- 1. People in Tang Dynasty regarded plumpness as beautiful.
- 唐朝时的人是以丰腴为美。
- 2. With high plumpness and brightness, self-Levelling compound adhesive does not need membranes.
- 自流平水晶胶操作时无需覆膜,饱满性好,亮度高。
- 3. The isolated protoplasts whose sizes were plumpness and round in size and vigor were nice determined with FDA.
- 分离出的原生质体形态饱满浑圆,FDA测定活力良好。
- 4. While at grain filling stage, inorganic phosphorus content was obviously higher than that in the varieties with good grain plumpness.
- 灌浆期,籽粒充实度差的品种无机磷含量明显高于籽粒充实度好的品种。
- 5. At the same time, the number of nematode, nematode load and the weight of panicles under different seed plumpness rates were detected.
- 同时检测了不同稻粒饱和度下小穗头和健康稻粒在线虫虫量、有虫率和粒重间的差异。
- 6. Combined with the proportion of length to width of tongue, the automatic quantitative analysis of plumpness and slenderness of tongues is realized.
- 该文研究了曲线拟合参数与曲线形状胖瘦的关系,结合舌体的长宽比,实现了舌体胖瘦的自动定量分析。
- 7. The crosses from forage rye and winter wheat were lower in seed setting rate(10.21%)and poor in compatibility, but the plumpness were higher(41.20%).
- 饲用黑麦和冬小麦杂交组合结实率(10.21%)低,亲和性差,但籽粒饱满度(41.20%)相对较高,远缘杂交结实率与籽粒饱满度之间相关关系不明显。
- 8. The result showed(1) the correlation and partial correlation relationships of grain color, plumpness to yield and quality characters were not significant.
- 结果表明,(1)籽粒颜色和饱满度与产量及品质性状的相关和偏相关均不显著;
- 9. It was suggested that low sink activities in grain filling period, especially at early stage, account for an important reason for poor grain plumpness in IHR.
- 说明灌浆期特别是灌浆初期籽粒库的生理活性低是亚种间杂交稻籽粒充实不良的重要原因。
- 10. The goodness of fit test of genetic model was significant, indicated that besides additive-dominance, other factors, such as epistasis, might affect grain plumpness.
- 一些组合的遗传模型的离回归测验显著,表明除了基因的加性-显性作用外,还有一些因子对充实度有影响。
- 11. Using 8 rice varieties (including hybrid combinations) as materials, polyamines in developing grains and their relations with grain plumpness and grain weight were studied.
- 以8个水稻品种(含杂交稻组合)为材料,研究了籽粒发育期内源多胺的含量及其与籽粒充实和粒重的关系。
- 12. The artificial leather prepared by the release paper has high glossiness, plumpness and surface planeness and improves the additional value of the artificial leather greatly.
- 应用本发明所述离型纸制备得到的人造皮革具有高光泽度、丰满度和表面平整度,大大提高了人造革的附加值。
- 13. The low-fat sugar-free yogurt has the advantages of milk flavor and good viscosity, moderate acidity and sweetness, smoothness and plumpness, good integral mouthfeel and the like;
- 本发明中的低脂无蔗糖酸奶具有奶香味和粘稠度较好,酸甜适中,爽滑饱满,整体口感较好等优点;
- 14. With typical intersubspecific hybrid rice combinations (IHRC) as materials, some physiological mechanisms of poor grain plumpness in intersubspecific hybrid rice (IHR) were studied.
- 以典型的籼、粳亚种间杂交稻组合为材料,研究了亚种间杂交稻籽粒充实不良的一些生理生化机理。
- 15. This machine can be used for different kinds of wood , plastic and metal products. It can ensure the surface of the paint to be smooth , with good plumpness , and with no chromatic difference.
- 本机适用于各种木器、塑料、金属等平面涂装,经本机处理过的油漆表面光滑,饱满度好,无色差。
- 16. From booting stage to flowering stage, the contents of phytate and inositol in the varieties with good grain plumpness were obviously higher than those in the varieties with poor grain plumpness.
- 灌浆期,籽粒充实度差的品种无机磷含量明显高于籽粒充实度好的品种。
- 17. From booting stage to flowering stage, the contents of phytate and inositol in the varieties with good grain plumpness were obviously higher than those in the varieties with poor grain plumpness.
- 灌浆期,籽粒充实度差的品种无机磷含量明显高于籽粒充实度好的品种。