- 1. I wanted Greenberg to be my pollster.
- 我想让格林伯格做我的民意测验人。
- 2. A pollster conducts public opinion polls.
- 民意调查人进行民意调查。
- 3. Only a fifth of voters want them, says Forsa, a pollster.
- 民意测验专家Forsa表示只有五分之一的选民支持这一决定。
- 4. Mono Research, a pollster, estimates support for Mr Lee and the GNP at just 33%.
- MONO研究,某民调机构估计李先生与GNP的支持率只有33%。
- 5. Some 62% of Germans want to pull out, the highest level recorded by Forsa, a pollster.
- 大约62%的德国群众想要撤军,这是民意测验机构福尔萨所记录的最高比例。
- 6. After plunging into a sorry plight, the pollster quit poking about and plotted a conspiracy.
- 在陷入困境后,那个民意调查者停止了游手好闲并策划了一起阴谋。
- 7. Among these, how many do you suppose do text and drive but don't want to admit it to a pollster?
- 他们当中又有多少人开车发了短信却又不愿向调查者承认?
- 8. His popularity rating fell to 36% in March, its lowest since he took office, according to Ifop, a pollster.
- 据民意测验专家Ifop所说,3月份他的民望跌至36%,这是他上任以来最低点。
- 9. According to a survey by Pollster Lou Harris last year, 97% of the American people say they believe in God.
- 根据PollsterLouHarris去年的一项调查显示美国有97%的信奉上帝。
- 10. Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown says the Texas governor could unify various factions of the Republican Party.
- 美国昆尼皮亚克大学的民调专家彼得·布朗说,佩里可能团结共和党内的各方派系。
- 11. During that six-month period, his popularity rating climbed from a low of 38% to 46%, according to OpinionWay, a pollster.
- 据民调机构OpinionWay公布的数据显示,在那半年时间里,他的支持率从38%的低位攀升到了46%。
- 12. No pollster bothered to ask if people approved of such matches until 1958, when a mere 4% of white Americans said they did.
- 直到1958年,民意调查才涉及人们是否赞成黑人和白人通婚的问题,当时只有4%的美国白人赞同。
- 13. According to Ipsos MORI, a pollster, three-quarters of people plan to spend at least as much on their garden this year as last.
- 根据民意调查公司Ipsos的数据,四分之三的人们计划至少花费与去年一样的时间用于园艺。
- 14. Earlier this year more than two-fifths of TDC Play users told Megafon, a pollster, that they were downloading fewer illegal files.
- 据今年早些时候Megafon(民意调查公司)的调查,五分之二的TCD用户减少了非法文件的下载。
- 15. According to Forschugsgruppe Wahlen, a pollster, 60% of westerners think easterners have been the main beneficiaries of unification.
- 根据Forschugsgruppe Wahlen(一个民意调查机构),60%的西德人认为东德是统一的主要受惠者。
- 16. Pew, a pollster, finds that 44% of them, a plurality, think trade agreements are bad for America, the highest percentage in 13 years.
- 佩尤(pew),在一项民调中就发现,其中有44%(13年来的最高比例)的多数民众认为贸易协定对美国不利。
- 17. When asked by Ifop, a pollster, how best to raise their purchasing power, only 42% of respondents picked out more retail competition.
- 在民意测验机构Ifop就如何最好地提高民众购买力进行调查时发现,仅有42%的受访者认同更多的零售竞争行为。
- 18. This month Mr Sarkozy's popularity rating fell to 26%, according to TNS Sofres, a pollster, a nadir it has touched only once before, in July.
- 本月,据TNSSofres(一个民意测验机构)统计显示,萨科奇的支持率已下跌至26%,这是仅在七月份出现过的低点。
- 19. Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown says Cain's challenge will be to continue building support even as attention on him intensifies.
- 昆尼皮亚克大学的民调专家彼得。布朗说,尽管凯恩将会受到大量的关注,但他的参选将会继续获得更多的支持。
- 20. She is criticised for spending every other weekend in London (she has a school-age child and is married to a leading British opinion pollster).
- 还有人批评她每隔个礼拜要在伦敦度周末。
- 21. Immigration has raced up voters' worry lists over the past two years and now vies with crime for the top position, according to Ipsos-MORI, a pollster.
- 根据民意测验专家Ipsos - MORI的说法,在两年前,移民问题就已经上了投票者的黑名单,而现在,在投票者的心中,移民与犯罪都算是排在前列的问题。
- 22. YouGov, a pollster, found in October that just 33% of Britons think the right of EU citizens to live and work in other member states a good thing.
- 根据一个民调机构YouGov十月的调查显示,仅仅只有33%的英国人认为赋予欧盟成员国内居民去往其他成员国定居以及工作的权利是一件好事。
- 23. "About a third of likely voters say they are less likely to support Clinton given FBI director James Comeys disclosure", said pollster Gary Langer.
- “大约有三分之一的潜在选民说在詹姆斯·科米的曝光后,他们不太想要支持希拉里了,”民意调查员加里·兰格说。
- 24. The explanation is that Mr Chávez once again turned the vote into a plebiscite on himself, says Luis Vicente León of Datanálisis, a leading pollster.
- “数据分析”公司的首席民调专家路易斯·文森特·莱昂对此这样解释:“查韦斯又一次将投票变成投自己”。
- 25. Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown says Americans have concluded the Iraq war was not worth the cost, but he adds that they remain pided on what to do next.
- 奎尼匹埃克大学的另一位民意调查员彼德.布朗说,美国民众认为,伊拉克战争得不偿失。他补充说,他们只是对下一步如何走有分歧。
- 26. Partly because of it, Mrs Merkel is going through her "roughest patch so far" in more than five years in office, says Renate Köcher of Allensbach, a pollster.
- 民意调查机构阿伦斯巴赫(Allensbach)的瑞内特•柯克(Renate Köcher)表示,默克尔夫人正在经历就任五年多以来“从未有过的最艰难的时期”,原因部分归咎于此。
- 27. Quinnipiac University pollster Clay Richards says a large number of voters apparently have already made up their minds about which candidate to support in November.
- 格林尼治大学的民意调查者ClayRichards说很明显地,大部分选民已决定好在十一月支持哪一位候选人。
- 28. Quinnipiac University pollster Clay Richards says a large number of voters apparently have already made up their minds about which candidate to support in November.
- 格林尼治大学的民意调查者ClayRichards说很明显地,大部分选民已决定好在十一月支持哪一位候选人。