- 1. By the end of three years, scientists realised they'd found a paleontological treasure.
- 研究到最后三年,科学家们意识她在古生物进化学研究上具有重大的意义。
- 2. 40 years later scientists proved that the Piltdown man was a deliberate attempt at paleontological fraud.
- 40年后,科学家证明了皮尔丹人只是古生物学家们处心积虑的欺诈。
- 3. Paleontological evidence shows that the animals have been living on Yellowstone land for at least a thousand years.
- 古生物学证据表明,它们在黄石这片土地上生活了至少一千年。
- 4. In either case, the fossils provide a rare opportunity for examining a period shrouded in paleontological mystery.
- 但不管怎样,这些化石都提供了检验一段处于古生物学谜团之中的时期的难得机会。
- 5. They point out the age of ophiolite suite by paleontological method and the emplacement age of ophiolitic melange.
- 提出当前用古生物法确定蛇绿岩套形成时代及蛇绿混杂岩定位时代应注意的问题。
- 6. What we call the evolutionary hypothesis is an explanation of a host of biological and paleontological observations.
- 我们所说的进化假说是关于生物学和古生物学的大量观察的解释。
- 7. In 1992 he was co-recipient of the Paleontological Society's award for the most outstanding monograph in systematic palaeontology.
- 1992年,由于它在系统古生物领域发表了一篇杰出的著作,因此赢得了古生物学大奖。
- 8. Paleontological studies show that modern avian groups probably first appeared in the Paleocene and experienced an explosive radiation in the early Cenozoic.
- 古生物学研究表明,现生鸟类的最早出现是在古新世,而爆发性辐射演化发生在新生代早期。
- 9. He gave this talk at the North American Paleontological Convention in Cincinnati last month, and I think it's worth reading his words unfiltered, in context.
- 上个月在辛辛那提举行的“北美古生物学大会”上,他做了一段讲话,我觉得很值得联系上下文、不加过滤的读一读他的话。
- 10. Paleontological and petrological characteristics and structural features of these formations are entirely identical to those of the Mino terrane of the Japanese Islands.
- 该地体的地层古生物、岩石以及构造特征完全与日本列岛的美浓地体相同。
- 11. Yates, who is based at the University of the Witwatersrand's Bernard Price Institute for Paleontological research, led the research with a number of other local and international scientists.
- 叶茨任职于威特沃特斯兰大学的伯纳德·普莱斯古生物研究所,他领导许多其他当地和国际科学家进行这项研究。
- 12. These fossils not only enrich the content of the plant fossil assemblage in the study area but also provide an important paleontological basis for the determination of stratigraphic ages,...
- 这些化石不仅丰富了本区植物化石组合内容,而且对地层时代的确定及与邻区的对比和沉积环境的恢复提供了重要的古生物依据。
- 13. What might be mistaken for dinosaur bones being unearthed at a paleontological dig are some of the inpidual reefs that make up the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest tropical coral-reef system.
- 这幅图可能会被误认为是刚出土还没被清理干净的恐龙化石,其实那些是构成大堡礁的其中一些礁石。
- 14. What might be mistaken for dinosaur bones being unearthed at a paleontological dig are some of the inpidual reefs that make up the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest tropical coral-reef system.
- 这幅图可能会被误认为是刚出土还没被清理干净的恐龙化石,其实那些是构成大堡礁的其中一些礁石。