- 1. Most Marine plants can live only in the photic zone.
- 海洋植物多半只能生活在透光层里。
- 2. Most marine plants can live only in the photic zone .
- 海洋植物多半只能生活在透光层里。
- 3. Objective To establish retinal photic injury model of rat.
- 目的建立大鼠视网膜光损伤模型。
- 4. Photic birefringence effect of magnetic fluid in magnetic field.
- 磁流体磁光特性的研究及其应用。
- 5. It will be better if metal modified apatite is covered by photic organic film substantially.
- 最好金属改性磷灰石在实质上被透光性的有机膜覆盖。
- 6. Photic inner bag can be set in the facing, the face can jointed by several photic polygon leathers.
- 在皮面内还可设透光的内胆,皮面则可由多块多边形皮革块用可透光的拼接条拼接而成。
- 7. Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in preventing the photic injury of retina and optic cell apoptosis.
- 结论辅酶Q 10对光损伤引起的视网膜损害及视细胞凋亡有较好的防护作用。
- 8. Effect of the pumping intensity to detecting photic field in laser phase-conjugate resonator is analysed.
- 分析了泵浦光强对激光相位共轭谐振腔中探测光场的作用。
- 9. This process continues until the end of the photic zone, where eye size drops off as their is no light to see with.
- 这个过程继续直到光斩的区域的结尾,眼睛大小下降因为他们不是光看见与。
- 10. Conclusion Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in preventing the photic injury of retina and optic cell apoptosis.
- 结论辅酶Q 10对光损伤引起的视网膜损害及视细胞凋亡有较好的防护作用。
- 11. Objective To explore the protective mechanism and effect of coenzyme Q10 on the retinal photic injury in experimental rats.
- 目的观察辅酶Q 10对实验性大鼠视网膜光损伤的防护作用及其机制。
- 12. Under an external magnetic field, light waves in a magnetic fluid will produce the phenomenon of photic birefringence effect.
- 磁性液体是一种特殊的高分子稳定胶体,对外施磁场特别敏感。
- 13. Another theory suggests that tears leaking into the nose through the nasolacrimal duct are a cause of the photic sneeze reflex.
- 另一个理论认为,把鼻子眼泪通过鼻泪管泄漏是一种光的反射引起喷嚏。
- 14. It means that electro-acupuncture and system injecting 8-OH-DPAT improved affinity of 5-HT7 receptors but photic stimuli decreased it in.
- 说明电针和8-OH-DPAT均能使5-HT7受体的亲和力增强,而光脉冲刺激则可抑制其亲和力。
- 15. Because of residential building is the main location for peoples rest, thus the residential indoor sonic and photic environment is significant.
- 由于住宅是人们休息的主要场所,因此住宅室内声环境和光环境有着举足轻重的作用。
- 16. Use 12 HRS every day and 365 days per year, it can be last more than 20 years, it is effective way that convert the electricity to photic energy.
- 每天使用12小时,每年使用365天,可使用约20多年,是将电能转化为光能的最有效方式。
- 17. The effect of test stress on mental health consist in anxiety, depression, paranoid ideation, obsessive-compulsive, photic anxiety, sleep and diet.
- 考试应激对高中生心理的影响主要表现在焦虑、抑郁、偏执、强迫、恐怖、睡眠和饮食方面。
- 18. It can be concluded that the unifying admittance operator is compatible not only with integrated circuits but also with photic integrated circuits.
- 结果表明,导纳统一算符的分析方法不仅运用于集成电路,也运用于集成光路。
- 19. Conclusions Dexamethasone play an effective role in preventing and curing the photic injury of light and the optic cell apoptosis in experimental rats.
- 结论地塞米松对实验性大鼠视网膜光损伤及视细胞凋亡有较好防治作用。
- 20. This invention discloses a noctilucent leather ball. Its leather facing is photic, power supply and electric control luminous element are set in the ball.
- 本发明公开了一种夜光皮球,其皮面是透光的,球内设有电源和电控发光元件。
- 21. Photic sneeze reflex is a medical condition by which people sneeze with sudden exposure to bright light, and possibly also sneeze many times consecutively.
- 反射光的打喷嚏是医疗条件,其中包括人民打喷嚏突发接触强光,也可能多次连续打喷嚏。
- 22. Methods Establish retinal photic injury model of rats use self-made light injury structure. Detect the contents variation of MDA and structure changes of retinal structure.
- 方法用自制光损伤装置建立大鼠视网膜光损伤模型,测定光损伤时不同时间点的MDA含量变化及光镜改变。
- 23. RESULTS The scores of somatization, anxiety, photic anxiety and psychoticism before the training were higher in recruits than in normal group of young population ( P
- 结果基础训练前新兵在躯体化、焦虑、恐惧、精神病性因子得分明显高于青年常模组(P
- 24. A new type UP resin system curing at room temperature was introduced as well as the influence of various initiators, promoters on the gel, curing and photic rate of the system.
- 介绍不饱和聚酯树脂新型室温固化体系,以及不同引发剂、促进剂对体系凝胶、固化和透光率的影响。
- 25. The photic field in the plane pisional uniform absorbing and dispersive dielectrics is quantized by the canonical quantum theory and the classical Greens function of the system.
- 借助系统经典格林函数,运用正则量子化方法,对平面分区均匀色散吸收介质中电磁场进行量子化。
- 26. The scores of somatization, obsessive compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, photic anxiety were the highest in the group of education level of elementary school and below.
- 不同受教育程度人群中躯体化、强迫症状、人际敏感、抑郁、恐惧等因子的差异有统计学意义。且小学及以下受教育程度组的各因子分均高于其他组。
- 27. This paper discusses the favorable condition of unifying admittance operator, and studies the application of unifying admittance operator in integrated circuits and photic integrated circuits.
- 该文讨论了导纳统一算符的运用条件,探讨了导纳统一算符在集成电路和集成光路中的应用。
- 28. This paper discusses the favorable condition of unifying admittance operator, and studies the application of unifying admittance operator in integrated circuits and photic integrated circuits.
- 该文讨论了导纳统一算符的运用条件,探讨了导纳统一算符在集成电路和集成光路中的应用。