- 1. Sally had attended a racially mixed school.
- 萨莉曾上过一所种族混合的学校。
- 2. Some landlords and landladies are racially prejudiced.
- 有些房东有种族偏见。
- 3. These reforms will abolish racially discriminatory laws.
- 这些改革将废除种族歧视法律。
- 4. States with the most racially perse populations stand in stark contrast to those with the least racially perse populations.
- 人口种族最多样化的州与人口种族最不多样化的州形成了鲜明的对比。
- 5. During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologically perse coalition with his message of hope and change.
- 在总统竞选期间,巴拉克·奥巴马以希望和变革为口号,组建了一个种族和意识形态多元化的联盟.
- 6. America has been racially perse since our very beginning on the Virginia shore, where the first group of Englishmen and Africans arrived in the 17th century.
- 自从17世纪第一批英国人和非洲人在弗吉尼亚海岸登陆以来,美国就一直是一个种族多元化的国家。
- 7. The attacks were not racially motivated.
- 袭击事件不是由种族原因引起的。
- 8. We are both children of racially mixed marriages.
- 我们俩都是不同种族通婚所生的孩子。
- 9. Few people will admit to being racially prejudiced.
- 很少有人会承认自己有种族偏见。
- 10. Board of Education that racially segregated schools violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
- 教育委员会认为种族隔离的学校违反了第十四修正案的平等保护条款。
- 11. The two groups are not racially distinct.
- 这两个群体并不是按照种族来区分。
- 12. Most Japanese are unaware of these racially motivated checks.
- 大部分日本人并没有意识到这些是由种族因素而激发的检查。
- 13. In racially sensitive Asia, the lighter one's skin, the higher one's status.
- 在人种敏感的亚洲,人的皮肤越白,他的地位就越高。
- 14. But, some might say, wasn't it better to lose this racially stereotyped relic?
- 但是有人会说,如果不失去其人种原型不是更好吗?
- 15. But a new, better-educated and less racially obsessed generation is coming through.
- 但是,接受了更好的教育、鲜为种族主义所束缚的新一代已应运而生。
- 16. Britain is one of the most racially tolerant countries on the planet, a survey claims.
- 根据一项调查,英国是世界上最具有种族容忍度的国家。
- 17. They also said it was too difficult to define what was racially or culturally offensive.
- 他们还表示,现在很难界定什么是种族性或文化性冒犯。
- 18. The suburbs are becoming much more racially mixed while the cities fill up with hip, affluent whites.
- 郊区种族越来越混杂,而城市则聚集了时髦富裕的白人。
- 19. In practice, the history of that most racially mixed country of all, the United States, supports this idea.
- 实际上,美国这个最多的种族混居的国家的历史支持了这一思想。
- 20. It said the raw statistics "distorted the magnitude and, at times, the existence of racially biased policing."
- 机构称原始数据扭曲了大量种族偏见政策的存在。
- 21. Islington's New Tories are a novel breed: mostly young, racially mixed and self-declared "one-nation" Conservatives.
- 在伊斯灵顿区内,年轻的托利人们无疑是一群新新人类:年轻力壮,不同种族并且自称“一国”的保守党人。
- 22. The fighting in Darfur is usually described as racially motivated, pitting mounted Arabs against black rebels and civilians.
- 达尔富尔的冲突往往被描述成种族间的仇恨,马背上的阿拉伯人与黑人平民和叛军间的争斗。
- 23. Despite his criticism of Wright's racially-tinged comments over the years, Obama said he will not disown his former minister.
- 尽管他批评了赖特多年来富有种族色彩的评论,奥巴马说,他不会抛弃他过去的牧师。
- 24. Hillary is the most powerful leadership of the U. S. candidate. Owing to racially sensitive, more white voters will support her.
- 希拉里是最有实力领导美国的候选人。出于种族敏感,白人选民将会更多的支持希拉里。
- 25. The problem facing those in favour of quotas is not only Brazil’s preference for racially blind laws, but also the practicalities.
- 种族配额的支持者们面对的问题不单单是巴西对于种族无差异法律的偏爱,还有可操作性的问题。
- 26. First, the national DNA database is racially skewed, as blacks and Hispanics are far more likely than whites to be convicted of crimes.
- 第一,全国DNA数据库受种族观念影响,黑人和西班牙裔比起白人更容易被定罪。
- 27. He laughed on the other end of the phone, probably thinking I was either being totally illogical or was about to be racially offensive again.
- 他在电话的那头儿大笑,也许是认为我要么就是完全的逻辑混乱,要么就是再次被种族话题惹恼了。
- 28. Uefa has dismissed claims by Barca's Spanish rivals Real Madrid that Busquets racially insulted full-back Marcelo during their semi-final tie.
- 欧足联已经驳回了皇马对巴萨的指控。 皇马指控在冠军杯半决赛中布斯克茨用歧视性的语言侮辱马赛洛。
- 29. Uefa has dismissed claims by Barca's Spanish rivals Real Madrid that Busquets racially insulted full-back Marcelo during their semi-final tie.
- 欧足联已经驳回了皇马对巴萨的指控。 皇马指控在冠军杯半决赛中布斯克茨用歧视性的语言侮辱马赛洛。