- 1. The pro-life movement has right-wingers and left-wingers.
- 反对人工流产运动中有右翼成员也有左翼成员。
- 2. Once pro-choice, he is now pro-life.
- 曾经一度赞成堕胎合法,他现在是反堕胎派的了。
- 3. The laws are about as firmly pro-life as it gets.
- 《反堕胎法》宗旨在于坚决发对堕胎。
- 4. In 2008, only 44% were "pro-life" and 50% backed women's rights to choose.
- 在2008年同一个调查里,只有百分之四十四的人说自己是“亲生命派”,而百分之五十的人则认同妇女的选择权。
- 5. In such cases, it was far from clear that banning the operation was pro-life.
- 在这些情况下,很难说禁止这样的手术就是支持“生命权”。
- 6. One local, Catherine Muskett, states, "Obviously it's good to support pro-life causes. Every little bit counts."
- 当地人凯瑟琳马斯凯特说“很显然地,支持生命权,哪怕只有一点点价值,也是好的。”
- 7. Dr Nathanson's deeply personal memoir of what led a lifelong atheist and abortion crusader first to the pro-life cause.
- 桑森博士最深沉的个人回忆录什么导致终身无神论者和堕胎的十字军首先向亲生活的事业。
- 8. The "pro-life" argument regarding improvement in pain control through drugs, hospices etc. only covers those dying in pain.
- 那些“生命权”的辩论者注重通过药物和晚期病人护理机构等来改善痛苦的控制。只能掩盖令人死亡的疼痛。
- 9. The mere hint that the practice might merit discussion has aroused the fury of pro-life organisations in Britain, however.
- 人们似乎更认为实践比单纯的讨论更能说明问题,但这激起了英国婴儿生命权组织的愤怒。
- 10. To his fans, Mr Thompson was the real thing: pro-life, anti-tax, plain-spoken and unlikely ever to change his mind about anything.
- 对他的支持者来说,汤普森先生是正确的人选:反堕胎,反对增税,谈吐平和,从不改变他对任何事物的看法。
- 11. Most people are neither pro-choice nor pro-life, but both; we cherish life, we value choice, and we trade them off with great reluctance.
- 大部分人既不全然赞成或对堕胎,而是兼而有之:我们珍视生命,我们看重选择,我们难以轻易放弃它们。
- 12. They praise her as a McCain-style reformer who has taken on her state’s Republican establishment and has a staunch pro-life record (her fifth child has Down’s syndrome).
- 佩林发迹于地方的家长教师会,后来当选美国面积最大州的州长、他们称赞她是麦凯恩式的改革家,担任美国共和党要职,有着坚决的反堕胎立场(她的第五个孩子患有先天性愚症)。
- 13. Gingrich was not popular with some Republican conservatives, especially those in the pro-life movement, who suspected that his grander vision did not necessarily include them.
- 一些共和党保守派议员,特别是参加反对妇女堕胎运动的议员,不喜欢金里奇,他们怀疑他那更宏伟的设想中未必包括他们。
- 14. In 1995, when Gallup started asking the question, the split was 56-33 in favor of abortion rights. Now the lines have crossed, and 51% call themselves pro-life while only 42% say they are pro-choice.
- 在1995年,当盖洛普开始调查这个问题时,投票结果是56%对33%的人支持堕胎;而现在,这条线已然被越过,51%的人宣称反对堕胎,而同时只有42%的人倾向于支持堕胎。
- 15. Like any pro star she won't talk about her private life.
- 跟别的职业明星一样,她也避免谈及她的私生活。
- 16. As he struggled with his own life-threatening health problems, the issue became more and more important to him, and he had a hard time supporting pro-choice candidates.
- 在与危及自身生命的健康问题搏斗的过程中,他把堕胎的问题看得越来越重要,要他支持赞成堕胎的候选人不是易事。
- 17. And with the hype around him building, he was being exposed more and more to the trappings of life as a pro.
- 并大肆宣传他的周围建设中,他被揭露,越来越多的服饰,生活中第一次作为职业。
- 18. Like the larger 17-inch MacBook Pro, the 15-inch will also feature a new lithium battery that gets up to seven hours of battery life and three times the recharges of most laptops.
- 像稍大点的17英寸的MacBookPro, 15英寸的将安置一个新的锂电池,将使电池寿命长达7个小时,是大多数充电笔记本电脑使用时间的3倍。
- 19. Apple updated the aluminium unibody MacBook Pro line to include 13-inch, 15-inch and 17-inch models featuring up to 40 per cent longer battery life.
- 苹果公司更新了拥有铝制机身的MacBookpro产品线,新产品包含13寸、15寸、17寸三种规格的产品,电池续航时间较以前有40%的提高。
- 20. And the rest, as they say, is history. Like any pro star she won't talk about her private life.
- 就像其他人说的,以前已经成为历史。跟别的职业明星一样,她也避免谈及她的私生活。
- 21. One strategy that I find hugely helpful in many aspects of my life is to track my pro GREss.
- 在生活中许多方面帮助了我的一个策略是跟踪自己的进步。
- 22. The life work within the pro, strong nearly five feet without the boy answered.
- 外无期功强近之亲,内无应门五尺之童。
- 23. 'I enjoy my life as it is, with the freedom to spend as much time as I want on pro bono activities and family,' Mr. Webb says. 'a fiduciary duty to shareholders would change that.
- 韦伯说,我喜欢我现在的生活,在公益活动方面和家人身上想花多少时间就花多少时间,而如果对股东承担起信托责任,这一切都会发生改变。
- 24. Tajima village villagers to the modifications life and marriage, only to take "pro-exchange", "Ruzhui" and the last resort "Pianhun" do not choose the normal channels.
- 但马坝村村民为了生活和婚姻的变通,只得采取“交换亲”、“入赘”以及不得已的“骗婚”等不正常的择偶渠道。
- 25. As a pro athlete, our whole life is structured.
- 作为一名前运动员,我们的生活都是被安排好的。
- 26. As a pro athlete, our whole life is structured.
- 作为一名前运动员,我们的生活都是被安排好的。