to reintroduce its own currency.
- 但是也有可能,一旦欧元崩溃,德国国债也许会增值,这将迫使德国再次启用自己的货币。
- 25. About 18,000 of these children are receiving assistance from special projects and from a national program to reintroduce former soldiers to civilian life.
- 在这些儿童中,大约有18,000人获得了特别项目和一个旨在帮助前战斗人员重返平民生活的国家方案的援助。
- 26. Shortly after purchasing the giraffe Manor in Nairobi, Kenya, the owners began a breeding programme to reintroduce the Rothschild's giraffe into the wild.
- 买下肯尼亚内罗毕长颈鹿庄园后,主人开始培育项目,重新引进罗斯柴尔德长颈鹿。
- 27. Shortly after purchasing the giraffe Manor in Nairobi, Kenya, the owners began a breeding programme to reintroduce the Rothschild's giraffe into the wild.
- 买下肯尼亚内罗毕长颈鹿庄园后,主人开始培育项目,重新引进罗斯柴尔德长颈鹿。