- 1. Ragweed pioneers idle fields.
- 豚草常是闲置耕地的先锋植物。
- 2. Ragweed that seems to be knitted Out of yellow wool
- 豚草好像是由黄色的羊毛
- 3. Dating sediments using ragweed and nuclear fallout.
- 利用豚草及核放射物对沉积物进行年代推定。
- 4. Limit your outside activities if you are bothered by ragweed and mold.
- 当你受豚草和霉菌困扰时,尽量限制户外活动。
- 5. For 75 percent of those 35 million, ragweed is the primary allergen, he added.
- 对于这35,000,000人的75%来说,豚草是首要过敏原,他补充道。
- 6. Whether the trigger is pollen or ragweed, suffering during allergy season is no fun.
- 不管让你过敏的是花粉或者豚草,在过敏季节要经受的煎熬滋味可一点也不好。
- 7. TOLAMBA is designed to target the underlying cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis caused by ragweed.
- TOLAMBA是针对由豕草引起的季节性变应性鼻炎的根本原因设计的。
- 8. Subjects received six doses of TOLAMBA over six weeks prior to the start of the 2006 ragweed season.
- 受试者在2006年豕草季节开始之前超过6周时接受6个剂量的TOLAMBA治疗。
- 9. The third resembles one of the most rampant allergens of them all, a ragweed protein that causes hay fever.
- 第三个与造成花粉过敏的豚草蛋白类似,该蛋白可说是过敏原里最厉害的一个了。
- 10. Patients who demonstrated to severe rhinitis symptoms upon exposure to ragweed were admitted to the study.
- 暴露于豕草而激发严重鼻炎症状并证实得到缓解的患者加入该研究。
- 11. In one study, accelerating spring's arrival by 30 days prompted a 54 percent increase in ragweed pollen production.
- 在一个研究中表明,春天加速30天到来提高了花粉54%的产量。
- 12. Results Of the patients, 88.86% showed positive results of inhaled allergens which were mainly pollen and ragweed;
- 结果吸入性过敏原阳性率为88.86%,其中以花粉、豚草为主要致病过敏原;
- 13. According to this system, the risk value for giant ragweed was 83 and it was considered as a quarantine pest with high risk.
- 应用该体系对三裂叶豚草进行了风险评估,得出其风险值为83,属高度危险的检疫性有害生物。
- 14. Atopy was defined as a positive skin-prick test to mites, cat, Alternaria, Cladosporium, grass, birch, Parietaria, olive, or ragweed.
- 特应性定义为对螨类、链格孢属、分子孢子菌属、草、桦木、墙草属、橄榄或豚草属皮肤划痕实验阳性。
- 15. Conclusion Significant difference exists between the extract of artemisia pollen and ragweed pollen, with the former being more complicated.
- 结论艾蒿花粉与豚草花粉提取液蛋白组分差异较大,前者更复杂;
- 16. Quick dissolving tablets Temporarily relieves the runny eyes and nose symptoms of allergy from pollen, ragweed, grasses, mold and animal dander.
- 速溶片暂时缓解了不停地流泪,豚草的花粉和鼻子过敏症状,草,霉菌,动物皮屑。
- 17. Therefore, the main ways of control of ragweed especially biological controls were reviewed in order to found integrative control system of ragweed.
- 本文对豚草防治的主要方法进行了综合论述,为豚草综合防治体系的建立提供参考。
- 18. At six to seven years old more than half of the children were evaluated for their sensitivity to common allergens such as dust mites, ragweed and cats.
- 到6至7岁时,这835名儿童中,过半的人都有各种各样的过敏症,对常见的过敏原如尘螨,豚草和猫等产生过敏。
- 19. Tropical diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever are reaching temperate regions, and ragweed and poison ivy thrive in the hothouse world.
- 疟疾、登革热和黄热病等热带疾病正在侵袭温带地区,豚草和毒藤也在温室气候里茁壮成长。
- 20. At Johns Hopkins School of Medicine's Asthma and Allergy Center, clinical director Peter Socrates Creticos is studying what is essentially a ragweed vaccine.
- PeterSocrates Creticos是约翰·霍普金斯医学院的哮喘及过敏研究中心的临床总监,他正在研究豚草疫苗。
- 21. The top three allergens in school age group were dust mites and house dust mites (45.33%), fungus combinations (28.00%), Short ragweed and artemisia (25.33%).
- 学龄期组,前3位过敏原分别为户及粉尘螨(45.33%)、真菌组合(28.00%)、矮豚草及蒿(25.33%)。
- 22. To suppress the spread of the ragweed, there have been a lot of studies on their chemical control, physical control, plant displacement and biological control.
- 为抑制其种群蔓延,前人开展了化学防治、物理防治、植物替代和生物防治等对豚草的防控研究。
- 23. The findings correlate with analysis last year by the National Wildlife Federation that found ragweed growth rates and pollen counts increased with global warming.
- 这些发现是基于去年国家野生动物联合会豚草的生长速度和花粉数量随着全球变暖增加的分析得出的。
- 24. Huber, D. M. , Cheng, M. W. , and Winsor, B. A. 2005. Association of severe Corynespora root rot of soybean with glyphosate-killed giant ragweed. Phytopathology 95, S45.
- 大豆剧烈棒抱叶斑病根烂与草甘膦杀死超巨豚草的关联。植物病理学95,S45。
- 25. The following means of making a living are, according to New York City statues, illegal: the skinning of horses or cows, the growing of ragweed, and the burning of bones.
- 根据纽约自由雕像的宣言,下列谋生方式是不合法的:剥牛皮或马皮,种植豚草以及焚烧尸体。
- 26. The allergy season is really several seasons. Trees start scattering their pollen in early spring, followed by grasses, and then ragweed kicks in during the summer and runs through fall.
- 过敏季节一般会有好几个月,首先是树开始在早春传播花粉,然后是草,接着就是豚草,它可以在整个夏天和秋天一直传播花粉。
- 27. However, from the regional data, we gained important insights into solutions that would minimize the risk of enrolling a large number of patients who do not have ragweed-specific disease.
- 然而,从地域性的资料来看,我们获得了重要的启示,其解决方法是将入选大量未曾患过豕草特异性疾病患者的风险降到最小。
- 28. However, from the regional data, we gained important insights into solutions that would minimize the risk of enrolling a large number of patients who do not have ragweed-specific disease.
- 然而,从地域性的资料来看,我们获得了重要的启示,其解决方法是将入选大量未曾患过豕草特异性疾病患者的风险降到最小。