- 1. New Presbyter is but old Priest with large.
- 新长老只不过是更广泛意义上的旧牧师。
- 2. Likewise as touching a Presbyter and a Deacon.
- 至于司铎和执事亦然。
- 3. That's where we get this rousing line, "New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ Large."
- 这就是我们看到激动人心的句子的地方,“新的长老只是夸大的旧的牧师而已
- 4. In 197 he returned to Carthage, where he married and became a presbyter of the church.
- 在197他返回迦太基,在那里他已婚,并成为长老教会。
- 5. Which ends with that line, you'll remember: "New Presbyter is but Old Priest writ Large."
- 它的结尾是这样的,你们应该记得:,“新的长老只是夸大的旧的牧师而已。”
- 6. CANON II: a Presbyter must be ordained by a single Bishop, and so must a Deacon and other Clergymen.
- 法令二:司铎必须由一位主教祝圣,执事和其它神职人员亦然。
- 7. CANON LIX: If any Bishop or Presbyter fails to supply necessities when any of the clergy is in want, let him be excommunicated.
- 法令五十九:若有主教或司铎在任何神职人员生活困难时未供给他的生活所需,应将其绝罚。
- 8. CANON LXXXI: We have said that a Bishop, or a Presbyter must not descend himself into public offices, but must attend to ecclesiastical needs.
- 法令八十一:我们说过:主教或司铎降不得降低身份担任公共职务,而应照顾教会所需。
- 9. Only priests (presbyters and bishops) can give the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, using oil blessed by the bishop, or if necessary by the celebrating presbyter himself.
- 只有司祭(司铎和主教)可以施行病人傅油圣事,他们所采用的油须由主教祝圣,或在必要时,由主礼司铎祝圣。
- 10. CANON XXXI: If any Presbyter, condemning his own bishop, draw people aside, and set up another altar, without finding anything wrong with the bishop in point of piety and righteousness.
- 法令三十一:若有司铎定自己主教的罪,带领教众离开,另立祭台,却没有发现主教在敬虔与义德上有任何过错。
- 11. CANON XXXI: If any Presbyter, condemning his own bishop, draw people aside, and set up another altar, without finding anything wrong with the bishop in point of piety and righteousness.
- 法令三十一:若有司铎定自己主教的罪,带领教众离开,另立祭台,却没有发现主教在敬虔与义德上有任何过错。