- 1. This was measured by their ability to spot lottery numbers appearing in a boring ten-minute read-out of numbers.
- 这是通过测试他们发现那些出现在乏味的十分钟须读出的数字里的彩票数字的能力得出的。
- 2. The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.
- 证供被呆板地在庭上宣读了一遍。
- 3. She read out the list in sharp, clipped tones.
- 她清脆快速地宣读了名单。
- 4. The police officer read out a prepared statement.
- 警方宣读了一份事先写好的声明。
- 5. He held his breath while the results were read out.
- 宣读结果时,他屏住了呼吸。
- 6. Relatives of the victim watched from the public gallery as the murder charge was read out in court.
- 法庭宣读谋杀指控时受害者的亲属在公共旁听席观看。
- 7. My stomach churned as the names were read out.
- 名单一宣布,我就觉得胃里翻腾得难受。
- 8. If I'm at home and I need to study what I do is read out loud.
- 如果我在家里并且我需要学习,我所做的就是大声朗读。
- 9. Some species of tree have been 'read out of the party' by economics-minded foresters because they grow too slowly, or have too low a sale value to pay as timber crops.
- 有些种类的树木已经被有经济头脑的林农淘汰出局,因为它们生长得太慢,或者作为木材作物的售价太低。
- 10. Some species of tree have been read out of the party by economics-minded forestersbecause they grow too slowly, or have too low a sale vale to pay as timber crops.
- 有些种类的树木已经被有经济头脑的林农淘汰出局,因为它们生长得太慢,或者作为木材作物的售价太低。
- 11. If I'm at home and I need to study, what I do is read out loud.
- 如果我在家里需要学习,我就大声朗读。
- 12. Imagine her surprise, when the White Rabbit read out, at the top of his shrill little voice, the name "Alice!"
- 使她大吃一惊的是,此时兔子用刺耳的嗓音尖叫道:“爱丽丝!”
- 13. She read out the letter to all of us.
- 她把那封信读给我们大家听。
- 14. For each field definition, the embedded prompt will be read out and the system will wait for the appropriate response before it moves on to the next field.
- 对于各个字段定义,嵌入的提示将被读出,并且系统将等待适当的响应,然后再移至下一个字段。
- 15. Victims in the courtroom clapped as the term was read out.
- 当入狱期限被读出时,法庭中的受害人鼓起掌来。
- 16. It does not have sufficient permissions to read out of the queue itself, and so must be handed the message to deliver.
- 它没有足够的权限来读取队列本身之外的任何东西,因此必须亲手发送邮件。
- 17. They felt that Hanna was ridiculing the trial, the verdict, and themselves, they who had come to hear the verdict read out.
- 他们感到汉娜在嘲弄这场审判,这次裁决,和他们自己,他们来此是听宣读裁决的。
- 18. After a lengthy indictment was read out, repentant ringleaders were shown making their confessions.
- 当冗长的诉状被宣读完毕后,谋反头目们均心生悔意,供认不讳。
- 19. I read out the title, the name of the author, and the text.
- 我读出标题,作者的名字和内容。
- 20. These letters seem to be meant to be read out loud.
- 这些书信似乎需要大声朗读出来。
- 21. You could use an XML parser to read out the tags, but it's easier in this case to use a regular expression.
- 可以使用XML解析器读出标记,但在本例中使用一个正则表达式会更为容易。
- 22. The courtroom record shall be given to the parties to read or shall be read out to them.
- 法庭笔录应当交给当事人阅读或者向他宣读。
- 23. Many great works of literature were written to be read out loud.
- 很多文学巨作需要大声朗读出来。
- 24. The name of each sailor was read out while Mr. Lee placed a military medal on an altar before the sailor’s photograph.
- 李明博念出每位遇难官兵的名字,并把军功章放置在其照片前。
- 25. Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear.“I
- 为了让大家都能听得见,法庭宣读了律师的信。
- 26. And will also read out messages for you and respond to commands like "wake me up tomorrow at 6am".
- 也会读出你的信息,对像“明天早上6点叫醒我”这样的命令做出回应。
- 27. The announcer read out the names of the players before the game began.
- 比赛开始前,播音员宣读了运动员的名字。
- 28. The announcer read out the names of the players before the game began.
- 比赛开始前,播音员宣读了运动员的名字。