- 1. Add the cucumber and onion, and season to your taste with salt, and add the quinoa and cilantro.
- 加入黄瓜和洋葱,按你的口味加盐调味,再加入藜麦和香菜。
- 2. Place the quinoa in a bowl, and cover with cold water.
- 把奎奴亚藜放在一个大碗里,用冷水浸过表面。
- 3. Some here cling to eating quinoa despite its rising price.
- 不论藜麦价格如何上涨,有些玻利维亚人仍旧坚持食用藜麦。
- 4. "Quinoa isn't lifting us out of poverty," he says. "But we are living better."
- 他说“虽然奎奴亚藜不是正帮我们走出贫困,但是我们确实生活得更好”。
- 5. For vegetarians, quinoa and beans are very filling, but you already knew that.
- 对于素食者来说,也许你已经知道,藜麦和豆类是最能填饱肚子的。
- 6. Grains, including oats, quinoa and wild rice, lower the risk of heart disease.
- 谷物,包括燕麦、藜麦、和绿色水稻,能够降低心脏病的风险。
- 7. Exotic grains such as amaranth, quinoa, teff, millet, and Kamut are going mainstream.
- “外来的五谷类例如白苋、奎奴亚藜、埃塞俄比亚画眉草、小米和QK - 77小麦将成为主流”。
- 8. Drain off the water in the pan through a strainer, and return the quinoa to the pan.
- 用过滤器沥净锅里的水,再把奎奴亚藜倒回锅里。
- 9. Add the cucumber and onion, season to taste with salt, and add the quinoa and cilantro.
- 加入黄瓜和洋葱,按你的口味加入盐调味,再加入奎奴亚藜和剩余香菜。
- 10. The office gym has personal trainers and flyers with recipes for kale and quinoa salad.
- 这个公司的健身房里不仅摆放着私人健身器,还有各种印着甘蓝藜米沙拉食谱的传单。
- 11. Try any of the cooking grains: barley, rye, red wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, or millet.
- 那就尝尝其他谷物吧:大麦、黑麦、红麦、燕麦、荞麦、奎奴亚藜或者粟。
- 12. If you give them boiled water, sugar and quinoa flour mixed into a drink, they prefer Coca-Cola.
- 如果你给他们开水、糖与藜麦粉混合的饮料,他们宁愿选择可口可乐。
- 13. Also, look in your grain isle for new grains like orzo, quinoa, couscous, barley, alfalfa and others.
- 同时,从你的谷物仓里寻找新的谷物,如米粒状面食、藜麦、蒸粗面粉、大麦、苜蓿等等。
- 14. It is promoting the grain and has included quinoa in a subsidized food parcel for pregnant women.
- 他们正努力推广这种谷物而且把这种食品纳入孕妇的津贴食品系列。
- 15. Yet the higher prices quinoa is fetching have had an unanticipated impact where the grain is grown.
- 然而,奎奴亚藜的较高售价在谷物种植区造成了未曾料到的影响。
- 16. After all, quinoa fetches up to five times the price of soy beans in the U.S. and European markets.
- 毕竟,奎奴亚藜在美国和欧州市场的售价是大豆的5倍。
- 17. Advance preparation: the quinoa freezes well, and the assembled salad will keep for a day in the refrigerator.
- 事先准备:奎奴亚藜要冷藏得很好,整盘沙拉能在冰箱里保存一天。
- 18. And look at the high nutritional content of some other forgotten but powerful grains, like quinoa and amaranth.
- 同时看看那些高营养餐单,但是它们忽视了一些强有力的谷类食品如奎奴亚藜(食用其食物的栗)和苋属植物。
- 19. Consumers in the developed world don't want quinoa grown with chemical fertilizers or pest controllers, said Schnorr.
- 斯诺说,发达地区的消费者不要在生产时使用了化肥或杀虫剂的奎奴亚藜。
- 20. Cover and simmer 15 minutes or until the quinoa is tender and translucent; each grain should have a little thread.
- 盖上锅盖慢炖15分钟或者煮至奎奴亚藜软化或呈半透明状;每个一颗粒都应该有一点细丝附着。
- 21. The indigenous Bolivians who cultivate quinoa are among Bolivia's poorest and many lived until the late 20th century by barter.
- 种植奎奴亚藜的玻利维亚土著人是玻利维亚最贫穷的人,有许多人直到20世纪晚期还靠以货易货生存。
- 22. Once found only in health food stores, "old-world" grains like amaranth, spelt, and quinoa are now available at your local grocery.
- 过去我们只能在食品商店中才可以买到苋菜,斯佩尔特小麦和奎奴亚藜之类的谷物,而现在这些在当地杂货店便能轻松买到。
- 23. A decade ago, a 12-ounce box of his quinoa, marketed under the Ancient Harvest brand, retailed for 99 cents in the United States.
- 十前年,他们的12盎司每盒装奎奴亚藜,以AncientHarvest品牌进入市面,美国市场上零售价为99美分。
- 24. Vegetarians should be sure to eat a variety of whole grains such as whole wheat bread, pasta and tortillas, brown rice, bulgur, and quinoa.
- 素食主义者一定要吃多种全谷类食品比如全麦面包,意大利通心粉,墨西哥面饼,糙米,小麦片和藜麦。
- 25. Add the cucumber and onion, season to taste with salt, and add the quinoa and cilantro. Toss together, and taste and adjust seasonings.
- 加入黄瓜和洋葱,按你的口味加入盐调味,再加入奎奴亚藜和剩余香菜。
- 26. "I adore quinoa, but I can't afford it anymore," said Micaela Huanca, 50, a street vendor in el Alto, a city of slums above the capital, la Paz.
- “我很喜欢藜麦,但我再也买不起了,”50岁的奥尔托市街头摊贩Micaela Huan ca感慨道,这是一座贫民数量较首都拉巴斯更多的城市。
- 27. Quinoa has been cultivated in the Andean highlands since 3, 000 B.C., and grows natively from Chile north to Colombia, mostly in Peru and Bolivia.
- 从公元前3000年以来,在安第斯高地上就一直在种植奎奴亚藜,该作物源产于智利北部到哥伦比亚地区,主要产于秘鲁和玻利维亚。
- 28. Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) provides 10 essential amino acids, is loaded with minerals and has a high protein content -- between 14 and 18 percent.
- 奎奴亚藜(音KEEN-wah坑哇)能提供10种必需的氨基酸,富含矿特质,具有高蛋白质含量(14%—18%)。
- 29. Now, he said, rising quinoa prices have also encouraged city dwellers to return to their plots in the countryside during planting and harvest seasons.
- 据他所说,如今不断上涨的藜麦价格也激发了城市居民在播种与收货季节返乡务农。
- 30. Now, he said, rising quinoa prices have also encouraged city dwellers to return to their plots in the countryside during planting and harvest seasons.
- 据他所说,如今不断上涨的藜麦价格也激发了城市居民在播种与收货季节返乡务农。