- 1. To save the trouble of carrying them, her aunt had dressed her in her Sunday clothes over her workday garments.
- 为了省去搬东西的麻烦,她的阿姨给在她平时穿的衣服外面又给她套上了节日穿的衣服。
- 2. There'll be trouble over this, mark my words.
- 记住我的话,这件事是会有麻烦的。
- 3. We have had trouble with people damaging hedges, uprooting trees and pushing over walls.
- 我们与毁篱、拔树、推墙之徒发生了纠纷。
- 4. She was getting into trouble over playing truant from school.
- 她由于逃学而遇到了麻烦。
- 5. The days when a kid came home from school and said, "I got into trouble", and dad said, "you probably deserved it", are over.
- 一个孩子从学校回到家说“我遇到麻烦了”,然后爸爸说,“你可能是自作自受”,这样的日子过去了。
- 6. Over the years, out of a sense of respect, I imagine, I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies.
- 多年来,出于尊重,我认为我有用过时的礼节拒绝打扰女性。
- 7. They were jubilant with vanity over their new grandeur and the illustrious trouble they were making.
- 他们对自己的新光荣事迹和他们所制造的大麻烦洋洋得意,充满了虚荣心。
- 8. If the investigation uncovers anything, it wouldn't be the first time a telecom provider got into trouble over the broadband speeds it promised and delivered customers.
- 如果该调查有所发现的话,这就不是电信服务商第一次因其承诺的宽带速度和实际提供给顾客的网速不一致而陷入麻烦。
- 9. We can get over the trouble as long as we depend on our own country.
- 只要我们依靠自己的国家,就能克服困难。
- 10. Whenever I get in trouble, I ask Grandma to come over for dinner.
- 无论何时我遇到麻烦,我就叫奶奶过来吃晚饭。
- 11. The storm has subsided.; The trouble has blown over.
- 风暴平息了。
- 12. Trouble is, the crisis is far from over.
- 但问题是,这场危机远未结束。
- 13. I think it was totally unnecessary; it should have been avoided rather than costing all the people trouble because there's been a lot of traffic and disruptions all over.
- 她说她烦透了。她说:“我认为这完全没有必要,它应该是可以避免的,而不是给所有人造成麻烦,现在到处都是交通拥挤,混乱不堪。”
- 14. If you start over caring for items, and trying to over maintain them, it can can end up causing more trouble than its worth.
- 如果你过度关心某事,并努力维持,它就会引起比其自身更多的麻烦而终止。
- 15. It's easy to not realize how much charging a cup of coffee here, and a new book there, can add up over the course of the month and get you in trouble.
- 人们很容易就忽视这里买一杯咖啡那里买一本新书,在一个月中慢慢累加起来会有多少钱,最后可以置你于麻烦中。
- 16. Simultaneously, insurance giant AIG announced it was in so much trouble (over underwriting the bad decisions of big Banks) that it needed to be bailed out.
- 同时,保险巨头AIG表示遇到了巨大的困难(比那些银行更严重),需要外界的救援。
- 17. For some people, it feels like too much trouble to have a friend over or do the things that everyone else does. You just never know how your parent will act.
- 对一些人而言,接待朋友或者做一些其他事情都变得困难重重,因为你永远不知道父母会怎么反应。
- 18. So yeah, if you’re having trouble, go take a walk, or find some new materials, but don’t linger over what it all means. Start playing.
- 所以,当你处在困境之中,去散散步吧,或者去发现一些新的东西,不要只是停留在那件事上,要开始行动。
- 19. Most of us over 40 — OK, 50 — have some trouble sleeping through the night.
- 我们中的大部分人超过了40岁------好吧-----50岁------有一些夜间睡眠问题。
- 20. Every morning my precious double trouble brigade wakes me up whenever they want to and often the first thing I see is some trouble or a fight over a toy.
- 每天早上,我宝贝的两个大麻烦总是能如愿地吵醒我,我醒过来首先看到的总是一片狼藉或是他俩在争夺一个布娃娃。
- 21. Many DW teams run into trouble when they try to over-specify what they're trying to achieve, a questionable goal at best when we know that our stakeholders are going to change their minds.
- 许多DW团队在试图过分细化他们想实现的东西时会遇到困难,当我们知道涉众要改变想法时,最好制定一个并不精确的目标。
- 22. Over the next year, the company runs into trouble.
- 下一年公司经营管理出现困难。
- 23. The decision once made, a glow of strange enjoyment threw its flickering brightness over the trouble of his breast.
- 这决定一旦做出之后,一般欣喜异常的色彩便将其跳动的光辉投射到他胸中的烦恼之上。
- 24. One reason is to avoid confusion or semi-forgery. I'm not especially worried that someone will take over my identity in this way, but there's no reason to invite trouble.
- 一方面是为了避免造成混淆或被部分伪造,我倒不是特别担心一些人会用这种方式冒充我的身份,只是麻烦能避则避。
- 25. So much trouble over a little bit of bone.
- 一小块骨头惹出了多少麻烦。
- 26. For News Corp., it's the reason the trouble is far from over.
- 对于新闻集团来说,这也是其麻烦不断的症结所在。
- 27. If different applications and services are waiting for data over the network, or your clients are having trouble connecting or receiving the information, then you need to address these issues.
- 如果应用程序和服务等待通过网络传输的数据,或者客户机无法连接它们或接收信息,就需要解决这些问题。
- 28. Tom Cruise made his maiden visit to India over the weekend, but the Hollywood actor had trouble believing he was finally here.
- 汤姆·克鲁斯于周末现身印度,这位好莱坞演员是第一次来印度,但他不敢相信他终于来到了这里。
- 29. The minute we begin to focus on our own wants and needs over those of God or our partner; we're destined for trouble.
- 一旦我们开始将自己的需求置于上帝和我们爱人的需求之上时,我们就注定了要失败。
- 30. The minute we begin to focus on our own wants and needs over those of God or our partner; we're destined for trouble.
- 一旦我们开始将自己的需求置于上帝和我们爱人的需求之上时,我们就注定了要失败。