- 1. The most obvious sufferers of overcrowding are the beleaguered commuters whose story is so often told, and whose pain is felt daily on over-stuffed trains or tubes.
- 受到过度拥挤影响最明显的一个群体是遭受四面围攻的上下班的人们。他们的故事总是被提起;他们感受的痛苦是每天在过于拥挤的地铁车厢里。
- 2. Quickly Lizette stuffed cotton in her ears; then, with the cloak over her head and looking mostly at her own feet, she followed the street through the city till she came to the north gate.
- 莉莎特迅速用棉花塞住耳朵,然后蒙着头,几乎是完全盯着自己的脚,顺着街道穿过城市,来到了北门。
- 3. Over the years, everything from gas canons, pyrotechnics, lasers, ultrasound, stuffed owls and radio-controlled model aircraft have been tried to scare birds away from runways.
- 多年来,气体标准、烟火使用、激光、超声波、猫头鹰标本和无线电控制的模型飞机,这一切都尝试着将鸟从跑道上吓跑。
- 4. Others had greatcoats tied over their heads; some had their mouths stuffed with sawdust.
- 有人被厚外套蒙住头;有人嘴里被塞满了锯木屑。
- 5. Hanging above these glass cases are specimens that the museum has collected over the years, all stuffed and mounted for easy viewing.
- 悬挂在玻璃橱柜上方的标本,是博物馆多年的收藏。所有的标本都裱好了,方便游客参观。
- 6. They bought two stuffed bears and stitched a card over each one`s heart, bearing the farewell words of the mother.
- 他们买了两只玩具小熊并且把卡片封存在这对小熊里,每张卡片上都写着这位母亲告别的话语。
- 7. There were several rooms just like it stuffed into a building that had a gate over the front door and bars on the bathroom window.
- 整个建筑被很多这样的小格子塞满,仅有一个门可以进出,在浴室窗口有一个小吧台。
- 8. A man throws a stuffed animal to his wife as they clean up the debris from their apartment, damaged by a February 2008 tornado over Lafayette, Tennessee.
- 2008年2月,龙卷风掠过田纳西州拉斐特后,一名男子和妻子在清理被摧毁的公寓中破碎的物品。
- 9. Illegal demand for its shell, and for its eggs, meat and even stuffed juveniles as exotic gifts, have led to the dramatic decline of this species over the last century.
- 非法需要龟甲、卵、肉甚至是幼龟,导致上个世纪玳瑁海龟的数量剧减。
- 10. Over his head was a bull's head, stuffed by a Madrid taxidermist; on the walls were framed photographs and bull-fight posters.
- 他的头顶上方悬挂着一只公牛头,是由马德里的动物标本剥制师制作的。墙上挂着装在相框里的照片,还有斗牛海报。
- 11. For a lot of bigger stunts they'd just throw a stuffed toy over a waterfall for example.
- 比如说有很多大的特技镜头他们会把一个玩偶扔到瀑布里。
- 12. I stuffed everything in my bag, slung the strap over my shoulder, and sucked in a huge breath.
- 余塞进一切在我的包,挂带了我的肩膀,并卷入巨大一口气。
- 13. On their boat on one occasion, two women threw punches over an argument concerning the arrangement of stuffed peppers on a tray.
- 有一次在他们船上,两个女人因争论胡椒粉怎么装盘而扭打起来。
- 14. I stuffed everything in my bag, slung the strap over my shoulder, and sucked in a huge breath.
- 我把所有东西都塞进书包里,把书包带甩到肩后,然后深吸一口气。
- 15. As usual, the female colleagues over ordered and did not manage some plates... Men got extra food at last. All stuffed back to office!
- 一如往常,女同事们点了太多的食物,到最后男生就有口福了(吃剩下的食物,还叫有口福?)…总之全部人都满“肚”而归。
- 16. Soon, Gabrielle slides off her mother's lap and moves over to her stuffed animals.
- 很快,加布里埃从妈妈的大腿上滑了下去,走向填充动物玩具。
- 17. When the surgery was over, my mom gave me a green dragon stuffed animal as a present. It's pretty cool.
- 当手术结束的时候,我的妈妈送给我一个绿色的填充龙的礼物,很好玩儿。
- 18. Besides more than 90 varieties of stuffed bun, its restaurants also offer over 200 kinds of dishes.
- 餐厅提供超过90个品种的包子,同时还提供200多道菜品。
- 19. Inside, a wall-mounted zebra head watches over glass cabinets stuffed with old books, seashells and the skull of a baboon.
- 那个商店里的装饰也很独特。一个壁挂式斑马头手表。在放着贝壳和头骨的玻璃柜里装满了旧书。
- 20. Pour the sauce over the stuffed chillies, sprinkle some chopped cilantro or spring onion for garnishing.
- 把煮好的酱汁淋到酿辣椒上,撒葱花,就可以开吃了!
- 21. Dip the steamed stuffed fish with beaten egg, then coat with tapioca flour. Deep-fry in the hot oil over high heat until golden in colour and crispy. Dish up, cut into slices and serve.
- 把蒸好的酿鱼沾上蛋液,再铺上薯粉,放入热油里以大火炸呈金黄香脆,捞起,切片食用。
- 22. Dip the steamed stuffed fish with beaten egg, then coat with tapioca flour. Deep-fry in the hot oil over high heat until golden in colour and crispy. Dish up, cut into slices and serve.
- 把蒸好的酿鱼沾上蛋液,再铺上薯粉,放入热油里以大火炸呈金黄香脆,捞起,切片食用。