- 1. He looked up and down the rain-swept street.
- 他上下大量着下着大雨的街道。
- 2. It was Bellamy who won the penalty midway through the second half which enabled Noble to settle the issue at a rain-swept St Andrews.
- 正是贝拉米在下半场时赢得了一个点球机会,诺博一蹴而就解决了圣安德鲁斯球场的这场雨中鏖战。
- 3. Native urbanites walked their well-groomed collies on the hills, waltzed in parks at dusk and practiced martial arts on rain-swept plazas at midnight.
- 暮色降临后,本地城镇人在山上遛着他们毛梳得光光的柯利牧羊犬,在公园里跳华尔兹,在午夜雨后的广场上练武术。
- 4. Once outside the house she darted quickly along the road then through a gap in a hedge, and last I saw was the little black figure flitting over the rain-swept grass of a field.
- 戴比一出屋就沿路飞奔,然后穿过树篱一处空隙,最后只见那个黑影轻快地在雨淋过的草地上一掠而过。
- 5. Every time Harry imitated her, looked around (for he could not help hoping a little, himself) and saw nothing but rain-swept woods, another little parcel of fury exploded inside him.
- 每次哈利像她那样四下张望(他自己也忍不住抱着一点希望),却只看到被雨水冲刷的树林时,心中便有一小股怒火在喷发。
- 6. Pope Benedict's Easter Mass celebrated in the rain-swept st Peter's Square began with a surprise speech in defence of the pontiff by cardinal Angelo Sodano, a senior Vatican cardinal.
- 教皇本笃的复活节弥撒在大雨滂沱的圣彼得广场进行,出人意料地以资深红衣主教angeloSodano的辩护开场。
- 7. Rain swept in through the broken windows.
- 雨水从破窗户灌进屋内。
- 8. There was still no sign of the sun when the rain cleared, but the sky was darkening second by second as the moon swept across its face somewhere behind the clouds.
- 雨停后人们仍不见太阳的踪影,但乌云背后月亮正在掠过太阳,天空也在一秒一秒变黑。
- 9. He wandered down the empty corridors and found a doorway that led out onto a rain swept courtyard full of righteous dustbins.
- 他漫无目的的在走廊里徘徊,发现在门后面被雨水冲刷过的院子站立着两个忠心耿耿的垃圾桶先生。
- 10. Viewing for many was marred by heavy clouds and rain, but the drama of the total eclipse - as darkness swept a narrow path across the continent - was unmistakable.
- 虽然乌云和降雨让很多地方的观看效果大打折扣,但当黑暗在亚洲略过一道长影时,没错,日全食来了。
- 11. Viewing for many was marred by heavy clouds and rain, but the drama of the total eclipse –as darkness swept a narrow path across the continent –was unmistakable.
- 虽然乌云和降雨让很多地方的观看效果大打折扣,但日全食来临的这一幕是毋庸置疑的:黑暗扫过了亚洲大陆的一段狭长地带。
- 12. "So it looks," said Carrie, whose nerves were quieting under the sound of the rain drops, driven by a gusty wind, as the train swept on frantically through the shadow to a newer world.
- “看来是这样,”嘉莉说。听着一阵阵风送来的雨点声,她的神经渐渐地安静了下来。火车正穿过黑暗,朝着一个更新的世界疾驶而去。
- 13. The coastal areas are swept by summer monsoons bringing plenty of rain. The second terrace is crisscrossed by rivers, lakes and canals nourishing a great variety of crops.
- 滨海地区受夏季季风侵袭,雨量充沛。第二级是星罗棋布的河道、湖泊和沟壑,孕育着各种各样的农作物。
- 14. A doctor told the BBC he'd counted 83 bodies. Torrential rain swept away several hundred shanty homes in Pakokku, built around a riverbed which had been dried for several years.
- 一名医生告诉BBC,他已清点了83具尸体,骤雨冲倒了帕克库河岸周边的数百座木屋,这条河流已干涸数年。
- 15. These tides, which swept across the island and destroyed houses, came when there was neither wind nor rain.
- 讲的是这些清扫了岛屿和破坏房屋的潮流,在无风无雨的时候到来。
- 16. The drums were swept into the river from a plant in Jilin by floods triggered by days of heavy rain.
- 由于连日暴雨引发洪水,这些物料桶从吉林市的一家工厂被冲走,进而流入松花江。
- 17. And right now, their poor harvests are being swept away by floods brought on by two days of pouring rain, which have left 25 people dead and 11 missing so far.
- 而且就现在,他们微薄的收成又被连降两天的大雨造成的洪水冲走,迄今为止,这场洪水已使25人死亡,11人失踪。
- 18. And right now, their poor harvests are being swept away by floods brought on by two days of pouring rain, which have left 25 people dead and 11 missing so far.
- 而且就现在,他们微薄的收成又被连降两天的大雨造成的洪水冲走,迄今为止,这场洪水已使25人死亡,11人失踪。