- 1. The Planck energy is a quintillion times higher than the LHC's maximum.
- “普朗克能量”比强子对撞机的最大容量高出一千的六次方的倍数。
- 2. "Exascale" means it will be capable of making a quintillion (1 followed by 18 zeros) calculations per second.
- “百亿亿次”意味着该计算机每秒运算次数可达100亿亿(10的18次方)次。
- 3. Intel estimates that about 10 quintillion (or a 1 followed by 19 zeros) transistors ship each year. That 10,000 times the number of ants on Earth.
- 英特尔估计,每年生产的晶体管约有10的19次方(1后面加上19个零)个,是地球上蚂蚁总数的10000倍。
- 4. Intel estimates that about 10 quintillion (or a 1 followed by 19 zeros) transistors ship each year. That 10, 000 times the number of ants on Earth.
- 英特尔估计,每年生产的晶体管约有10的19次方(1后面加上19个零)个,是地球上蚂蚁总数的10000倍。
- 5. And it still doesn't match the Hungarian National Bank in 1946, which came up with the highest denomination banknote ever issued: a 100 quintillion (20 zeros) peng note.
- 然而它仍不能和1946年匈牙利国家银行相比,那时匈牙利国家银行发行了有史以来发行面额最高的钞票:1垓(100 quintillion)(‘1’后面跟二十个‘0’)帕戈。
- 6. However, scientists are already thinking about so-called exascale machines which would be able to crunch through one quintillion (one million trillion) calculations per second.
- 然而,科学家们已经开始考虑所谓的exascale机,这机器可以达到百万兆每秒运算。
- 7. They said that he could move decimal points telekinetically, that he owned the global rights to the number three quintillion seventeen, that he could make a penny feel like a million bucks.
- 人们说“钱语者”能用意念移动小数点,并且他对17个一百万的三次方这样的数字拥有主权,所以他可以让一分钱变得和百万美金一样。
- 8. They said that he could move decimal points telekinetically, that he owned the global rights to the number three quintillion seventeen, that he could make a penny feel like a million bucks.
- 人们说“钱语者”能用意念移动小数点,并且他对17个一百万的三次方这样的数字拥有主权,所以他可以让一分钱变得和百万美金一样。