- 1. Have you ever heard of a pontoon bridge?
- 你听说过浮桥吗?
- 2. The main living Spaces join the home's pontoon to float over the lake.
- 主要活动区与家庭码头相连,漂浮在湖面上。
- 3. The application of the special type pontoon on the sea is introduced in this article.
- 简要介绍某型特种舟桥器材在海上的应用。
- 4. A stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or pontoon parallel to the hull.
- 一种轻舟的稳定器;定在成型圆木的桅杆或与船体平行的浮筒。
- 5. Archaize pontoon, landscape pontoon, steel structure pontoon bridge, waterfront architecture.
- 仿古木浮桥、景观浮桥、钢结构浮桥、景观亲水栈桥、滨水景观建筑。
- 6. A new way overcoming tipping is proposed by fixing a pontoon at stern and shown to be efficient.
- 文中还提出了在船尾部安装浮筒以克服尾弯的新措施。
- 7. Pontoon bridge: Landscape pontoon Bridges, steel traffic pontoon Bridges, Wooden pontoon Bridges.
- 浮桥:景观浮桥、景观亲水栈桥、钢结构交通浮桥、仿古木浮桥。
- 8. The present is neither a point nor a plane but it is a pontoon bridge resting upon a river of time.
- 现在既不是一个时间点又不是一个时间段面,它是跨越于时间长河之上的一座浮桥。
- 9. Archaize timberwork pontoon, landscape pontoon, steel structure pontoon bridge, waterfront architecture.
- 仿古木浮桥、景观浮桥、钢结构浮桥、景观亲水栈桥、滨水景观建筑。
- 10. A German motorized artillery column crossing the Don river by means of a pontoon bridge on July 31, 1942.
- 1942年7月31日,一支德国摩托化炮兵纵队正在通过浮桥横渡顿河。
- 11. Wave attenuation properties of rectangular pontoon breakwater were analyzed with eigen - function expansion.
- 利用特征函数法对矩形浮箱式防浪堤的消浪性能进行分析。
- 12. When he got to the red sea he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely.
- 当他到达红海时,他派工程师建了一座浮桥,这样,以色列人从这座桥上越过了红海。
- 13. When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely.
- 当他到达红海时,他派工程师建了一座浮桥,这样,以色列人从这座桥上越过了红海。
- 14. When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge, and all the people walked across safely.
- 当摩西来到红海时,他让他的工兵建造了一座浮桥,所有的人都安全地通过。
- 15. Photos showing Pre-race Team Managers Meeting, laying of race course and passenger boat pontoon, worshipping ceremony, etc.
- 图片包括赛前领队会议,铺设航道、拜祭仪式等。
- 16. This paper describes a real-time vision based system for pontoon signer's training through gesture recognition and tracking.
- 介绍一个基于视觉的动作实时识别系统,该系统用于在门桥模拟训练中对旗语动作进行识别。
- 17. The Tyson Turbine is mounted on a floating pontoon platform and is usually moored in mid-stream of a flowing river or creek.
- 该泰森汽轮机安装在一个浮动平台,浮桥通常是在停泊中的一个流动的河流或小溪流。
- 18. In January 2006, a bottle-nosed whale died in the Thames after it was lifted on to a pontoon ready to be taken back out to sea.
- 2006年1月,一只搁浅的拜式鲸在被抬到驳船准备运回海中时不幸死亡。
- 19. The indoor formulation experimental analysis on reinforcement of soft soil foundation using mixed pile at Yan Tai pontoon base;
- 混凝土芯水泥土搅拌桩(又称劲性搅拌桩)在国内是一项刚刚开展研究的地基加固新技术。
- 20. Taking the engineering example, the design method and design point of bulkhead gate with muti-nodal floating pontoon are introduced.
- 结合工程实例介绍了多节浮箱式检修闸门的设计方法及设计要点。
- 21. The wave from vessel's launch causes crack of mooring chain for fixing pontoon and is considered to be solitary wave through analyses.
- 针对大船下水激起的波浪造成固定趸船锚链断裂的问题,分析了大船下水激起的波态是孤立波。用近似方法确定了孤立波的波高。
- 22. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor and aviation pioneer, helps a boy balance on the pontoon of a Sikorsky S-38 amphibious aircraft in the 1930s.
- 亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔是发明家及飞行术先驱。图为1930年代,他帮助一个男孩在一架西科斯基s -38水陆两栖飞行器的浮筒上保持平衡。
- 23. Through predicting the hazard of landslide surge, it can guide the design and security positioning of pontoon to ensure its safe running.
- 通过对滑坡涌浪危害程度的预测,可以指导库内浮船的设计及安全定位,保证浮船的安全运行。
- 24. Another object of my invention is to provide a float, pontoon or hull section for a plane that will have decided attributes of lateral stability.
- 另一个目的,我的发明是为了提供一个浮动,浮桥或船体的第一个飞机将有决定的属性的横向稳定性。
- 25. Two pontoon raft models with different types of pontoon were studied for selecting a pontoon with higher hydrodynamic performance by using CFD method.
- 本文针对两种不同舟型的分置式舟桥,运用CFD方法进行方案评估和选优。
- 26. The standard contents include design, production, installation and etc, it's the first yacht marina (pontoon) enterprise standard at present in China.
- 标准内容包括设计、生产、安装等多个阶段,是目前国内第一个游艇码头(浮桥)企业标准。
- 27. Following the Chinese retreat, Vietnamese in Lang Son province ford the Ky Cuong River on makeshift pontoon rafts, as the existing bridge sits collapsed.
- 在中国撤军后,谅山的越南人在祈纲河上架起临时的木筏,因为现存的桥梁已经垮塌。
- 28. Following the Chinese retreat, Vietnamese in Lang Son province ford the Ky Cuong River on makeshift pontoon rafts, as the existing bridge sits collapsed.
- 在中国撤军后,谅山的越南人在祈纲河上架起临时的木筏,因为现存的桥梁已经垮塌。