- 1. When I returned the pannier had been stolen.
- 当我返回去的时候挂蓝已经丢了。
- 2. You could also put it in a pannier and carry it on a rack, which is a good option, but you might not want your clothes wrinkly for some reason.
- 你也可以将其放在篮子里,驼在车架上,这是一个好的选择。但你也许不希望你的衣服由于一些原因变得皱巴巴。
- 3. It turns out they weren't in the bike pannier at all, but in a carrier bag in my spare room, where I found six months after supposedly losing them.
- 结果表明,在我认为它们已经丢失六个月以后,他们并不在我的自行车挂筐里而是在我空置房间的一个手提袋里。
- 4. It turns out they weren't in the bike pannier at all, but in a carrier bag in my spare room, where I found six months after supposedly losing them.
- 结果表明,在我认为它们已经丢失六个月以后,他们并不在我的自行车挂筐里而是在我空置房间的一个手提袋里。