- 1. Most postdoctoral work is funded by the research councils.
- 大部分的博士后的工作都是由研究会资助的。
- 2. Dutt and her colleagues studied more than 1,200 letters of recommendation for postdoctoral positions in geoscience.
- 达特和她的同事对1200多封地球科学博士后推荐信展开研究。
- 3. One critical step that could help to drive change would be to require Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scientists to follow an inpidual development plan.
- 一个有助于推动变革的关键步骤是要求博士学生和博士后科学家遵循一个个人发展计划。
- 4. Female applicants to postdoctoral positions in geosciences were nearly half as likely to receive excellent letters of recommendation, compared with their male counterparts.
- 与男性同行相比,申请地球科学博士后学位的女性收到优秀推荐信的概率几乎只有男性的一半。
- 5. In 2002, the US Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology recommended that every postdoctoral researcher put together an IDP in consultation with an adviser.
- 在2002年,美国实验生物学协会联合会建议每个博士后研究员在咨询顾问之后制定一个IDP。
- 6. He just finished his Ph.D. in Copenhagen, and he had won himself a postdoctoral fellowship, courtesy of the Carlsberg Brewery foundation.
- 他刚刚在哥本哈根取得博士学位,取得了由嘉士伯基金资助的博士后奖金。
- 7. She is now a postdoctoral fellow at Washington University.
- 她现在是华盛顿大学的博士后。
- 8. Dr Alick N. Deacon, STFC postdoctoral fellow, University of Manchester.
- Alick n . Deacon博士,STFC的博士后研究员,曼彻斯特大学。
- 9. Additional postdoctoral researchers may be funded from personal fellowships.
- 额外的博士后研究者可能要用个人研究资金来资助。
- 10. I hope that my qualifications could meet your requirements for postdoctoral study.
- 希望我的条件符合到贵系做博士后研究的要求。
- 11. A certain postdoctoral fellow in the lab — I'll call him Henry — was getting most of the fabulous results.
- 在实验室中有个博士后——我叫他亨利——大部分的令人震惊的研究成果都是由他做出来的。
- 12. In less than two years, he has recruited about 18 postdoctoral fellows, almost all from the United States.
- 不到两年,他已经从美国招聘了18位博士后。
- 13. The lead investigator was Toni-Kim Clarke, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Toni -Kim Clarke博士主导了该项研究,她是一名宾夕法尼亚州大学的博士后。
- 14. Hu Tiger Tao, postdoctoral researcher, with a hologram made of silk showing mobius strips and the Tufts logo.
- 博士后研究员胡涛(音译)正在观察用蚕丝制成的带有莫比乌斯带和塔夫斯大学标志的全息图。
- 15. Postdoctoral researchers are paid from the same budget, but the number of Ph.D.s supported this way had ballooned.
- 博士后研究人员从同样的预算中获得报酬,但是以这种传统方式受助的博士生的数目迅速膨胀。
- 16. The school’s Web site lists him as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine.
- 校方网站将其列为高级生物技术医学中心(Centerfor Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine)的博士后研究员.
- 17. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and an American Heart Association postdoctoral fellowship.
- 这项研究受美国国家健康协会(NIH)以及美国心脏协会(AHA)博士后奖学金资助。
- 18. Nocera and Matthew Kanan, a postdoctoral fellow in Nocera's lab, focused on the water-splitting part of photosynthesis.
- 纳舍埃(Nocera)和纳舍埃实验室的博士后研究员马特舒·凯纳恩(MatthewKanan)把研究重点放在光合作用的水分解部分。
- 19. Future generations of scientists will be hit: there will be fewer opportunities to gain a PhD or hold a postdoctoral post.
- 将来的科学家也可能受到影响:获得博士学位或博士后委任的机会会更少了。
- 20. Between postdoctoral and lecturer level, men are more likely to be promoted than women are, by a factor of between 1.04 and 2.45.
- 在博士后和老师这个水平间,男性提升的可能性高于女性,可达到1.04至2.45倍。
- 21. "If you build an organ, but you can't provide nutrients, it is going to die," says Gomez Fernandez, now a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard.
- “如果你构建了一个器官,但却不能给它营养物质,那么它会很快死亡。”哈佛大学的博士后GomezFernandez如是说。
- 22. Meanwhile, a postdoctoral fellow named Min Zhu had become bored with the rheumatology research she was doing and was looking for a new field.
- 与此同时,一位名叫朱敏(音译)的博士后研究生对正在从事的风湿病研究产生了厌倦之情,她正在尝试寻找新的研究领域。
- 23. "From an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense," said study co-author Matt Thimgan, a Washington University postdoctoral researcher.
- “这从进化的角度看是行得通的,”研究作者之一、华盛顿大学的马特说道。
- 24. In 2005, a postdoctoral researcher in his laboratory developed a water annealing process, reconstituting the silks slowly in a humid environment.
- 2005年,他实验室的一位博士后研究员利用一种水退火过程在潮湿环境下对丝类进行了缓慢的重组。
- 25. To study this often forgotten impact and how to reduce it, she works on a project in India created by her postdoctoral professor at UCSD Scripps.
- 为了研究和设法减轻这一时常遭到遗忘的影响,她参加了一个在印度开展的项目,项目创始人是她在加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校(UCSD)的博士后教授斯科利普斯。
- 26. For all three papers, which looked at the olfactory system in mice, the first author was Zhihua Zou, a postdoctoral researcher who conducted the experiments.
- 这三篇研究老鼠嗅觉系统的论文其第一作者都是邹志华,他是负责具体实验工作的博士后研究员。
- 27. For all three papers, which looked at the olfactory system in mice, the first author was Zhihua Zou, a postdoctoral researcher who conducted the experiments.
- 这三篇研究老鼠嗅觉系统的论文其第一作者都是邹志华,他是负责具体实验工作的博士后研究员。