- 1. And they may like to boast about their every-man-a-king populism .
- 他们也可以自夸“众人皆王”的草根主义。
- 2. There is more than a dash of populism behind Ms Reding's attack on the industry.
- 但是Reding女士对于这个行业的抨击得到相当多大众的欢迎。
- 3. The definition of populism in the study of Latin America has been changed considerably.
- 西方拉美学界对于民众主义这一概念的含义的界定发生过较大的变化。
- 4. Yet Britain is guilty of populism too, says a diplomat from a normally supportive country.
- 但是一位外交官说,英国对于民意论也有责任要负,他的国家通常情况下都站在支持一方。
- 5. This new trend, dubbed "Tech Populism" by Forrester Research, is referring to the new user base of digitally savvy workers.
- 这种新的趋势来源于佛瑞斯特调研公司的“技术纯粹主义”,指的是让熟悉计算机技术的员工自己选择使用的工具。
- 6. But Mr Penn may have a weakness of his own-his umbilical ties to business interests and his visceral distaste for anything that smells of populism.
- 但是,潘恩先生可能有自己的弱点——与商业利益割舍不断的联系和对任何带有民粹色彩的事物根深蒂固的厌恶。
- 7. This advice may be contradictory, but then so are the economic opinions of the many angry voters who are animating what's being called the new populism.
- 这种自相矛盾的建议正是许多选民的意见。
- 8. The common characteristic of Populism in broad sense was to believe and advocate "people", fight against worship of culture with "worship of common people".
- 俄国所有各派别即最广义民粹主义的共同特征,是信仰和崇尚“人民”,以“平民化崇拜”反对文化崇拜;
- 9. He argues that a recent referendum in Italy reaffirmed the appeal of populism and anti-European sentiment, showing just how fragile the entire European project is.
- 他指出,意大利最近的公投结果,再次确认了民粹主义的崛起和反欧洲情绪的出现,显示出整个欧洲项目的脆弱。
- 10. He wrote two other books on Britain, one on the Treasury and one on what he called “the decline of civic culture” or, more politely, “the rise of the new populism”.
- 就英国,她还有其他两本书,一本关于财政,另一本,他称之为“市民文化的衰落”,或稍文雅点(或美其名曰)“新民粹主义的兴起”。
- 11. There is another danger: that “enlargement fatigue” among existing members, at a time of rising xenophobia and populism, will consign the Balkans to eternal instability.
- 还有另一种危险:即“扩大疲劳症”,在现有成员国中不断上升的排外主义和民粹主义将把巴尔干地区抛弃在持续动荡局势中。
- 12. The EU must craft regulation that is seen as stopping abuses, especially in the financial sector, or "we will see the rise of protectionism and populism," says a senior Brussels official.
- 欧盟必须设计出条规来限制它被滥用,尤其是在金融领域或者如一布鲁塞尔的官员说:“我们将会看到保护主义和民粹主义的抬头”。
- 13. The EU must craft regulation that is seen as stopping abuses, especially in the financial sector, or "we will see the rise of protectionism and populism," says a senior Brussels official.
- 欧盟必须设计出条规来限制它被滥用,尤其是在金融领域或者如一布鲁塞尔的官员说:“我们将会看到保护主义和民粹主义的抬头”。