- 1. Most of the electorate is pro-choice.
- ...大多数选民都主张女性有权选择人工流产。
- 2. Florida is a stronghold for pro-choice activists.
- 佛罗里达是一个主张堕胎合法的活跃分子们的大本营。
- 3. Once pro-choice, he is now pro-life.
- 曾经一度赞成堕胎合法,他现在是反堕胎派的了。
- 4. Luxury Duplex Suite is your air shall feast of Friends of the pro-choice.
- 豪华空中复式套房更是您款亲宴友的最佳选择。
- 5. I was surprised to see a white woman wearing a pro-choice button and holding a black baby in her arms.
- 我吃惊地看到一个佩戴支持堕胎小徽章的白人妇女手里抱着一个黑皮肤的孩子。
- 6. Whoever Mr Obama picks is sure to be brainy, honourable and young. He or she will also be pro-choice on abortion.
- 无论奥巴马选择了谁,这位继任者肯定是一位聪明又年轻且值得尊敬的人,而他(她)也将支持合法堕胎。
- 7. The next day, I had the language on my website changed to state in clear but simple terms my pro-choice position.
- 第二天,我把网页上的语言改了,用清楚而简单的语言表明了我支持女性的选择权的立场。
- 8. Pro-choice groups fear that Dr Tiller's murder will deter doctors from providing abortions and women from seeking them.
- 然而,支持妇女堕胎权利组织担忧医生们会蒂勒医生谋杀案而不敢做堕胎手术,妇女们也不敢找他们寻求帮助。
- 9. pro-choice campaigners have warned of an increase in back-street abortions and women being wrongly prosecuted for miscarriages.
- 但是主张堕胎合法化人士却警告这可能会增加私下非法堕胎数量,孕妇也可能应为流产而无辜被告。
- 10. Rudy Giuliani, the Republican front-runner, is struggling to avoid alienating conservative voters with his mildly "pro-choice" line.
- 处于领先地位的共和党人鲁迪·朱利安尼不敢怠慢保守派投票者,走的是“重选择”的温和路线。
- 11. It seems to me that if you're going to be consistent in your pro-choice opinions, then it shouldn't matter why a woman has an abortion.
- 这好像是在说你会像以往一样做你自己的决定。为什么要让这些女人进行流产。
- 12. Most people are neither pro-choice nor pro-life, but both; we cherish life, we value choice, and we trade them off with great reluctance.
- 大部分人既不全然赞成或对堕胎,而是兼而有之:我们珍视生命,我们看重选择,我们难以轻易放弃它们。
- 13. In the mid - '90s, when pro-choice forces were especially dominant, only 12% believed abortion was always wrong; now that number has nearly doubled.
- 在90年代中期,支持堕胎的力量占据着决定性的位置,只有12%的人认为堕胎在任何情况下都是错误的;而今天,这个数字已经翻了一番。
- 14. When running (unsuccessfully) for the Senate in 1994, he was pro-choice on abortion and said he was more pro-gay rights than his opponent, Ted Kennedy.
- 1994年他竞选参议员(失利),当时他赞成有权选择合法堕胎,他还称他比对手泰德·肯尼迪更支持同性恋的权利。
- 15. As he struggled with his own life-threatening health problems, the issue became more and more important to him, and he had a hard time supporting pro-choice candidates.
- 在与危及自身生命的健康问题搏斗的过程中,他把堕胎的问题看得越来越重要,要他支持赞成堕胎的候选人不是易事。
- 16. Elizabeth Nash of the pro-choice thinktank the Guttmacher Institute says access to abortion has been progressively whittled down under a constant barrage of legal challenges.
- “选择权”智库Guttmacher研究院的伊丽莎白·纳什称,由于堕胎法律不断受到攻击和阻扰,堕胎数据呈持续下降趋势。
- 17. In 1995, when Gallup started asking the question, the split was 56-33 in favor of abortion rights. Now the lines have crossed, and 51% call themselves pro-life while only 42% say they are pro-choice.
- 在1995年,当盖洛普开始调查这个问题时,投票结果是56%对33%的人支持堕胎;而现在,这条线已然被越过,51%的人宣称反对堕胎,而同时只有42%的人倾向于支持堕胎。
- 18. Some Turks grumbled privately that Mr Uribe (apparently Mr Ban’s choice) might be too pro-American to be objective.
- 而一些土耳其人私下里抱怨潘基文选择帕尔默明显是亲美国派做法以至于最后难以客观判断。
- 19. It leaves delivery reports in Inbox for a while (your choice), afterwards it will erase every report completely, or (in the Pro version) move it, to a special new folder in Inbox.
- 它使交付报告收件箱中的,而(您的选择),以后将每一份报告完全抹掉,或(专业版)移动,以一种特殊的新文件夹中的收件箱。
- 20. Velcro cable wraps, available from most pro and consumer recording supply companies, are costly but are also the best choice as they are easy to set up and remove.
- Velcro尼龙电缆扎带可以在专业录音用品供给公司买到。虽然非常贵,但是确实是最好的选择,因为使用非常方便。
- 21. At the micro-level, the design of pro-poor regulation includes choice of price-regulation scheme, persified service-quality-regulation, competition-regulation and subsidies.
- 在微观层面,亲贫规制设计包括价格规制方案选择、多样化的服务质量规制、竟争规制和补贴等内容。
- 22. At the micro-level, the design of pro-poor regulation includes choice of price-regulation scheme, persified service-quality-regulation, competition-regulation and subsidies.
- 在微观层面,亲贫规制设计包括价格规制方案选择、多样化的服务质量规制、竟争规制和补贴等内容。