- 1. Who is supposed to have been reborn innumerable times?
- 被认为已经重生过无数次。
- 2. Both Tunisia and Egypt would benefit hugely if Libya was reborn.
- 利比亚的重生都将给突尼斯和埃及带去巨大的实惠。
- 3. Let me also make a flamingo bar, in the fire to be reborn from the ashes.
- 让我也做一只火烈鸟吧,在烈火中从灰烬中得以重生。
- 4. Two years later, NAC merged with SAIC and the MG marque was once again reborn.
- 两年后,南京汽车集团被上汽集团收购,MG这个品牌再次获得新生。
- 5. So it’s odd to see her in “Johnny English Reborn” playing a Bond girl once again.
- 所以她在“憨豆特工2”里又一次当起了邦女郎就很奇怪了。
- 6. They wrote of their tears of joy at the sight of an Egypt reborn in Tahrir Square.
- 报道中,它们目睹解放广场上埃及新生,喜极而泣。
- 7. Though it is weak, light is reborn from the darkness to our natural and psychic worlds.
- 尽管微弱,光线还是从黑暗中重生,回到我们的自然世界和精神世界。
- 8. Efficiency and fairness is an old and gradually reborn problem about economic laws.
- 效率与公平是一个历久弥新的法律经济学课题。
- 9. I had to "be reborn" into a new culture to balance the values of inpiduality and society.
- 我需要在一个崭新的文化中“重生”,以对个人价值和社会价值进行权衡。
- 10. When Grievous was first reborn, he was given a very generic droid face plate, and wore no cape.
- 格里弗斯刚刚重生之时,只有十分普通的机器人面甲,也没有穿戴斗篷。
- 11. The East India Company, which once ruled India, has recently been reborn as a posh Mayfair shop.
- 曾经统治过印度的“东印度公司”近来摇身一变,成了伦敦上流街区光鲜的商店。
- 12. Unfortunately, every time he did the ritual again to get back what he had lost, he was reborn anew.
- 不幸的是,每当他尝试从举行仪式中取回他所失去的东西时,他又如同初生般重生了。
- 13. Installer died and became reborn as Cydia, which evolved from an app library into a store in March 2009.
- Installer死而重生为Cydia,在2009年3月,其从一个应用程序库演变为应用程序商店。
- 14. Gone is the old way of machines; come is the reborn nature of machines, a nature more alive than dead.
- 逝去的是旧的机器之道,到来的是重生的机器之本性,一种比逝去的更有活力的本性。
- 15. I used to play around. But the moment I saw you, I was reborn. And you made me know the true meaning of life.
- 我曾经花花公子,但是我见到你那一刹那,我重生了,你让我知道了生命的意义。
- 16. They live and die again and again to help others be free from Samsara, while most of us are reborn out of attachment to Samsara.
- 他们一次又一次的生死来帮助众生从轮回之苦中解脱出来,使我们大部分重生在轮回之外。
- 17. We can also follow stories which involve more profound transformations as when a man dies and is reborn into the body of a child.
- 我们也能理解很多包含更大转变的故事,比如某人死后又转世投胎到新生儿的身上
- 18. Five years ago, however, the franchise was reborn-first as a three-hour miniseries, then as a weekly show-in a compelling new form.
- 但引人注目的是,五年前这部剧集重获新生:先是一个三小时的迷你剧,然后成了固定的周剧集。
- 19. The fickleness of fashion has one advantage: companies lose their shine very quickly, but stars can be born—and reborn—almost overnight.
- 时尚的变幻无常倒也有个好处:公司的辉煌转瞬即逝,商业明星却在一夜间产生----或者重生。
- 20. An immortal will not die, but can be punished by being reborn as a person living in the human world if he or she makes a great mistake.
- 神仙是不会死亡的﹐但是﹐如果一个神仙犯了大错﹐他或她就可以被惩罚投胎为一个人住在人的世界中。
- 21. Our life is to continue to start the posture to be reborn. For something only to perceive the inner call from the inner, and walk the road to stop.
- 我们的生命,就是以不断出发的姿势得到重生。为某些只有自己才能感知的来自内心的召唤,走在路上无法停息。
- 22. Our life is to continue to start the posture to be reborn. For something only to perceive the inner call from the inner, and walk the road to stop.
- 我们的生命,就是以不断出发的姿势得到重生。为某些只有自己才能感知的来自内心的召唤,走在路上无法停息。