- 1. Most rated it a hit.
- 大部分人认为那是一次辉煌的成功。
- 2. Many rated him the best singer of all time.
- 许多人认为他是有史以来最优秀的歌手。
- 3. The show was rated (as) a success by critics and audiences.
- 评论家和观众都认为这次演出是成功的。
- 4. Most of the volunteers rated cartoons funnier than those instructed to pull their eyebrows together as if frowning.
- 大多数志愿者认为卡通片比那些被要求把眉毛拉在一起的更有趣。
- 5. Yet they rated the students who have received eight hours or less as having the most trouble recalling old material, learning new lessons, and completing high-quality work.
- 然而,他们认为那些睡眠时间不超过8小时的学生在回忆旧知识、学习新课程和完成高质量工作方面面临着最大困难。
- 6. Using caregiver assessments and the children's self-observations, she rated each child's overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions.
- 通过对看护者的评估和孩子们的自我观察,她给每个孩子的总体同情心水平以及他们在道德越界后的负面情绪倾向进行评级。
- 7. I rated my chances as zero.
- 我觉得我根本没有机会。
- 8. They rated him highly as a colleague.
- 作为同事,他们对他评价甚高。
- 9. She is currently rated number two in the world.
- 她目前排名世界第二。
- 10. The university is highly rated for its research.
- 这所大学因其研究工作而受到高度评价。
- 11. The schools were rated according to their exam results.
- 这些学校是按考试成绩排名次的。
- 12. He is generally rated the country's No. 3 industrialist.
- 他被大家普遍看成该国的第3大实业家。
- 13. It's one of the best-rated hostels in the city, and for good reason.
- 这是这个城市评价最好的青年旅社之一,这是有原因的。
- 14. He thought them very over-rated persons.
- 他认为她们是被高估了的人。
- 15. The threat of a terrorist attack is rated as low.
- 恐怖袭击的威胁被列为低级别。
- 16. We rated his fortune at about one hundred thousand dollars.
- 我们估计他的财产大约是十万美元。
- 17. These vehicles are only rated to spend about 200 days in space, so they'll have to depart soon.
- 这些飞行器只能在太空中停留大约200天,所以他们必须尽快离开。
- 18. The people who want to enter medical schools are rated on reasoning, physical and biological sciences.
- 想要考医学院的人要在推理、物理和生物科学这些方面进行测试。
- 19. As a result, the volunteers considered the altered versions less pleasurable when they later rated the work.
- 结果,在后来志愿者们评价工作时,他们认为修改过的版本没有那么令人愉快。
- 20. For example, when participants had rated their feelings of shyness, as 2 (i.e. occasionally), it was changed to 4 (i.e. all the time).
- 例如,当参与者对他们的羞怯程度进行评估的时候,选2则意味着只是偶尔会有羞怯的表现,选4则意味着基本上一直都很羞怯。
- 21. As a matter of fact, consumers expressed higher satisfaction with the one-star facilities, the lowest rated, than with the five-star ones.
- 事实上,与五星级酒店相比,消费者对等级最低的一星级酒店的满意度更高。
- 22. For example, production workers rated advancement very highly, whereas clerical workers rated advancement in the lower third of their list.
- 例如,生产工人的晋升评价非常高,而文书工作人员的晋升评价排在名单的后三分之一。
- 23. The longer they took to answer these questions, the more highly they rated the piece under scrutiny, and the greater their neural activity.
- 他们回答这些问题的时间越长,对所审作品的评价就越高,神经活动也越活跃。
- 24. Rated No. 466 overall on Forbes' Lists Top Colleges, No. 183 in Research Universities, and No. 108 in the South, I can't say it was my top choice.
- 这所学校在《福布斯》的顶尖大学排行榜排名第466位,在研究型大学中排名第183位,在南方地区大学中排名第108位,我不会说这所大学是我的首选。
- 25. A Harvard Business School study found that observers consistently rated those who were upfront about themselves more highly, while those who hid lost trustworthiness.
- 哈佛商学院的一项研究发现,观察者一致给那些坦率的人评价更高,而那些不善表露自我的人则失去了可信度。
- 26. Similarly, people rated cars, clocks, and watches with wide faces as more dominant-looking than narrow-faced ones, and preferred them—especially in competitive situations.
- 同样,人们认为宽面的汽车、时钟和手表看起来比窄面的更有优势,而且更喜欢宽面的——尤其是在竞争激烈的情况下。
- 27. The difference between Class E and A airspace is that in Class A, all operations are IFR, and pilots must be instrument-rated, that is, skilled and licensed in aircraft instrumentation.
- E级和A 级空域的区别在于,在 A 级空域,所有操作都需遵照仪表飞行规则,飞行员必须要有仪表等级,也就是说,要有操作航空仪表方面的技术和执照。
- 28. Rated relieving capacity is the flow capacity of a relief device expressed in terms of air flow at standard conditions ( SCFH or Nm3/h).
- 额定泄放量是用标准状况下的气体体积表示的泄压设施的体积流量。
- 29. He rated the achievement high.
- 他高度评价了这一成就。
- 30. He rated the achievement high.
- 他高度评价了这一成就。