- 1. Around 350 people at the Presidio worked with Farrar on Transformers, more than were actually on set with director Michael Bay.
- 大约基地的350人和法拉一起为变形金刚工作,更多的人事实上配备给了MichaelBay。
- 2. Thisdatabase served as the basis for the creation of the Internet Archive (also located in the Presidio) and its Wayback Machine.
- 这个数据库为基础建立的互联网档案馆(也设在普雷西·迪奥)及其Wayback机。
- 3. When Lucasfilm opened its newcampus in San Francisco’s Presidio in 2005, it included an AMD-basedrender farm that can operate 24 hours a day.
- 2005年,当卢卡斯电影公司在旧金山的普雷西迪奥开设新址时,其中纳入了能一天24小时运行的以AMD为基础的渲染农场。
- 4. Those who occupy the lofty elevations of Russian Hill, Pacific Heights and Presidio Heights would surely agree that San Francisco should be high on the desirability list.
- 相信在俄国山、太平洋高地和要塞高地等地区拥有豪宅的富人绝对会举双手赞成圣·弗朗西斯科的入选。
- 5. San Francisco, Calif. Those who occupy the lofty elevations of Russian Hill, Pacific Heights and Presidio Heights would surely agree that San Francisco should be high on the desirability list.
- 相信在俄国山、太平洋高地和要塞高地等地区拥有豪宅的富人绝对会举双手赞成圣·弗朗西斯科的入选。
- 6. AMD's internal security and virtual technology code names are called Presidio and Pacifica, respectively, according to its officials said it will appear in next year's Opteron processor.
- AMD的片内安全和虚拟技术代号分别称作Presidio和Pacifica,据其官员表示将出现在明年的Opteron处理器中。
- 7. Sparrows living in San Francisco's Presidio district actually tweet their tunes in a higher register than they did in the past, to be heard over the rumble of cars on the nearby Golden Gate Bridge.
- 旧金山要塞区麻雀的鸣叫声实际上比它们以往任何时候的叫声都要更高——这样人们才能在驶过附近金门大桥的汽车隆隆声中听到它们的鸣叫。
- 8. Sparrows living in San Francisco's Presidio district actually tweet their tunes in a higher register than they did in the past, to be heard over the rumble of cars on the nearby Golden Gate Bridge.
- 旧金山要塞区麻雀的鸣叫声实际上比它们以往任何时候的叫声都要更高——这样人们才能在驶过附近金门大桥的汽车隆隆声中听到它们的鸣叫。