- 1. 'Depression' is a portmanteau condition.
- “忧郁症”是一种综合症状。
- 2. I rang the bell, and directed my servant to pack my portmanteau.
- 我打了铃,吩咐听差把我的旅行皮包收拾好。
- 3. Stagflation is portmanteau word made of stagnation and inflation.
- 滞涨是由停滞和通货膨胀两个词所组成的合成词。
- 4. Stagflation is a portmanteau word made of stagnation and inflation.
- 滞涨是由停滞和通货膨胀两个词所组成的合成词。
- 5. "Bromance" is a portmanteau, a combination of the words "brother" and "romance".
- Bromance这个词是brother(兄弟)和romance(爱情)两个单词的合成词形式。
- 6. Chillaxin is a portmanteau of chillin’ and relaxin’, refers to an extreme state of contentedness.
- Chillaxin是chillin’(平静)和relaxin’(放松)两个词的合成形式,指一种极度满足的状态。
- 7. The name Wikipedia is a portmanteau of the words wiki (a type of collaborative website) and encyclopedia.
- Wikipedia这个名称是由单词wiki(一种协作式站点)和encyclopedia组合而成。
- 8. A portmanteau sentence is a sentence which has a hybrid structure from two sentences in different languages.
- 溶合句是从两种不同语言的句子结构溶合在一起而生成的一种句内语码转换句。
- 9. Verb, portmanteau - to pretend to text someone or reply to someone's text message to avoid awkward situations.
- 动词,混成词-假装要给某人发信,或回复某人的信息以避免尴尬的情况。
- 10. The word e-tailer is a portmanteau word derived from 'electronic' and 'retailer', in a similar way to 'E-mail'.
- e -tailer是electronic和retailer两个词组合而成的,与e - mail这个词的构成方式一样。
- 11. These may be called male engagement rings or mengagement rings, which is a portmanteau of "man" and "engagement ring".
- 这种女方送给男方的订婚戒指叫做男士订婚戒(male engagementring或者mengagement ring),mengagementring是man(男士)和engagement ring(订婚戒)两个词的合成形式。
- 12. Well brunch is a portmanteau word which is when two words and their meanings are combined together to form a new word.
- 是一个合成词,也就是由两个单词组成一个新的单词。
- 13. The addition of "Chindonesia", a portmanteau word which blends China, India and Indonesia, reflects the shifting focus of world trade.
- 新词“亚洲铁三角”(Chindonesia)这一合成词是由中国、印度和印度尼西亚三国的英语名称合并而成的,反映出了世界贸易中心的转移。
- 14. It is unclear where the name Paralympics came from but it was probably first coined as a pun or 'portmanteau' word combining the words paraplegic and Olympic.
- 至于paralympics这个词的来源似乎并不为人所知,但是它第一次被作为一个合成词可能来源于paraplegic和Olympic这两个词。
- 15. Portmanteau words linking "snow" with "apocalypse" and "Armageddon", used to describe the record snowfalls in the us East Coast and Northern Europe last winter.
- 这个词是用来指在去年年底在美国以及北欧地区遭受的暴风雪袭击。
- 16. That onwhich, when morning came, he finally decided was topitch some clothes into a portmanteau and jump onboard a boat that was leaving that very afternoon forSt. Augustine.
- 时至清晨,他最后的决定是把几件衣服扔进旅行箱,去乘当天下午起锚驶往圣奥古斯丁的轮船。
- 17. The term mansplaining — a portmanteau of "explain" and "man" — entered popular usage afterthe author and historian Rebecca Solnit published a 2008 essay titled "Men Explain Things toMe.
- 男式说教这个词是由“说教”(explain)和“男人”(man)两个词组合而成。 在作家、历史学家丽贝卡•索尔尼(RebeccaSolnit)于2008年发表《爱说教的男人》(Men ExplainThings to Me)一文后,它开始被普遍使用。
- 18. Coca-colonization is a term that refers to globalization or cultural colonization. It is a portmanteau of the name of the multinational soft drink maker Coca-Cola and the word colonization.
- 可口可乐化(Coca -colonization)一词是跨国软饮制造商Coca - Cola(可口可乐)和colonization(殖民化)两个词的合成词,指全球化或文化殖民。
- 19. Mansplaining is a portmanteau of the words man and explaining, defined as "to explain something to someone, typically a man to woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing."
- “男人说教”是英文单词“男人”和“解释说明”两个词的合成词,指的是“向他人,通常为男性向女性,解释某件事情,并且是以一副高高在上的姿势”。
- 20. Mansplaining is a portmanteau of the words man and explaining, defined as "to explain something to someone, typically a man to woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing."
- “男人说教”是英文单词“男人”和“解释说明”两个词的合成词,指的是“向他人,通常为男性向女性,解释某件事情,并且是以一副高高在上的姿势”。