- 1. The idea of starting her own business seemed impossible to Pilar Moya, a poor woman from Atahualpa, high in Ecuador's Andes Mountains.
- 皮拉尔·莫亚是一位来自厄瓜多尔安第斯山脉高处的阿塔瓦尔帕的贫穷妇女,她似乎不可能产生创业的念头。
- 2. "The hell with," Pilar raged. "it is speed that counts."
- “见鬼去吧!”皮拉怒气冲冲地嚷道,“速度才是重要的。”
- 3. Pilar was designed for catching big fish in the Caribbean.
- “比拉号”最初是为在加勒比海上捕获大鱼而设计。
- 4. Pilar was designed for catching big fish in the Caribbean.
- “皮拉尔号”原本是用来去加勒比海捕鱼的。
- 5. On the way back pilar questions maria and Jordan about their romance.
- 归途中,皮拉尔向玛丽亚和乔丹询问他俩的恋情。
- 6. Pilar made an extra copy of her house key and gave it to her aunt for safekeeping.
- 皮拉尔配了另外一把家里的钥匙并把它交给她的阿姨妥善保管。
- 7. It has been four decades since Pilar Maroto lost her newborn son, but tears still fill her eyes when she speaks of him.
- PilarMaroto失去她的新生儿至今已有四十年之久,但是每当她说起自己的儿子,眼中依然饱含泪水。
- 8. In Washington D. C., a couple like Pakistani-born Jerry Sequeira and his Spanish-born wife Pilar do not turn any heads.
- 在华盛顿特区,类似由在巴基斯坦出生的杰里·赛克拉和他在西班牙出生的妻子帕拉组成的夫妇比比皆是。
- 9. Thee pilar equipped with self-lubricating system doesnneed any hand lubrication, the machine usage life hence is improved.
- 立柱配有自润滑系统,不需人工加油,提高了机器的使用寿命。
- 10. Pilar is now a museum piece "like some old and gasping browned-out whale" in the garden of Hemingway's house outside Havana.
- “比拉”号现在“像一条喘着粗气的泛黄的老鲸鱼”一样陈列在海明威位于哈瓦那郊外的房子的花园里,现在已经成为了博物馆。
- 11. The pilar difference measurement and instrument comparison is basic to the quality and usage of the recorded geomagnetic data.
- 墩差测量和仪器比测是地磁观测中最基本的工作,直接影响到观测资料的质量和使用价值。
- 12. Decorated with metal buckle woven Pilar chain handbag Leather woven Zip Satchel with bright crisp design details complement each other.
- 缀有金属环扣的织皮拉链手袋leather WovenZipSatchel与爽朗明快的设计细节相得益彰。
- 13. And in the process you dispelled, at least in your own mind, the rumors that the Pilar on view in Cuba is an impostor, not Hemingway's actual boat.
- 在创作这本书时你散布了这样的传言,至少在你脑海中,古巴供展览的“比拉号”只是一个仿冒品,不是真正的海明威的那艘船。
- 14. Through the analysts of the causes of pilar foundation ground caved in and formation of cracks, the preventive measures and remedy methods are proposed in this paper.
- 通过对桩基础地面凹陷、裂缝产生原因的分析,提出了预防措施和治理办法。
- 15. The support and intersection Beam – Pilar, is the basis of the project's and structural system's expression, creating a formal game based on the breakdown of symmetries;
- 支撑和交叉的梁-柱,是该项目和其结构系统表现的基础,基于打破对称性而形成的一个严肃的场所;
- 16. Pilar, one of the most influential and passionate characters (though not the love interest), displayed the 'Everyman' fierce peasant spirit and embodied the name of the author's fishing vessel.
- 皮拉尔是其中最有影响力和充满激情的人物(虽然不是爱慕对象),他展示了“普通人”强烈的农民精神,皮拉尔是作者的渔船名字。
- 17. Pilar, one of the most influential and passionate characters (though not the love interest), displayed the 'Everyman' fierce peasant spirit and embodied the name of the author's fishing vessel.
- 皮拉尔是其中最有影响力和充满激情的人物(虽然不是爱慕对象),他展示了“普通人”强烈的农民精神,呈现了作者的渔船的名字。
- 18. Pilar, one of the most influential and passionate characters (though not the love interest), displayed the 'Everyman' fierce peasant spirit and embodied the name of the author's fishing vessel.
- 皮拉尔是其中最有影响力和充满激情的人物(虽然不是爱慕对象),他展示了“普通人”强烈的农民精神,呈现了作者的渔船的名字。