- 1. For half an hour I haf peen trying to say dot I am ready to bose.
- 我不是讲了半天愿意给你当模特儿吗?
- 2. He picked up a ball-peen hammer, leaned on the passenger-side fender, and tapped twice on the EGR valve.
- 他拿起一个榔头,在右侧挡泥板前弯下身,轻轻敲了两下废气循环阀。
- 3. To peen sandblasting, Shot Blast Cleaning, green dust three series over 100 varieties - oriented products.
- 以喷丸喷砂、 抛丸清理、环保除尘三大系列100多个品种为主导产品。
- 4. The test results show that the average life of gear can increase40%approximately by taking peen shot for rear axle pinion gear.
- 台架试验表明,采用该喷丸机对后桥主动锥齿轮进行强化喷丸处理,齿轮的平均寿命提高约40%。
- 5. The parameters of two peen formings are analyzed. At the end, the paper also compares and analyses two technologies in all aspects.
- 论述了这两种喷丸成形技术的原理、特点和发展趋势,并对它们的工艺参数进行了分析和比较。
- 6. Shot peen forming and laser peen forming, two peen forming technologies, have been used to form sheet metals which have gently shapes.
- 机械喷丸成形和激光喷丸成形是两种喷丸成形技术,用于成形外形变化平缓的蒙皮类钣金零件。
- 7. The peak value of the shock force is the key factor in the micro laser peen forming. The deformation increases as the peak force increases.
- 激光冲击的峰值压力是箔材变形的主要因素,随峰值压力的提高,变形量增大;
- 8. Restoration of the shot-peened layer during overhaul is important to ensure that the shot-peen compressive residual stresses are maintained or restored.
- 大修中喷丸层的恢复相当重要,确保喷丸压缩层的剩余应力大修或应力恢复。
- 9. It has peen difficult for the people's learning foreign language, master and use vocabulary. The paper tells them several ways how to master foreign vocabulary.
- 学习词汇、掌握词汇、运用词汇,一直是困扰着外语学习者的难题。从多方面阐述了掌握外语词汇的学习方法。
- 10. The primary problem in using the method of Numerical Control Manufacture-Shot Peen forming to manufacture the part on rough is to determine the size of the roughcast.
- 采用毛坯数控加工-喷丸成形方法的首要问题是确定坯料结构尺寸。
- 11. The primary problem in using the method of Numerical Control Manufacture-Shot Peen forming to manufacture the part on rough is to determine the size of the roughcast.
- 采用毛坯数控加工-喷丸成形方法的首要问题是确定坯料结构尺寸。