- 1. He stands on the prow looking at the sea.
- 他站在船首看着大海。
- 2. They were not able to prow these suspicions.
- 我怀疑他们相爱了。
- 3. But nevermore that fit between prow and stern.
- 这里有着希望,但仅在船头和船尾之间。
- 4. But never more than fit between prow and stern.
- 但不会虚妄到超越船头和船尾。
- 5. The end of the island is like a prow of a huge leafy ship.
- 这座岛的尾部,就像一艘巨大的叶子形成的船的船头。
- 6. Prow noodle soup with shrimp, bean sprout, pork rib and green vegetable.
- 虾汤米粉配虾仁,豆芽,小排和蔬菜。
- 7. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern.
- 这里也有欲看,但不会虚妄到超出船头和船尾。
- 8. And there were wishes here, but never more than could fit between prow and stern.
- 而这里还有希望,但也只在船头与船尾之间,从未超出这个界限。
- 9. David and Lucy sat in the prow of the fishing boat and looked across the choppy water.
- 大卫和露西坐在渔船船头,凝望着烟波浩淼的水面。
- 10. There was no sound other than the silken rustle of the boat's prow cleaving the water;
- 小船立刻就出发了,四下里一片寂静,只有船头穿透水面发出的柔和的沙沙声。
- 11. A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly.
- 一具尸体站立船首,僵死的脸上有一双闪闪发光的眼睛,灰色的嘴唇悲伤地微笑。
- 12. The restaurant is implanted in a manner that the prow of the building is immersed in the woods.
- 餐厅的位置摆放使得建筑的一端刚好融入树林里。
- 13. The architects chose to use the prow end of the ship, giving the structure a curved point at one end.
- 建筑师选择用船的船头,并让该结构在一端形成弯曲的点。
- 14. But 2000 people at a time, and there were wishes here. But never more than fit between prow and stern.
- 这艘船每次只载客两千,既载人,有载梦想。但范围离不开船头与船尾之间。
- 15. Thus the City first presented itself to the eye, with its stern to the east, and its prow to the west.
- 因此,老城首先映入眼帘的是船尾朝东,船头向西。
- 16. Zhou Shan stood in the prow, a long spear in his hand, cried, “Who are you dare to hinder your mistress’s way?”
- 周善手执长戈,大喝曰:"汝何人,敢当主母!"
- 17. A motorboat designed so that the prow and much of the hull lift out of the water and skim the surface at high speeds.
- 水上滑行艇一种机动船,设计使船头及船身很大一部分露出水面,船可以高速滑过水平面。
- 18. Shakti Hunzrin slumped deeper into the prow of the small boat and glared at the two young males laboring at the OARS.
- 莎克提•亨兹瑞沮丧地坐在小船头,瞪着两名年轻男性努力划桨。
- 19. Down she came and found a boat Beneath a willow left afloat, and around about the prow she wrote the Lady of Shalott.
- 打倒她来了,找到了船柳树下左漂浮,关于船头靠近她说作者:夏洛特夫人。
- 20. The species is popularly known as "Nepenthes viking" after the resemblance the pitchers bear to the prow of a Viking ship.
- 这个品种以“维京猪笼草的称呼闻名,瓶子外形看似维京战船的船首。
- 21. Leech's installation entitled Hypergraphia is on display at the Flatiron Prow Art Space in New York until December 31, 2011.
- 水蛭的安装题为Hypergraphia熨斗船头,直到2011年12月31日,在纽约的艺术空间展出。
- 22. Out upon the wharfs they came, Knight and Burgher, Lord and Dame, and around the prow they read her name, the Lady of Shalott.
- 出来后,他们来到码头,奈特和堡勋爵和圣母院,他们和周围的船头读她的名字,作者:夏洛特夫人。
- 23. Keep markers' hoovered up 'like this to one side so they can be used to fire a cutting beam from the prow in the shooting phase.
- 保持标尺移出,它们可以被用于在射击阶段从舰首发射切割光束。
- 24. The first building, designed in L volume, serves as the prow of the whole, expressing in this fact the project's urban character.
- 第一栋楼设计成L形,犹如船首,表征该项目的城市特性。
- 25. Like a ship's prow, a building designed by award-winning architect Renzo Piano seems to sail boldly onto designed Potsdamer Platz.
- 柏林地标图片。像船的船头,一位建筑设计奖获奖建筑师伦佐•皮亚诺似乎航行大胆地到设计波茨坦普拉茨(广场)上。
- 26. Prow and bouldered sea slugged it out all night, a clattering succession of growlers and bergy bits nudged aside, slowly but surely.
- 船整夜都在浮冰中航行,船侧发出接连的咔哒声,缓慢而清晰。
- 27. Except that in Latin a ship's prow was called a rostrum and the plural of rostrum was rostra so they called the speaking platform rostra.
- 只是在拉丁语中,船首被称作“rostrum”,而且它的复数形式是“rostra”,所以他们将讲台叫做“rostra”。
- 28. A sunken temple loomed up out of the greyness as Yandry and Duck leaned upon their poles and paced slowly from prow to stern, pushing.
- 当杨恩德里和鸭子斜撑篙慢慢得从船首划到船尾时,一座半淹的庙宇与灰暗中隐现。
- 29. A sunken temple loomed up out of the greyness as Yandry and Duck leaned upon their poles and paced slowly from prow to stern, pushing.
- 当杨恩德里和鸭子斜撑篙慢慢得从船首划到船尾时,一座半淹的庙宇与灰暗中隐现。