- 1. It was a method that also because known as Pointillism.
- 这是一种后来又被称为点彩画法的方法。
- 2. It is a modern artistic expression, a mix of Pop art and Pointillism.
- 它是一种现代艺术,融合了流行元素和传统的点画法。
- 3. The painting "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte" by Seurat is probably the most famous work of pointillism.
- 修拉的《在拉·格兰德·加特岛的一个星期天下午》大概是最有名的点彩派画了。
- 4. Van Gogh would also learn from the pointillism of Seurat, the primitive simplicity of Japanese prints, the Symbolists’ embrace of dreamlike imagery.
- 梵高还吸收了秀拉的点描绘画技巧【1】——一种最原使、简单的日本印刷技巧,并且能创造出象征派学者喜爱的梦境般的图像效果。
- 5. Loiseau was born during which Impressionism was beginning to take its role in France, thus he had received great impact from Corot, Monet, and the style of pointillism.
- 罗佐出生于法国印象派开始崭露头角之时,因此风格皆受到柯洛、莫内和点描派的影响。
- 6. Loiseau was born during which Impressionism was beginning to take its role in France, thus he had received great impact from Corot, Monet, and the style of pointillism.
- 罗佐出生于法国印象派开始崭露头角之时,因此风格皆受到柯洛、莫内和点描派的影响。