- 1. Designed by Pentagram, in 2000.
- 设计潘特格拉姆,在2000年。
- 2. And this is a polygon describing a pentagram.
- 下面是一个描述五角星形的多边形。
- 3. Another collection is red pentagram for boys.
- 还有男孩的收藏品就是红五星。
- 4. The Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram.
- 叙利亚的能量漩涡其实是一个五芒星。
- 5. Take your dagger and perform the invoking ritual of the pentagram.
- 拿起你的短剑去进行五芒星的召唤仪式。
- 6. In Season Two, it appears in flames and the "a" becomes a pentagram.
- 第二季的时候,Supernatural这些字从火焰中出现,而且其中的“a”还变成了五角星形。
- 7. Put your left hand down by your side and point to the center of the pentagram with your right.
- 放下你的左手,并以右手指向五芒星的中心。
- 8. His picture is a well-known example, in which we can find a Golden Triangle and also Pentagram.
- 他的照片是一个著名的例子,我们可以在其中找到一个金三角,也五角星。
- 9. The pentagon is an infinite occult symbol - it is the center of a pentagram and a pentagram fits perfectly inside a pentagon.
- 五角大楼是一个无限的神秘学像征-它是一颗五角星的中心,及五角星完美地嵌入一个五边形。
- 10. All five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past.
- 叙利亚五芒星的五个顶点都是叙利亚的重要城镇。这五个城市和过往强盛的女神能量有着深厚的渊源。
- 11. Stand facing North. Use either the Fire wand, Air Dagger or thumb wand of the right hand, to trace the lineal figure of the Pentagram.
- 面向北方站立。右手以火元素权杖、风元素短剑或是姆指宽度的权杖,画出五芒星。
- 12. The carambola seen from the front appears to the viewer as a pentagram, but a carambola seen from the side appears to be another thing.
- 杨桃从正面看上去像一颗五角星,但是从另外的角度看又像其他的东西。
- 13. If the information they're giving is valuable and truthful like with "Watergate" or "the Pentagram Papers", and their motive don't matter.
- 如果他们提供了宝贵且真实的信息,如同“水门事件”案或“五角大楼文件”案,那么他们的动机就不重要了。
- 14. It may take some experimentation to produce a pentagram with fairly even points, which will depend on the width of the shoe and the eyelet spacing.
- 要得到一个整洁的五角星可能需要一些试验,这取决于鞋子宽度和鞋孔大小。
- 15. She looked at Sister Mary, realized that Mr. Young had never seen the inside of a pentagram, and confined herself to pointing at Baby A and winking.
- 她看着玛丽修女,意识到杨先生从未见过黑色五芒星的奇妙(译者:被鲜血染成的呢~),也不是撒旦信徒。 所以她只是指着婴儿A冲玛丽修女挤了挤眼睛。
- 16. Into the "garage", will appear a large map, marked on the figure of the pentagram is a bridge, as long as you use hand touch you want to go to bridge can go.
- 进了“车库”,就会出现一张大地图,图上标着五角星的地方就是有桥的地方,你只要用手碰一下你要去的桥就可以走了。
- 17. In the hands of the Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of positive feminine energy.
- 一旦这个五芒星由光明势力掌管,它就能成为改变整个中东地区并且大量发送正面女性能量的圣地。
- 18. It occurred to me that we learned a text about drawing the carambola in primary school. The boy drew the carambola as a pentagram, so the classmates were all ridiculing him.
- 这让我不禁想起小学时候学的一篇课文,那个男孩因为将杨桃画得像一颗五角星而遭到同学的嘲笑。
- 19. Being a soldier and sacrifice our lives for the motherland is every boy's dream. Have a red pentagram is first step of this path, just like Pandongzi in the movie of Shinning red Star.
- 当兵为祖国牺牲是每个男孩的梦想,拥有一枚红五星是这条道路的第一步,电影闪闪红星里的潘东子就有这样一枚闪闪的红星。
- 20. Being a soldier and sacrifice our lives for the motherland is every boy's dream. Have a red pentagram is first step of this path, just like Pandongzi in the movie of Shinning red Star.
- 当兵为祖国牺牲是每个男孩的梦想,拥有一枚红五星是这条道路的第一步,电影闪闪红星里的潘东子就有这样一枚闪闪的红星。