- 1. A lamb was born after orthotopic transplantation of frozen ovine ovarian tissue.
- 在自体原位移植冻存羊卵巢组织后,已产下一只子代羊。
- 2. These indicated that ha can promote the early embryonic development of ovine oocytes.
- 这说明HA可以促进绵羊卵母细胞的早期胚胎发育。
- 3. Ovine wall evening paper: Do you feel to had sought Chinese rich and powerful person?
- 羊城晚报:你觉得是不是已经把中国的富豪找遍了?
- 4. Ovine wall evening paper: Who is the Chinese plute that you feel you are respected most?
- 羊城晚报:你觉得自己最尊敬的中国富豪是谁?
- 5. Recently, a lamb was born after orthotopic transplantation of frozen ovine ovarian tissue.
- 目前,在自体原位移植冻存羊卵巢组织后,已产下一只健康子代羊。
- 6. Ovine theileriosis is caused by Theileria species and transmitted by ticks to sheep and goats.
- 羊泰勒虫病是由羊的泰勒虫引起的绵羊和山羊的一种蜱传性血液原虫病。
- 7. This paper suggested that KSOM can be used as serum free medium for ovine embryo development in vitro.
- 说明KSOM可以用于绵羊胚胎早期发育的无血清培养液。
- 8. Study Design. Dynamic triaxial biomechanical testing of immature and mature ovine spine motion segments.
- 研究设计:动态三维生物力学方法测试幼年和成年羊的脊柱运动节段。
- 9. Therefore, the method which we established in this paper was a good ways to extract TCA from ovine bile.
- 因此,该方法是从羊胆汁中提取纯化牛磺胆酸的有效方法。
- 10. In this paper we briefly introduced the structure, classification and function of ovine antimicrobial peptides.
- 作者综述了绵羊抗菌肽的结构、分类及其功能。
- 11. Composition: ovine meat and bone meal? Produced from the solid material left over after the dehydration of the offal and removal of the fat.
- 合成方式:绵羊肉骨粉?由脱水去脂后的动物的固体残余物制成。
- 12. The parthenogenesis efficiencies of bovine, ovine in vitro maturation(IVM) oocytes were also studied between ionomycin, electric activation and replaced medium.
- 这也说明了更换培养基不利于其体外囊胚发育率。
- 13. In the search for biomaterials we have identified ovine forestomach matrix (OFM), a thick, large format ECM which is biochemically perse and biologically functional.
- 在探索生物材料过程中,我们鉴定出具有多种生物化学和生物学功能的羊贲门窦基质(OFM),一种大而厚的细胞外基质。
- 14. The effects of different embryo bisection solutions and methods and embryo development stages on in vitro embryos bisection of ovine were researched in this experiment.
- 主要研究了胚胎分割液、分割方法和胚胎发育时期对绵羊体外生产胚胎的影响。
- 15. Created especially to moisturise, smooth and rejuvenate, these crèmes are enriched with Bee Propolis and Ovine Placenta to revitalise your skin for a more youthful complexion.
- 创造特别是对水份,让人们皮肤更光滑和充满活力,这些包含丰富羊胎素成份会使您的皮肤富有弹性,您的脸色更年轻。
- 16. Farmers in the United States have largely gotten out of the ovine game, and the country's stock has fallen from 64 million sheep to just 6 million since the end of World War II.
- 美国的农场主们基本上已经不再养羊,自从二战结束以来,全国储备从6400万头下降到了600万头。
- 17. Farmers in the United States have largely gotten out of the ovine game, and the country's stock has fallen from 64 million sheep to just 6 million since the end of World War II.
- 美国的农场主们基本上已经不再养羊,自从二战结束以来,全国储备从6400万头下降到了600万头。