- 1. Most of the purported health benefits of tea come from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that inhibit the formation of plaque along the body's blood vessels.
- 茶对健康的好处大多来自于抗氧化剂——在胡萝卜素、维生素E和维生素C 中也发现了抗氧化剂化合物,它能抑制沿身体血管形成的斑块。
- 2. Pictured above is a purported photograph of the Queen.
- 上图描绘的是闵皇后的照片。
- 3. As to agents or purported agents of the addressee, see 52 Comment C.
- 关于收件人的代理人或潜在代理人,请参阅第52节评论c。
- 4. These cannot be dismissed lightly. But there are also some purported benefits.
- 这些不能被轻易的消除,不过也还是有一些传说的好处。
- 5. A 1963 study purported to find one person who read 17,040 words per minute.
- 1963年一份研究据说找到了一个每分能读到17040个单词的人。
- 6. A 1963 study purported to find one person who read 17, 040 words per minute.
- 1963年一份研究据说找到了一个每分能读到17040个单词的人。
- 7. Many places can't document the ages of the people in their purported cluster.
- 许多地方无法提供他们所声称的长寿人群年龄的记录。
- 8. It might also be hard to mesh a notion such as the purported intrinsic value of people.
- 也很难与人们所宣传的,人类内在价值之类的观念相吻合。
- 9. If the stamp does not really hash with the purported leading zero bits, it is not valid.
- 如果戳记没有真正地使用声明的前导零比特进行散列,那么它就是非法的。
- 10. Launched last November, the false website purported to offer fans a window into McGregor's life.
- 去年十一月才启用的这个假账户声称要给粉丝们一扇进入McGregor生活的窗户。
- 11. Woman are purported to be more psychologically and physiologically affected by relationships than men.
- 比起男性,女性从来就更容易从心理上及生理上受到爱情影响。
- 12. Metro-2 in Moscow, Russia is a purported secret underground metro system which parallels the public Moscow metro.
- 俄罗斯莫斯科地铁2是传说中和莫斯科公共地铁并行的地铁系统。
- 13. A photograph, purported to be from inside the ballroom, showed tables set with simple white linens and red napkins.
- 有一张照片据说是从舞会现场拍下来的,上面有一些桌子,桌子盖着朴素的白色亚麻步和红色的餐巾。
- 14. The story resumes with new heroes. Two young men (the purported son and grandson of Genji) are wooing a trio of sisters.
- 接下来的故事则是围绕新的主人公展开:两个年轻人(一个是据说是源氏的儿子,另一个则是源氏的孙子)热切地追求着三姐妹。
- 15. Kicking off the top three is Mississippi, home to the purported descendants of some of the aforementioned lazy pioneers.
- 排名第三位的是密西西比州,传说中之前提到过的懒人先锋后代的家园。
- 16. The most recent poll purported to demonstrate that a majority of Britons think that it should be taught alongside evolution in schools.
- 最近的调查似乎说明大多数英国人认为‘智慧设计论’应该与进化论一同在学校讲授。
- 17. We discussed "Landscape with a Rainbow," the purported Turner painting that was Peter Paul Biro's first fingerprint-authentication case.
- 我们还讨论了据称是透纳作品的《彩虹风景》,也是彼得·保罗·比罗的第一桩用指纹鉴定画作的案子。
- 18. Two other recent papers published in the journal Judgement and Decision Making also failed to find the purported benefit for unconscious thought.
- 其它两个最近刊登在《判断和决策》的杂志也没有发现传说中无意识思考的益处。
- 19. The three sets of observations that purported to see methane on Mars all relied on the absorption lines which the gas imposes on light at specific wavelengths.
- 三组观测声称火星上有甲烷依赖于甲烷气体所影响的吸收(谱)线处在一个非常特别的波段上。
- 20. The purported cancer stem cells produced a perse mixture of cells, some of which are not cancerous, that reflected an actual human pancreatic tumor, she said.
- 所谓的癌症干细胞产生了不同类型的细胞群,其中一些是非成瘤性的,这也和人类胰腺癌肿瘤相类似。
- 21. Some of the charges relate to tens of millions of dollars apparently laundered through purported charitable organisations run by rabbis in New York and New Jersey.
- 一些指控涉案数千万美元,洗钱则是明显通过拉比在纽约和新泽西运作的据称为慈善组织的机构来进行的。
- 22. Neither did Tang’s purported PhD from the California Institute of Technology. His degree was from an unaccredited “diploma mill” called Pacific Western University.
- 不久,人们甚至发现他自称获得加州理工学院的博士学位也是捏造的,而真实学位却由一所未经授权的“文凭工厂”西太平洋大学所颁发。
- 23. Neither did Tang’s purported PhD from the California Institute of Technology. His degree was from an unaccredited “diploma mill” called Pacific Western University.
- 不久,人们甚至发现他自称获得加州理工学院的博士学位也是捏造的,而真实学位却由一所未经授权的“文凭工厂”西太平洋大学所颁发。