- 1. Because of this increased concentration, regrowth of plants is minimal, leading to increased erosion, which leads to a decrease in the fertile topsoil, leading to even less regrowth.
- 由于浓度的增加,植物的再生长很少,导致侵蚀增加,使得肥沃的表层土壤减少,再生长更少。
- 2. When the regrowth was removed, they vanished again.
- 再度摘除,则倾向再度消失。
- 3. The regrowth and re-hardening makes the broken concrete strong again.
- 再生和再度硬化会使破损的水泥再次变得牢固起来。
- 4. Hair regrowth began within 3 months of the completion of combined therapy.
- 在联合疗法结束后3个月毛发开始再生。
- 5. Monitoring the regrowth of salamander limbs (above) and a glowing mouse (below).
- 观察蝾螈躯干的再生(见上图)以及一只发光鼠(见下图)。
- 6. The regrowth ability of primary leukemia cells was lower than leukemia cell line.
- 原代白血病细胞的再增殖能力低于白血病细胞系。
- 7. A growth delay with a subsequent regrowth of the tumors was observed after chemotherapy.
- 化疗后可见到肿瘤生长受到抑制,随后肿瘤又再生长。
- 8. Now with waxing it is possible to affect the thickness and other aspects of hair regrowth.
- 现在,脱毛是可能影响毛发的厚度和其他方面的头发再生。
- 9. The heart of the forest is beating still, and there is hope of regrowth, but it is fragile.
- 森林之心安静地跳动,重获生机的希望仍然存在,但却是脆弱的。
- 10. Objective: To elucidate the mechanisms of residual leukemia and its drug resistant regrowth.
- 目的:阐明残留白血病形成及抗药再生长的机制。
- 11. Bacteria regrowth in distribution system is an important factor for drinking water pollution.
- 配水管网中细菌繁殖是钦用水二次污染的重要方面。
- 12. After a while there may be regrowth, though it can be patchy and does not occur in every case.
- 又过了一段时间可能会再生,但它可以片状和不会发生在每一个案件。
- 13. The meaning of optic nerve regeneration is the regrowth reaction after optic nerve amputation.
- 视神经的再生主要是指视神经切断以后的再生反应。
- 14. Body image does not return to the previous state after regrowth of hair for a majority of patients.
- 对大部分病人来说,在他们头发重新长起来之后他们的身体形象并没有回到以前的状态。
- 15. Intriguingly, new hair regrowth was initiated a few days later but was followed by renewed hair loss.
- 有趣的是,新的毛发几天之后就开始生长了,但是新一轮的毛发丢失又开始了。
- 16. That is because the treatment only caused the regrowth of a group of cells called the inner hair cells.
- 因为治疗仅仅引起了称为内耳毛细胞的细胞群的再生长。
- 17. The regrowth height of L286 was lower, the first cutting height was high but low in other cutting time.
- L286再生较差,虽然第一次刈割高度较高,但在随后两茬中表现一般。
- 18. Shampoos and other products designed to open scalp pores do not stop hair loss or promote regrowth of hair.
- 洗发香波和其他可以打开毛孔的产品并不能阻止头发脱落,也不能促进头发的再次长出。
- 19. Hair Regrowth in 38%, gray disappears, grows faster and thicker, with improved texture nails and eyelashes too.
- 的人头发再生,灰发消失,头发长的快而浓密,指甲和眼睫毛也得到恢复。
- 20. On the feasible regrowth condition, leaf and stem apex can attain large cluster bud from in Vitro Grape Plantlets.
- 在适宜的再生条件下,葡萄试管苗各器官中,叶片和茎尖是获得再生丛生芽的最佳外植体。
- 21. This drug is a vasodilator that increases blood supply and accelerates healing and hair regrowth in most patients.
- 这一种药物是增加血补给,而且加速的血管扩张神经痊愈和在大部分病人中的头发再生长。
- 22. Lead investigator Frank Bradke likens scar tissue formation to "stop signs" that impede the regrowth of nerve fibers.
- 这项研究的负责人弗兰克·布拉德克将伤疤组织比作路口的停车标志,它阻止了神经纤维的再生。
- 23. Glyph of Regrowth now causes the heal-over-time effect to refresh itself on targets at or below 50% health, up from 25%.
- 愈合铭文,你的愈合持续性治疗将在生命值等于或低于50%的目标身上自动刷新,从25%上调。
- 24. Dr Raphael suspects that a second gene will need to be added to the viral package to stimulate the outer cells' regrowth.
- Dr Raphael怀疑还有另一个基因需要加入病毒包来刺激外耳细胞的再生。
- 25. An Ethiopian boy contemplates the massive well dug by the priests and nuns of the Mary Andinet Monastery, a site now green with regrowth.
- 一位埃塞俄比亚男孩正在注视着一口巨大的井,它是玛丽·安迪奈特修道院的牧师和修女们挖掘的,修道院附近的植被现在已经重获生机。
- 26. "Three factors were critical," said Dr Guillermo Diaz-Pulido. "The first was exceptionally high regrowth of fragments of surviving coral tissue.
- “有3个关键因素,”GuillermoDiaz-Pulido博士说,“首先是残余珊瑚组织碎片的快速生长。
- 27. The stability of a three species food chain system is discussed, in which the growth of producer is subject to the linear initial regrowth model.
- 讨论了生产者服从草再生模型的三种群食物链系统平衡点的稳定性问题。
- 28. Tumor regrowth rate as well as incidence of actuarial death due lung metastasis after radiation were similar in rats given with amifostine or not.
- 肿瘤生长延迟和肿瘤生长情况及因肿瘤肺转移死亡贡献生存率,用药与未用药者相似。
- 29. Regrowth on people with Doomfire (the HoT works MIRACLES). PVP trinket to avoid Doomfires - save Barkskin for when you can't decurse or get Doomfire.
- 用pvp饰品来解扑灭之火,当你不能解诅咒或者中了扑灭之火时用树皮。
- 30. Regrowth on people with Doomfire (the HoT works MIRACLES). PVP trinket to avoid Doomfires - save Barkskin for when you can't decurse or get Doomfire.
- 用pvp饰品来解扑灭之火,当你不能解诅咒或者中了扑灭之火时用树皮。