- 1. The BRIT awards are the British Phonographic Industry's annual pop music awards.
- 全英音乐奖是英国唱片产业协会的年度流行音乐盛典。
- 2. Two years ago, legal action was initiated by the Protective Association of Phonographic Intellectual Property Rights (APDIF).
- 两年前,唱片知识产权保护协会(APDIF)进行了一项诉讼。
- 3. The campaign is a joint venture between Virgin Media and the British Phonographic Industry (BPI), which represents the major record labels.
- 这是维京传媒(Virgin Media)与英国唱片产业协会(British Phonographic Industry (BPI))的联合行动,代表了主要的唱片公司。
- 4. On the other hand, Chinese character is also ideo-phonographic writing, for it is formed of the symbol of idea and the symbol of phonograph.
- 从内部结构说,汉字主要是由意符和音符构成的,所以叫做意音文字。
- 5. The International Federation of the Phonographic industry (IFPI), an industry group, estimates that half of Russia's radio stations fail to pay royalties, for example.
- 例如,这个行业的组织,据国际唱片业联盟(IFPI)估计,全俄罗斯有一半的广播电台没有支付版税。
- 6. Facebook and the IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry), which has prominently complained about the Pirate Bay, could not be immediately reached for comment.
- 曾明显抱怨过海盗湾的Facebook公司和IFPI(国际唱片业协会)无法迅速对此做出置评。
- 7. Kendall, a chemist, co-founded Mack in 1920, he had experimented with Bakelite and urea at Thomas Edison Cos., trying to find a good replacement for wax used in phonographic records.
- 在1920年共同创办麦克以前,化学家当劳。肯德尔,他曾在托马斯·爱迪生公司试验胶木和尿素,试图寻找唱片中蜡的替代品。
- 8. Among the organizations he met with are Universal music group and the International Federation of the Phonographic industry, the trade group representing the music industry worldwide.
- 其中包括环球音乐集团和国际唱片业协会(IFPI)的有关负责人。
- 9. According to TorrentFreak, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) last week released their latest report, summing up the digital music landscape at the start of 2008.
- 根据TorrentFreak网站,国际唱片业协会(IFPI)在上周公布了最新的行业报告,在2008年年头总结了数字音乐的大环境。
- 10. According to TorrentFreak, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) last week released their latest report, summing up the digital music landscape at the start of 2008.
- 根据TorrentFreak网站,国际唱片业协会(IFPI)在上周公布了最新的行业报告,在2008年年头总结了数字音乐的大环境。