- 1. Concern about over-use of chemicals?
- 担心过度使用化学品吗?
- 2. Over-use can cause rebound nasal congestion.
- 过度使用可能会导致反弹鼻塞。
- 3. By contrast, fertiliser subsidies encourage futile over-use of nitrogen in parts of China.
- 但与此形成对比的是,中国的部分地区却在通过化肥补贴来鼓励氮肥的无效的过度使用。
- 4. AJAX is great for some jobs, but don't over-use it or your site will be invisible to Google's ranking system.
- AJAX在完成某些工作上很出色,但别过分使用它,否则你的站点就会被Google的排名系统抛弃了。
- 5. Sure enough, the health industry letter talks of "reducing over-use and under-use of health care by aligning quality and efficiency incentives."
- 果然,医保行业在信中谈到了“通过整合质量与效益奖励,来减少医疗保健使用过度和使用不足的现象。”
- 6. His research showed how changing diet patterns, and especially over-use of a supplement, could play a role in explaining childhood asthma, he added.
- 他继续说道,他的研究表明,改变饮食结构,尤其是改变叶酸补剂的过度服用,可以在预防儿童哮喘方面发挥作用。
- 7. Many injuries, especially over-use injuries, can be completely avoided in many cases by simply taking regular breaks to stretch, change positions, and relax.
- 许多伤病,特别是劳累过度,都可以在一些情况下得到避免,只是需要一些定期的休假来喘口气,更换职位和放放松。
- 8. High temperatures, which are important for NDM-1 mobility, a crowded population, massive antibiotic over-use, under-use and misuse and poor infection control also contribute.
- 对NDM - 1的活性至关重要的高温,拥挤的人群,大规模的抗生素过度使用,不足量使用和误用以及落后的感染控制手段都加剧了该基因的传播。
- 9. For the majority of people living in the developed world, I often feel that the consequences of man's over-use of the planets resources are simply too abstract to generate the momentum for change.
- 对于生活在发达国家的大多数人而言,我总觉得人类过渡使用地球资源的后果表现得太抽象,根本产生不了什么变化。
- 10. We've tended to steer clear of heavily symbolic libraries and using symbols for method names, but I think this is an important feature of the language, which like any feature is possible to over-use.
- 我们其实也在避免使用重量级的符号库,避免用符号来做方法名,但我觉得这是Scala的一个很重要的特性,也跟其他特性一样,都有可能被过度使用。
- 11. Over the past century, human use of fresh water has increased at more than double the rate of population growth.
- 在过去的一个世纪里,人类对淡水的使用以超过人口增长率两倍的速度增长。
- 12. Over time, people began to use the word "restaurant" to refer to a place selling soup rather than the soup itself.
- 随着时间的推移,人们开始用“餐馆”这个词来指代卖汤的地方,而不是汤本身。
- 13. Over a decade or so, American teens' social media use shifted from an occasional activity to a routine one.
- 在过去十年左右的时间里,美国青少年对社交媒体的使用从偶尔的活动变成了日常活动。
- 14. A recent survey shows, over 53% people use the emoji when they are chatting online.
- 最近的一项调查显示,超过53%的人在网上聊天时会使用emoji 表情。
- 15. Electronic computers are now in common use all over the world.
- 电子计算机已在世界各地普遍使用。
- 16. Islanders from all over the Pacific learned to use the stars for navigation, and they passed this knowledge down from generation to generation.
- 来自太平洋各地的岛民学会了用星星来导航,并且他们将这一知识代代相传。
- 17. Over time, wives were less likely to use destructive strategies or withdraw, while husbands' use of these behaviors stayed the same through the years.
- 随着时间的推移,妻子不太可能使用破坏性的策略或退缩,而丈夫对这些行为的使用多年来保持不变。
- 18. Public health officials are reluctant to recommend the use of mosquito nets over children's beds in such areas.
- 公共卫生官员不建议在这些地区的儿童床上使用蚊帐。
- 19. Managers could use their knowledge of each employee to personalise the rewards over which they have control.
- 管理者可以利用他们对每位员工的了解来使奖励个性化,这些奖励是他们可以控制的。
- 20. One popular technique for hauling lumber was to use horses and oxen to drag logs over skid roads and rough tracks through the woods.
- 搬运木材的一种普遍手法是用马和牛在森林中的滑道和崎岖小路上拉木头。
- 21. Local people have also carved out over two hundred caves in the soft rock, and use them for everything from sacred burial places to food storage.
- 当地人还在这块松软的岩石上凿出了200多个洞穴。它们有着各种各样的用途,用作神圣的墓地也用作食物储藏室。
- 22. About 70% of this is consumed by the global agriculture sector, and the level of use will continue to rise over the coming decades.
- 其中约70%是由全球农业部门消耗的,在未来几十年里使用水平将继续上升。
- 23. The disagreement arose over a different use of terminology.
- 分歧的缘起在于专门用语使用的不同。
- 24. Armed groups use their power to tyrannize over civilians.
- 武装组织用它们的武力来欺压平民。
- 25. As the saying goes — it's no use crying over spilt milk.
- 常言道:覆水难收,后悔也于事无补。
- 26. Moves by Barcelona and Venice to deal with the phenomenon of "over-tourism" through the use of charges have recently gained prominence.
- 巴塞罗那和威尼斯以收费的方式解决“过度旅游”现象的举措最近得到了关注。
- 27. Even if you don't use them, you should be able to save $89 over the one-way fare.
- 即使你不用它们,和单程票比,你也可以省下89美元。
- 28. If it has its own IP address, we can use the access point itself over the network; this is less secure, but more fun to use for a demo.
- 如果它有自己的IP地址,那么我们就可以在网络上使用接入点本身了;这样做的安全性要差一些,但在用于演示方面会更有趣。
- 29. I would use credit cards over debit cards because of liability issues.
- 因为责任问题,我会使用信用卡而不是借记卡。
- 30. I would use credit cards over debit cards because of liability issues.
- 因为责任问题,我会使用信用卡而不是借记卡。