- 1. An important augment to doubt Classic of Documents in ancient scripts is that it appeared later, and it is taken it as a "pseudograph".
- 学术界怀疑古文《尚书》为“伪书”的一条重要论据,就是古文晚出。
- 2. The widespread of pirated books, pseudograph and books that caused misleading nowadays have made vicious impact on the mental health of readers.
- 盗版书、“伪书”和“误导书”的泛滥,对读者的心灵造成了极大毒害。
- 3. Kongzi Jiayu (The Confucian School's Analects) is an important work for researching Confucius' life and thoughts. Taken as a pseudograph for a long time, it hasn't been well studied.
- 《孔子家语》是一部研究孔子生平思想的重要典籍,但由于长期被疑为“伪书”而没有得到充分研究。
- 4. This paper makes some supplementary introduction to the reasons why the pseudographs are caused, and gives the author's opinion on discriminating pseudograph and how to appraise pseudograph correctly.
- 文章介绍伪书产生的两个原因,并对辨伪和正确看待伪书提出了自己的看法。
- 5. This paper makes some supplementary introduction to the reasons why the pseudographs are caused, and gives the author's opinion on discriminating pseudograph and how to appraise pseudograph correctly.
- 文章介绍伪书产生的两个原因,并对辨伪和正确看待伪书提出了自己的看法。