- 1. Youth is full of pleasance, age is full of care.
- 青春充满愉快,高龄满怀忧虑。
- 2. Anthony Alderson, director of the Pleasance theatre company in London is the first to admit his desk is a mess: "We can't all be neat, and my desk is a pigsty" he says.
- 伦敦pleasance剧院公司的经理安东尼·奥尔德森第一个承认自己的办公桌凌乱不堪:“不可能所有的人都整洁,我的桌子就是一个猪圈,”他说道。
- 3. When I was in elementary school, each time when the Children's Day came, There would be a pleasance activity which was held by school. Its purpose was let us enjoy the Children's Day.
- 记得读小学的时候,每到儿童节,学校就会举行一个游园活动,让我们开开心心地玩一天。
- 4. When I was in elementary school, each time when the Children's Day came, There would be a pleasance activity which was held by school. Its purpose was let us enjoy the Children's Day.
- 记得读小学的时候,每到儿童节,学校就会举行一个游园活动,让我们开开心心地玩一天。